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Blind Date Turned Proposal (Josie and Dexter)

Chapter 1367
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The ways they had fun hadn't really changed, revolving primarily around women and alcohol. On the first floor, they engaged in casual conversations, while on the second, a few of them gathered together for a gof cards. The entire mansion was bustling with activity.

Everyone seemed cheerful except for Josie, who sat listlessly, fiddling with her phone absentmindedly and contemplating whether or not to give Dexter another call.

She hadn't heard from him since he hung up just now; it was like the calm before a storm.

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Since Josie was brought here by Morgan, no one dared bother her. She was left alone for an hour until Jasper cover and drawled, "Morgan has never brought a woman to hang out with us before." Josie put her phone away. "How often does he get to see you guys in a year?" "A couple of times, mostly toward the end of the year." "Does he always calone?" Jasper seemed excited. "Yeah. You're the only woman I've seen around him." Josie smiled. "You can try pleasing other girls by saying that, but don't bother trying it on me." Morgan is never one to settle down. Even if I do have a place in his heart, he'll never be loyal to me.

Jasper panicked when she refused to believe him. "I swear I'm telling the truth. Well, you're not exactly the only one. A year ago, also in Newcove, a woman clooking for Morgan. I didn't get to see her face clearly. Morgan exchanged a few words with her, and then she left. That's all." "What kind of woman? A hot one or an innocent one?" Jasper rubbed his forehead to jog his memory. "I think it's a mix of both. She has a strong feminine charm." Josie didn't really care. "I have to go to the restroom." Jasper grabbed her hand. "Please don't be upset. I don't mean to upset you. Morgan's going to givea hard tif he finds out." Josie couldn't be bothered even to entertain him.

She remembered the last tshe saw Morgan was when he entered a side room on the lower floor and never cout. When no one was paying attention, Josie seized the chance to quietly descend the stairs and slipped out of the mansion.

The mansion's backyard stretched out in a secluded expanse, its depths veiled by overhanging branches twisted into unique, beautiful patterns.

Josie trod upon the cobblestone e path, noticing the glow of lights from the courtyard house a distance away. The soft murmur of love conversation could be faintly heard.

The mansion was bustling with excitement, while the quiet backyard served as a great place for discussions.

She lightened her steps, cautiously making her way over. Just as she was about to cross the stone archway, she was stopped by two pairs of hands.

She gave a start and noticed two bodyguards dressed in camouflage standing at the door, blending seamlessly into the night. Their expressions were stern. "This is private property. Please head back." Observing their figures, Josie noticed they were much more intimidating than typical bodyguards.

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"My friend is inside. I cto find him," she said.

"Please head back," they repeated, their tone solemn.

Josie realized she was no match for them and was about to give up when she suddenly noticed someone emerge from the courtyard house. Lifting her head, she looked in the direction ofthe person. The bodyguard was a step ahead of her, shielding her view with his body. "Miss, don't makerepeat myself." "Really? I can't even take a glance?" she muttered under her breath.

A familiar voice echoed. "Who's out there?" It was Morgan.

He approached, brushing past the bodyguards with a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth. Seeing Josie standing there pouting, he asked with mirth, "What are you doing here?" "I'm lost, Morgan." She shot him a pleading look.

Morgan didn't bother verifying whether she was lying and passed the bodyguards two cigarettes. "Sir, this is my girlfriend. Please don't take it to heart." Sir? So they're really not bodyguards.