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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 139
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Chapter 139 Internal Issues

I could only hear Atlas’s breath on the other end. Finally, he said, “You’ve been causing

trouble for me for a long time now. What should we do about it?”

I tensed up and tightened my grip on the phone. Atlas’s words caught me off guard, and I

asked, “W–What do you mean?”

“You should give yourself to me,” he said playfully.

I found him ridiculous. We were discussing something serious, yet he started joking with


“Y–You’re..” I wanted to refute but switched to a more severe matter instead, “Did my

contract affect your

career? If that’s the case, I’d rather not take it.”

“It’s too late,” he said, “So, you only have one option, and that is not to disappoint

everyone’s expectations.

My body trembled as I gulped. After a while, Atlas whispered, ‘Are you asleep? Do you

want to see me?”

My mind went blank, and a longing surged within me. However, I restrained my impulses

and changed the

subject, “You’re going on a business trip tomorrow, and it’s too late now..

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I couldn’t continue. My heart raced, and my breathing became shallow. After a few

seconds of silence, I

started, “Then-”

“All right, get some rest,” Atlas and I spoke simultaneously. My words got stuck in my

throat while he withdrew his suggestion. I felt a sense of loss. I wanted to see him, and

that desire made it difficult for

me to remain calm.

“Wait for me to return,” Atlas’s tone was calm, but his words sounded cruel.

I hung up the phone and became breathless. I sat beside the bed and hugged myself,

wondering why I

refused Atlas and pretended to be reserved even though I wanted to see him.

I replayed every word he said in my mind and grew uneasy. Our cooperation might have

run into trouble.

After all, Tanum Corporation and/Hartz Construction had limited experience in working

with ATL Empire.

Atlas might have acted alone in this matter. Still, he was only an assistant and might’ve

made some

decisions that weren’t his to make. Although he had done much for me, he was right. I

only had one option not to disappoint everyone.

tossed and turned all night with many questions and no answers. It was already bright

outside when I forced myself to get some sleep. I didn’t get enough sleep, but my phone

rang. It woke me up, and I

“Ms. Chloe!”

The voice woke me up a little more. I glanced at my phone and saw Johnson’s name on

the caller ID. I quickly sat up and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Mr. Matthew ordered us to work with the suppliers to pressure Tanum Corporation. They

want to stop your company from signing contracts with new suppliers. Mr. Matthew has

the information on the suppliers you’ve recently contacted.

“I suspect someone inside your company is leaking information to him. I just wanted to

remind you to be careful.” Johnson’s words pierced my ears, and I no longer felt sleepy.

No wonder Matthew was so confident last night. It seemed he knew I had hired Ryan to

work for me.

“Thank you, Johnson,” I said.

Johnson sounded disappointed in Matthew, I advise you to resolve these issues as soon as

possible, Ms. Chloe. I can’t understand Matthew anymore. By the way, he seems to be

conspiring with Echelon

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This company has been competing for a piece of land with ATL Empire. Also, I heard ATL

Empire has experienced some internal issues lately. Echelon Group wants to take

advantage of it to seize that piece

of land. They seem determined.

“Matthew doesn’t mention these things to me anymore, but I suspect he has his own


“Echelon Group?” I recalled the few major clients Matthew had mentioned to me.

“That’s all I have for now, Ms. Chloe. I must hang up,” Johnson reminded me, “Make sure

no one in your

company discovers my contact with you.

“Don’t worry. No one knows,” I assured Johnson and then hung up.

Finally, I knew Atlas went to Quillbrooke because of the internal issues in ATL Empire.

However, I still

wondered if those issues somehow involved him. It would be a tricky situation if it did. And

I felt

increasingly anxious.

Immediately after, I freshened up, had a light breakfast, and rushed to the office.