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Blind Date Turned Proposal (Josie and Dexter)

Chapter 1322
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She immediately crouched down, examining the child's forehead. "Are you okay? Does it hurt?" Despite her gentleness, Grape instinctively stepped back, clinging onto Moses' leg. "You're the one who quarreled with my mom. I don't like you." Claudia was at a loss for words. Upon closer inspection, she was even more convinced Grape resembled Josie.

With an apologetic expression, Moses said, "Mrs. Olsen, I'm sorry about that. She's a kid; she doesn't know what she's talking about." Claudia pursed her lips. This child is extremely reliant on Moses but doesn't knowat all.

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"It's all right." She reached out, caressing Grape's soft cheek. "Your nis Grape, right? We will meet again in the future." After Claudia left, Grape timidly blinked and asked, "Mr. Chakov, who was that?" Moses was at a loss for words, unsure how to explain when Dexter's voice rang out. “She's someone you'll have to respect in the future." Looking up, they saw the man emerge from the shadows, his tone solemn.

Josie had been listless at work all day.

As Juliette passed by her office and noticed something was wrong, she knocked and entered. "What's wrong? Are you still troubled by the incident the other day? I've already explained it to Dexter personally. He surely won't blyou." Josie forced a smile, wanting to tell Juliette it was not about that, but she didn't know how to explain. "That's great. Thanks for your help, Juliette." "I was also to blame. I owe you an apology. Rest assured, if you wish, I can continue to make arrangements-" "Forget it." Before she could finish, Josie cut her off, "Let's leave it at that. The project is already in its final stages. I can't cause you any more trouble, Juliette." Juliette frowned in concern and spoke after a moment of hesitation. "I'll treat you to a meal once the project is over. You must come, okay?" Josie nodded in agreement.

Chapter 1322 We Will Meet Again 1 As for Dexter's suspicions, Josie decided to put that aside, for she was reluctant to believe that Juliette was that kind of person.

Chapter 1322 We Will Meet Again 2 Throughout her journey, she couldn't stop thinking about how much of a coincidence it was that Claudia happened to discover Grape's existence that very night.

Logically speaking, this slip-up shouldn't have happened, for Dexter must've kept it completely confidential.

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She couldn't figure that out no matter how hard she tried, and by the tshe lifted her head, the car had already pulled up outside the Russell Mansion.

Almost inaudibly, she sighed.

She didn't inform Dexter in advance, as the Russells treated her just like family. The servants bowed and greeted her, allowing her entry.

She was free to roam the place.

Chapter 1322 We Will Meet Again 3 Josie got tired from walking and found herself sitting on a bench by the lake, her mind in a constant state of turmoil.

After what felt like an eternity, she was about to get up when a voice rang out beside her. "It'd be a shnot to have a drink while enjoying such a beautiful view." It was none other than Dexter. He had arrived unnoticed, standing tall and poised under the streetlight, his gaze deep and brooding while he carried two bottles of wine in his hand.

"What are you-" "I was informed of your arrival from the moment you entered. I didn't disturb you because I didn't want to spoil your mood." He didn't want to spoil my mood, huh? Josie let out a soft chuckle before settling back onto the bench.