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Blind Date Turned Proposal (Josie and Dexter)

Chapter 1348
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"Was there ever a twhen he didn't?" Indeed, it was the truth.

Dexter let out a light laugh. "You're quite the charmer." "Sto you." To get to Josie, one inevitably had to go through Dexter. So, in reality, Morgan was actually there for him.

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He glanced at the elegantly draped dress on the floor, remarking, "That dress was a good choice for you." "Yet, no matter the appeal of the attire, it's pointless without someone to admire it." The expensive designer dress, barely worn for a few hours, lay abandoned, its worth diminished.

Dexter appeared to exhale softly, caressing her cheek. "I promise to compensate you soon." Josie's internal turmoil began to subside. She playfully demanded, "I expect something even more exquisite next time." "Of course." Beneath the lamp's cozy illumination, the distance between them seemed to vanish. Gone were the days of withheld emotions and silence; they had matured, understanding the importance of clearing up misunderstandings.

They knew well the unique space they occupied in each other's lives, irreplaceable and distinct.

Feeling his gaze linger, Josie grew slightly uneasy. "It's late; you should head out," she suggested.

"Summoningfor dinner out of the blue, is there something on your mind?" His fingers wove through her hair, like a caress meant for a lover.

She fell silent, not wanting to divulge the truth behind the invitation. "No reason, really. I just needed company for dinner." "Why not dine with Morgan? He counts as company." Her mix of irritation and embarrassment prompted her to punch him lightly, scolding, "Don't test your luck!" His laughter was immediate. "You've missed me, haven't you?" "Tfor you to go," she insisted. “Mark's outside. He won't be able to rest with you here." "A little longer won't hurt." He sought confirmation, "Admit you've missed me." Despite his age, his plea was childlike, reluctant to leave her side, continuing with his endearments.

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"You'll leave if I say that?" "Yeah." She braced herself. "Maybe... I've missed you a bit." His amusement grew at her flushed cheeks and red ears. "A bit is plenty," he responded.

His hand ventured further, caressing her smooth, alabaster legs. His presence was overwhelming, his breath heavy upon her. Corneredet Josie found herself silent, succumbing to his lead, her head tilting back as she accepted his kiss. Their kiss was lingering, challenging to break. "Mm..." The intensity awakened Josie to her senses, pushing him back with firmness. "Stop, this isn't right..." She realized, almost out of breath, that Dexter's approach was far too unrestrained, their surroundings far from appropriate for such wild endeavors. Fortunately, Dexter didn't insist further. After their kiss, he adjusted her hair. "You don't have to worry about Juliette. I've clarified things with her, and it's settled." Josie hesitantly acknowledged, "I've never been overly concerned about such issues. You should've just toldyou were meeting her." "Right, it was my mistake." Josie glanced toward the window. "I et was actually coming to inquire about something..." She hesitated before continuing, "Have you been keeping tabs on Laura's activities within Olsen Group over these last few years?" Dexter's reaction was one of mild surprise, his eyebrow arching inquisitively. "Have you started to question her intentions?" "I don't want to be left out of the loop." Dexter appeared momentarily lost in thought. After a short contemplation, he committed, "I'll compile a comprehensive overview for you." The matter was complex, involving considerable detail and requiring meticulous organization.

"How long will it take?" "I'll give it to you tomorrow." "No need to deliver it to the hospital; I'll cto you," she insisted, urgency in her voice.

Dexter straightened up. "It's good that you're cautious, but haste isn't always advisable. Let's approach this methodically. I'm here for you; we won't mess this up." "Okay."