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Blind Date Turned Proposal (Josie and Dexter)

Chapter 1358
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Josie sat beside Laura, engrossed in compiling the meeting minutes.

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"Over the past couple of years, we've gradually established ourselves in the healthcare industry. Our commerce department has significantly improved as well. We've reached a preliminary agreement to collaborate with Eccentric Corporation, and we're currently in the contract review stage. Discussions about additional funding are still ongoing. I'd appreciate any advice you could give, Ms. Brandel." Laura was flipping through the documents. "How much is their proposed investment?" Josie looked up, her gaze landing on the man who had given the report. The nameplate in front of the man read: Hector Leigh.

In his early thirties, Hector appeared quite youthful and held the position of the head of the commerce department.

Hector made a gesture. "This much." "Two hundred million? What an enormous appetite Eccentric Corporation has." Laura scoffed with a smirk.

"The product that Eccentric Corporation just developed is the cornerstone of the medical industry. Countless people are eyeing it covetously. I heard that even Russell Group wants a piece of the action." Josie slightly lowered her head, recalling that Dexter seemed to have mentioned it before, but she hadn't paid attention.

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"Is two hundred million enough?" Hector was somewhat taken aback. "What do you mean?" "I've approved this project, and additional resources can be allocated when necessary," Laura said, turning to Josie. "After all, when competing with Russell Group, no amount is too much." Those were smeaningful words.

"If Russell Group is determined to win, we might not stand a chance," someone added. "The current financial flow of Russell Group is totally unpredictable to the outside world." This individual, named Lawrence Yandell, was somewhat advanced in years.

He chuckled as he looked at Laura. “Ms. Brandel, I heard you used to have a good relationship with Mr. Russell. Why not try to feel him out?" Laura wore a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "For such a project, it's hardly worth it.” Hector said, "It may not be that extreme, but Russell Group's venture capital is renowned. If they decide to compete in this field, they're sure to send out their top talents. If all we have to offer is financial backing, I'm afraid it may not be enough to sway Eccentric Corporation." "Is there a suitable candidate?" "We're in the midst of preparations." "Is Eccentric Corporation the company that no one knows who the behind-the-scenes boss is?" Josie suddenly spoke up. Everyone turned to look at her. Only then did Lawrence cto his senses. “Is this young lady the beloved daughter of Mr. Olsen?" Josie met his gaze. "I've seen you in my father's ward before." Outsiders often speculated about discord within the Olsen family, yet Josie had willingly referred to Mark as her father. With a chuckle, Lawrence said, "I've also heard about you, young lady. How cyou know about Eccentric Corporation?" "I enjoy hearing gossip. I've heard that their boss is quite enigmatic." Laura studied the intrigued Josie. "Since it's going to be a challenge for anyone who goes, why don't you give it a shot?" Josie was stumped. "Me?" "Yes. You can't truly experience life just by staying in my office. Go out and give it a try." Laura then added, "Hector, you take her with you." Leaning on the table with both hands, Hector asked with a hint of mockery, "This isn't quite right, is it?" Josie dismissed the thought. "I've never been involved in this industry. What if I mess things up?" "No worries, consider it as practice." The meeting then adjourned, and Hector approached Josie. "Hello, what should I call you?" he asked.

"I'm Josie Warren, but just callJosie." Hector's expression becsomewhat profound when he heard that surname. "I know who you are. You have a certain connection with Russell Group's Dexter." To say they had a deep connection was, indeed, a rather understated way to put it.

After arranging the documents on her desk, Josie said, "The past isan the past, As for the project collaboration, I'm still relying on you to guide me, Mr. Leigh. I should thank you in advance." It seemed like everyone assumed that Dexter was always indulging her. No one knew that they had just had a heated argument not long ago, ending on bad terms, and hadn't been in contact since. She was so at ease that it took Hector by surprise. Faced with an et unexpected situation, she didn't seem nervous at all, as if she had been prepared all along. S