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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 627
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I had accompanied Trinity when the doctor discharged her from the hospital. We didn't meet again after that since she had been busy with recovery and handling various matters upon returning to her family.

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I was also busy with the aftermath of Grace's passing.

When I answered the call, she said, "Let's meet if you're not busy. There's something I want to discuss with you." She seemed to have reverted to her cold and dismissive demeanor. I glanced at Atlas and then pondered for a moment before agreeing, "All right, where do you want to meet?" "Wherever you are right now." "I'm at Pleca Park," I truthfully replied.

"Then let's meet at Sugar. See you there." Trinity hung up immediately after.

I raised an eyebrow, wondering why she sounded so urgent. I also didn't know what Sugar was. It sounded like the nof a bar. After putting away my phone, I hurried over to Atlas and said, "Trinity has something to discuss with me, so I need to head out for a bit." He asked, "Where are you going?" "Sugar. It shouldn't be too far from here," I answered and then asked, "Are you heading to the company?" When my dad heard my question, he told Atlas, “I'll take a stroll around the yard. You should handle your affairs. Don't worry about us." "Chloe will go first. I'll have lunch with you all before leaving for the company. That's the plan for the morning," Atlas said, "You should go ahead, Chloe. But be careful." With no tto waste, I headed toward my car and drove straight to Sugar. I was unfamiliar with such places, but it was in Luton. I turned on the navigation system and was surprised that it was indeed nearby.

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Upon my arrival, I realized it wasn't a bar but a nightclub. I then realized why Atlas toldto be careful.

When I entered, a waiter approached and confirmed my identity.

el Afterward, he ledthrough a dim maze-like corridor to the room on the top floor. He knocked twice and then gently opened the door, gesturing forto enter. I couldn't help but sigh. I would've never found the room if Trinity hadn't sent someone to guide me.

When I entered, I saw Trinity sitting on the sofa. There was a tall and sturdy young man standing behind her, and the two were engaged in a conversation. When she noticedentering, she told the man, "You can leave for now." The man respectfully bowed and then strode out. Before leaving, he discreetly glanced at me. Honestly, I didn't favor people like him. That was why I had told Trinity we couldn't be friends.

However, things didn't always go as planned. I felt much more at ease once the man left and closed the door. I then approached the sofa beside Trinity and sat down. I asked, "Are you doing okay?" I glanced around the vast room. It had a unique style and seemed like an office, yet not quite. I couldn't describe it, but it matched Trinity's style perfectly. She bluntly replied, "I'm fine. You would never contactif I didn't reach out to you." I chuckled. "Well, we're both swamped. If not for special circumstances today, I would've continued to procrastinate calling you." Trinity reached for two photos on the table before her and handed them to me: Then, she gestured forto look at them, saying nothing. I looked at her suspiciously and then reached for the photos. I was stunned as soon as I saw them.