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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 611
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I looked at him, helpless. "You're really something, Matthew. She publicly went after your mom, and you're still defending her?" Maybe my words hurt Matthew's pride too much, or perhaps he saw that the neighbors could not handle the situation.

Without asking what had happened, he yelled at me. "I didn't see her going after my mom. What I did see was you hitting her. You've simply gone too far!" Matthew embraced Melanie, presenting himself as a real macho man protecting his little woman.

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"Chloe, this is a family matter for us. Get out. Don't act like you're better than us!" The neighbors were all in shock and began criticizing him.

"Matthew, are you insane? Aren't you going to ask what happened?" "Exactly! He's a heartless son. How could he allow someone to mistreat his mom?" "Are you really her son? You're actually protecting this animal when your mom is in such shape?" "I'd say the beating was too light!" Matthew directed all his anger at me. "Chloe, this is what you wanted, right? Are you satisfied now that you've brought all these people to condemn me?" Then he yelled at the crowd inside the house, "Get out! All of you, get the hell out!" They turned their wrathful gazes toward him.

"Karma is coming for you eventually, you ungrateful thing!" "A heartless family! Despicable!" "Good-for-nothing!" Shad already stormed off, not even bothering to continue their scolding.

I took a deep breath and decided I was è talking to him. He was no longer human, and speaking to a beast was pointless. S I looked around at the chaos, then at Grace, who was now so enraged that she could not stand.

"Mom, don't be angry. Let's go back to the hospital," I said comfortingly as I approached her.

Just as I reached out to support her, Matthew suddenly grabbed my collar, violently pullingaway and throwingout.

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I wasn't as lucky this time, and I landed heavily on the ground. I slid forward due to momentum and hit the wall's corner with a thud. My vision darkened, and the piercing pain madegroan. The neighbors gasped and turned to look back. I felt a warm, slimy substance flowing down my forehead.

Someone ran over to helpup, exclaiming, "She's bleeding!" "Quick, get a clean towel! She's bleeding!" I touched my forehead, my hand covered in blood. I struggled to stand up, and blood trickled down my cheek. Then, unexpectedly, a horrifying scene unfolded.

Seeing my face covered in blood, Grace let out a mournful howl. "You monster! You're an ungrateful child..." She somehow summoned the strength to break free from the bodyguard. She then lunged at Matthew and Melanie.

Melanie screamed, clutching Matthew as she dodged. Grace's head made a thud against the hardwood dining table. Everyonen et gasped, their words caught in their throats, as Grace collapsed to the ground. S mmMwWLlilOfiflO&1 mmMwWLlilOfiflO&1 mmMwWLliI0fiflO&1 mmMwWLlilOfiflO&1 mmMwWLliI0fifl0&1 mmMwWLlilOfiflO&1