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Blind Date Turned Proposal (Josie and Dexter)

Chapter 1292
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From the start, the duties for the Serenity Project were well-outlined. Juliette handled the technical support and furnishings, while the task of supplying the properties and clients fell to the Olsen family.

Today, they would be meeting Maverick Quigley, the person in charge of Olsen Properties.

Josie had inquired about this man before. He was a highly capable individual, who at the tender age of thirty-five had already secured a top position for himself. Even Laura had nothing but praise for him.

On the way, Juliette's assistant, Winona Shaw, said to Josie, "He has a nice name. I wonder what he's like." Juliette was supposed to ctoday, but she had a last-minute engagement, so she sent her capable assistant instead.

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Maverick was already waiting, ready to view a property with them.

Josie ended her call. It was Dexter who had contacted her, inquiring about her plans for the day. Once he learned of them, he mentioned that Moses would be waiting nearby with Grape for her.

She didn't get the chance to ask about him.

Maverick matched the image they had in their minds. He was clad in a black suit, his smile warm and affable. “It's truly an honor to meet you, Ms. Warren, Ms. Shaw. I've been instructed to ensure that both of you are well taken care of." He was well acquainted with the Olsen family. Josie had a pretty good idea who had given him the instruction.

"You must be kidding, Mr. Quigley. Your reputation precedes you. It should be our honor." The Olsen family owned the most comprehensive real estate portfoin Wavery. From a high vantage point, one could gaze upon the vast expanse of the azure ocean in this district.

"Mr. Olsen invested a significant amount of money to purchase this piece of land. His intention was to construct a comfortable high-rise building to sell to middle-class families. Before the widespread adoption of smart htechnology, they were his best customers," Maverick said.

Josie meticulously noted down the layout of the house and had a rough idea in her mind.

"You really are meticulous in your work, Ms. Warren" praised Maverick.

Josie smiled and stopped what she was doing. “Middle class... I'm not so sure, Mr. Quigley. Don't underestimate the potential of the emerging market." Maverick slapped his forehead. "Of course, but that is something to be discussed a decade later, right?" Josie didn't see it that way. She believed that in the short term, the declining market might not be able to accommodate a smart hsystem, but the scould not be said a few years later.

"In a few years, the advancement of smart applications in everyday life will certainly skyrocket. By then, MS. Witherspoon's businesses will not be confined to the middle class alone. Mr. Quigley, it's best to prepare in advance." S She spoke with a playful tone, yet her words were firm as if she carried this confidence within her.

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Maverick paused, a hint of sarcasm tugging at his lips. "Thank you for the heads up, Ms. Warren. Indeed, foresight is essential. Perhaps in a few years, I'll be addressing you as Ms. Olsen." Josie's expression darkened.

This person has no sense of boundaries.

As if on purpose, he added, "I'm hosting a dinner at Enigma International tonight. I wonder if I have the chance to win your favor in advance, Ms. Warren." Josie and Winona exchanged glances. The latter said, "Mr. Quigley, having a meal wasn't part of the plan." "I know, but we need to be adaptable in our dealings. It's just a meal, and it's not just the two of you. There are several other bosses as well. In future collaborations, you'll have to get past them. I'm looking out for you guys. It's good to make ne connections ahead of time." It turns out he's not snice person but rather a cunning one.

Josie turned her face away. "We'll take a rain check on the meal and talk about the cooperation later." With that, she was ready to leave.

Maverick quickly stopped her, confident of his stance. "Ms. Warren, you may not consider your own interests, but now that you're collaborating with Ms. Witherspoon, you should at least think for her. You represent the Olsen family, yet until now, you haven't even greeted those at the various departments. Aren't you afraid this might affect the collaboration?" In conducting business, one must always navigate the nuances of human relationships and worldly affairs.

Josie had a headache.