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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 84
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Chapter 84 A Slut Playing the Victim


Matthew had a hunch that something was about to go down. He looked at me coldly and

asked, “Honey,

what are you doing?”

I looked at Matthew and said, “What do you mean? You’ll find out once Melanie arrives. It’s

not me

causing trouble. It’s her.

Matthew sensed my determination and turned to Ivanna. “What’s going on here?”

Ivanna stood behind me with her arms crossed. She replied, “You’re asking me? Maybe

you should ask

your dear sister when she gets here.”

The atmosphere in the office became extremely awkward. It was clear that I was an

unwelcome guest..

Just then, Melanie strolled into the room. When she noticed the crowd in the office, she

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froze and glared

at me. “Chloe, what are you up to? What’s all this about?”

I wished I could tear Melanie apart when she pretended nothing had happened. I locked

eyes with her and

said, “You’ve done something extraordinary, and I’m here to note your achievements. Are

you scared now?

“Scared? Why would I be?” Melanie rolled her eyes.

She quickly turned the tables and said, “Matt, this woman made you a cuckold today.

Some guy carried her off in broad daylight. It’s been two hours now, and who knows what

they did! I certainly don’t!”

Melanie stressed the word “did” to suggest something scandalous. Before she could finish,

Ivanna’s lightning–fast hand smacked her across the face.

Melanie cried out in surprise and stumbled while holding her face. “Ah! Matt!”

Everyone in the room was shocked. Their eyes were filled with fear as they watched

Ivanna, who radiated


Melanie’s parents demanded, “What’s going on? Why are you being violent?”

Matthew barked, “vanna, have you lost it? How dare you make a scene in my office?!”

ving stared at Matthew with fury in her eyes. “Matthew, you bet I’ve lost it. So what? Are

you upset because slapped her? If you dare, take her side and slap me back. 111 give you

credit for having some

a pouty voice the covered her face and looked at him,


Then she shot a glare at Ivanna. “Who gave you the right to hit me?!”

“You’ve slapped my best friend. And you have the nerve to play the victim after doing

something so disgraceful? Woman, you deserve more than a slap. Don’t push your


“Do you dare confront Chloe in front of me? Try it, and I’ll rip your mouth out. What’s the

matter? You’ve got the guts to do things but not to admit it?”

vanna’s words hit Matthew right where they hurt. He glanced at me with displeasure and

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said, “Speak!

What has she done?”

Clearly, he thought I was causing trouble for no reason, and Melanie was not guilty of any


“You should ask her!” I shouted forcefully, my anger burning.

Matthew sensed the situation was more serious than he had imagined. He sternly warned,


leave. This is a family matter.”

The curious onlookers exchanged hesitant glances before exiting the room. They knew

things were.

getting complicated.

Johnson was among the departing crowd. He lowered his head and discreetly left the


I called out to him, “Johnson, please stay! We need an outsider to see if I’m causing

trouble. I won’t take the fall for this! Aren’t you the right–hand man of the Murphy family?!

I want you to bear witness!”

With that, Johnson had no choice but to stay.