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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 594
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Melanie's behavior felt all too familiar to me.

She wasn't having it when she saw I was about to leave. Stubborn was her middle name.

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She grabbed my arm and swungback, causingto collide with Matthew. Instinctively, he reached out and steadied me. Melanie was even more relentless. "Chloe, what's your deal? You think you can just run when I show up? Have you no shame?" "Yeah, I lost my sha long tago. Is it a problem if I walk away? Isn't it convenient for you? Since you showed up, I must leave. If you have an issue, take it up with him. You can take my place." I tried to leave, exhausted and with a pounding headache. My thoughts were blurry. I just wanted to find a comfortable place to lie down.

However, Melanie grabbed ontoeven tighter upon seeing my state.

Even Matthew thought Melanie was going too far. He sternly reprimanded her, "Melanie, have ssense. I'm discussing serious matters with Chloe." "What serious matters require a trip to a club alone? Trying to relive old flames? Why is she like this? Did you two overexert yourselves in sworkout?" Melanie spat out.

She continued to escalate, raising her hand to slap me. In my sluggish state, I had no energy to dodge her hand.

With a crisp sound, her slap landed firmly on my face. That sharp sting joltedawake.

All the frustration withinignited when I saw Melanie's smug face. I retaliated with a slap of my own, using all the strength I had. She stumbled and sat on the ground, shocked. Perhaps she didn't expect karma to catch up so quickly.

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"Chloe, w-what are you doing?" Matthew roared.

"Do you think I'm a sick animal, and you can just extend your claws at me?" Then I turned to Matthew. "It looks like you're indulging her tantrums, huh? Fine, just wait. I'll show you both the cost of this slap. Otherwise, you'll never know where you went wrong.' With that, I turned and left.

Behind me, Melanie screamed hysterically, "Matthew, what did she mean?" How would know what she neans? Can't you tone down your empera bi empera bit? Sooner or later, you'll uin me. You are something that can't be seen in public!" Matthew's hout madesneer in disdain.

I cursed, "You have no idea. I'll make you understand what I mean immediately." My head was buzzing when I exited ne the club. took a deep breath, checked my bearings, and started the car for home. It was closer, and right now, I urgently needed a bed.

When I got home, my mom and Grace were surprised to seeat this hour. My mom was the first to ask, "Why are you back so early?" I smiled wryly at them. "Just as I set thought. slept only a few hours the night before, then went out with Lauren last night. We chatted until dawn. I haven't slept a wink today.

"I went to the hospital early to check on Trinity. Now I'm so tired that everything is a blur. I need to catch up on sleep." Grace stepped closer, studying my face, and asked in confusion, "Chlo, what happened to your face?" Helplessly, I touched it and said, "Courtesy of your daughter-in-law." My words alarmed the older ladies.

My mom, furious, exclaimed, "What gives her the right to hit you? She's downright crazy!" I couldn't linger any longer and reassured them, "It's nothing. I slapped her back. Letgo to sleep first. We can talk when I wake up." Grace nodded sympathetically. "Sleep... Yes, get srest!" Dragging my heavy head, I headed upstairs. In my room, I quickly stripped off my clothes and crawled under the covers, instantly falling into a deep sleep.