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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 136
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Chapter 136 The Quirky Cousin

I was surprised Stella invited Atlas to join us.

“He might be late since he went to Operose. He’s on his way back now, so we don’t have

to wait for him to start eating,” she casually explained, “I impulsively decided to invite

him. Atlas called me and asked what I wanted to eat, but I told him about our meal. You

don’t mind, do you?”

I replied, “Of course not!”

Although I said that, I felt uneasy. I felt I wasn’t telling Stella the truth when I said I didn’t

mind. Still, I couldn’t tell this sincere and harmless girl that.

“That’s good,” she said, handing me the menu, “I ordered a few dishes since it’s our first

meal together. I

don’t know what you like, so please choose.”

Her warmth made her more approachable. It differed from our first encounter when she

seemed more. indifferent and arrogant. I remembered how she glanced at the other diners

the other day. Her expression was a significant contrast from her current one. She seemed

like two different people.

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I chose dishes from the menu and returned it to the waiter. Then, I turned to Stella and

said, “I’m sorry for

not contacting you much lately. I’ve been busy.”

“Hey, there’s no need to be so formal. I know you’re busy,” Stella had a pleasant voice, “I

admire you for

having your own company.”

I was surprised that someone still admired me despite my company’s struggles. Stella’s

comment sounded somewhat sarcastic, but I couldn’t blame her for not knowing its


Soon after, our dishes arrived, and Lasked her, “Mr. Atlas must be busy with work as an

assistant. Are you

sure we don’t have to wait for him to eat?”

“A–Assistant?” Stella became wide–eyed and then quickly hid her surprise. “Oh, we don’t

need to wait.”

I felt I had misspoken. “D–Did I…say anything wrong?”

“No, no! We can start without him! Besides, I’m sure you’re hungry. He might take a while

to reach us, so

why wait? Let’s eat while we wait.” Stella looked mischievous, but it was endearing.

Halfway through our meal, Atlas strode into the restaurant. He drew everyone’s attention

upon entering. I

felt nervous while Stella appeared excited and continued gazing at him affectionately.

Atlas remained composed as he glanced at me with a faint smirk, saying, “Sorry I’m late.”

He sat beside me while Stella continued to smile. She playfully scolded Atlas, “You’re too

slow. We would’ve finished and left if you came any later.”

“Traffic was crazy in the city,” he replied as he took the menu from the waiter to order a

few dishes.” Excuse me, I’ll go wash my hands.”

When he got up and headed to the restroom, I sensed an icy gaze on me from a distance. I

knew it must be Melanie and thought she didn’t hold back her contempt for me.

Stella asked, “Ms. Chloe, did you know Atlas before working with him?”

I glanced at her and answered truthfully, “No, I didn’t. We only met after starting work


“Oh, no wonder,” she murmured.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


This cousin of Atlas seemed quirky and hard to read. I was about to ask her why she said

that, but I s Atlas returning from the restroom. He glanced at me as he sat down and

asked, “Were you on a business


I felt slightly embarrassed when I realized he was referring to my messy appearance. “Y–

Yeah, in Rockbury, I came straight here after getting off the train. I heard from Ms. Stella

that you went to


I was only casually asking, but I noticed Atlas glancing at Stella. A subtle expression was in

his eyes, something I couldn’t place. I glanced at Stella, who was still smiling as if nothing

was wrong.

Atlas and Stella gave off a vibe I couldn’t explain when they were together. I wasn’t sure

what was wrong.

However, I felt like the outsider among us

I took the opportunity to excuse myself and went to the restroom. I looked in the mirror as

I washed my hands, only to see Melanie standing behind me. She scared me, and I

wondered how long she had been