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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 150
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Chapter 150 The Evidence

I faced the suppliers fearlessly while maintaining my composure. “Everyone here had

contracts with

Matthew. Each payment and the obligations of both parties were clear. Do you think those

contracts are

just pieces of paper?

“Each contract and payment was complete. Shouldn’t you approach Matthew if you face

payment delays?

Didn’t he pay you all?”

Someone shouted, “There are still many outstanding payments!”

I scoffed. “You dare to admit they’re outstanding payments? Why are you here to ask for

them now? Do you need to beg for money because you’re tight on finances? How have

you done business for so long.

with this attitude?!”

I turned to Carol, who handed me a stack of documents. I slammed them on the table,

causing them to

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slide everywhere.

“Do you think you were so perfect? You all cut corners and compromised quality for your

contracts with Matthew. Should I bring the developers in to discuss this or report it to the

relevant authorities for


“Maybe I should invite the property owners to join us. I have a long list of names right

here!” I chuckled, You may have heard about me loving lawsuits. I even hired an

unbeatable lawyer. If your methods are strong enough to prevail, I will settle your

accounts without owing you a cent.”

The meeting room fell silent as I turned to leave, saying, “If there are no objections, please

leave. Mr. Adrian, please terminate all contracts with everyone here. They don’t deserve to

work with me.”

Josh looked at me as if he was dissatisfied with the outcome. “W–Wait, Ms. Chloe! Are you

saying today’s


Someone interjected, “Yeah, Mr. Josh said we’ll get paid today!”

“Mr. Josh?!” I stopped and questioned.

Yes, he promised Tanum Corporation would settle all outstanding payments today. It’s the



I stared at the disappointed suppliers. “Mr. Josh said that, huh? It’s my company, and I

don’t need an

outsider to decide for mer

Freturned to the table and questioned Josh, “Whose orders are you following? How are you

so confident I

must settle the accounts today?”

Josh appeared flustered as he avoided my gaze. He stammered, “I–I followed your orders,

of course.”

“My orders? When did I say I’d take over Matthew’s mess?” I didn’t back down. “Who are

you working for?”

“1-…” Josh was somewhat embarrassed. “What do you mean? W–Why are you suddenly

blaming me? I’ve worked tirelessly for you these past few days.”

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“It seems I’ve wronged you, Josh,” I said, “I wanted to protect your reputation, but I guess

everyone must see how hardworking you’ve been!”

I called for Carol, and she connected my phone to the computer. Then, she played a

recording through the monitor of Josh and Melanie’s conversation.

Josh bolted to his feet and focused on the screen before slumping back into his chair.

“Josh, you told me you wanted to stand out, so I gave you a chance. However, you mistook

my kindness. for weakness and repaid it with betrayal! You conspired against your

employer. How can you expect a proper future with such behavior?

“You disrupted my work routine for half a month. I have enough evidence to get you into

serious trouble. You better leave with these people before I change my mind!” I glared at


He paled with fear and got up, lowering his head in shame. Then, he left the meeting room

without a word

while the rest followed suit.

My employees cheered as they seemed relieved now. However, I didn’t feel the same as

them and asked Benjamin to gather the rest of the employees in the meeting room.