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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 132
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Chapter 132 Coming to the Rescue

I felt a rush of wind, startling me. I covered my head and screamed, but the expected pain

never came.

Instead, I heard a loud cracking sound.

It shocked me halfway sober. Frightened, I turned to see the man crashing onto a table.

Atlas was

standing by our side, guarding us.

The man struggled to his feet and lunged at Atlas. I screamed, and Atlas immediately

punched the man.

He howled in pain.

Despite the many stares, Atlas acted promptly. He grabbed my arm without a word and

strode toward the exit. Ivanna picked up our bags and followed us outside.

“You’ve got some nerve coming to a place like this and drinking.” Atlas said with a growl.

I trembled from my close call, but Atlas’s menacing face sent shivers down my spine.

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He had been all smiles in the restaurant. Why did his face change when he looked at me?

“Chlo, are you okay?” Ivanna checked on me, then looked at Atlas. “Sorry about this. It

was my idea to

come here.”

I managed a faint smile, thinking there was no point dwelling on the past. We had already

had our drinks.

It’s fine. Let’s go home.”

Ivanna looked awkward, glancing at me and Atlas. “Or… Mr. Atlas can give Chlo a ride?

We’ve all been

drinking, so I can’t drive.”

Atlas grunted in agreement. Ivanna escaped quickly, as if he had pardoned her.

I yelled, “Hey, Ivanna, are you really my friend?! Hey!”

I wanted to chase after her, but Atlas yanked me back. My head spun, and I collided with

his solid frame.

It left me feeling dizzy. I steadied myself and pushed him away.

“Get out of my way… Stop giving me that nasty look. Hasn’t anyone told you that you look

better when you

smile?” I finished with a giggle, then turned to leave.

However, Atlas scooped me up. He carried me over his shoulder and walked toward the

parking lot..

Being carried intensified my dizziness, and I weakly pounded his back. “Put me down, you


Atlas ignored my protests and smacked my bum. Eventually, he settled me into the car

and drove away.

My head throbbed, and I said, “I want to go home!”

My objections were ignored. As a result, I let him take me wherever he wanted. The image

of that delicate woman in the restaurant was all I could think of.

We returned to the resort, arriving at the same villa. Atlas carried me inside and flicked on

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the lights.

The sudden brightness made me shield my eyes. After a while, my vision adjusted and I

saw him looking

at me intensely.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked, unnerved.

“Why were you drinking?” He spoke in the same icy tone.

“Why do you care? I’m an adult so why can’t I drink? Am I not allowed to be happy?” I

responded, my mind clearer but still tinged with boldness. “Who are you to me?” –

“Who do you want me to be?”

I couldn’t answer his rhetorical question. Instead, I pushed his face to the side. “Stop

looking at me like

that. It’s taking my breath away!”

My words earned a charming smirk from him.

His eyes glinted, and he pulled me into his arms. I tried to push him away, but he held me

tighter. “Don’t go to a place like that again. If you want to drink, I’ll drink with you.

I stopped struggling as his words echoed in my head. He’d drink with me?

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