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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 128
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Chapter 128 Utterly Exhausted

On my way to Solaris, I looked out the plane window at the clouds. Suddenly, I thought of

an unexpected person. I hadn’t seen or heard from Atlas since the divorce proceedings

concluded. Although he hadn’t called, I somehow felt disappointed.

Still, I kept my distance, not wanting to get too close to him. Despite my efforts, I couldn’t

help but wonder why he hadn’t called or even texted me. Strangely, I saw a missed call

from him after turning my

phone on when the plane landed.

My mind raced, but I returned the call after some hesitation. Atlas asked, “Where are


“I just landed in Solaris,” I replied.



“All right safe.” His tone was distant, and he didn’t seem interested in continuing the


I’ll hang up now.”

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I was frustrated. Atlas called me, yet he didn’t intend to say much. I was about to ask why

he called, but he had already hung up. I sighed and pocketed my phone, feeling conflicted.

When I met Fred this time, he seemed much better. He knew I had arrived and sent

someone to pick me

up from the airport.

Immediately after, I went to Urban Builders, and they wasted no time holding a project


meeting. We discussed a detailed analysis of the upcoming ATL Empire project and made

the necessary


We also used their blueprints to draft a comprehensive design and construction plan.

Then, they presented a cooperation plan for my company. They provided precise

requirements and a well–defined

direction for my work.

I felt confident about what I was doing. The meeting lasted until late evening, and we had

dinner in the

meeting room.

Afterward, Fred sent me to the hotel they had arranged for me. I accepted their hospitality.

My schedule was tight, with only two days in Solaris. I had to return to Foswood the

following afternoon. I

was exhausted after taking a shower. I hadn’t experienced such an intense schedule since

birthing Ava.

was grateful my parents were with me, and my dad’s health had somewhat improved. I

would have

Amid everything, I became overwhelmed. Dealing with Tanum Corporation’s takeover had

mentally and physically drained me. I had pushed myself, determined not to make any


However, I was desperate for assistance. My once–bustling company now felt lonely, and I


increasingly anxious.

Although I expected disruption upon reclaiming my company, I hadn’t anticipated such a

massive shift. Matthew’s actions had pulled a rug from underneath me. 10

clients he

I wasn’t concerned about I was confident in my previous relationships. Still, the supplier

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side of things was more challenging. Matthew had handled it since Tanum Corporation’s

establishment, making it my weakness.

The remaining staff from the previous marketing department was minimal, and I had

tasked them with maintaining supplier relations. However, I knew they weren’t confident

in my takeover. It slowed my


I worked hard to maintain relationships with suppliers. I could only afford about four hours

of sleep each night. After today’s three–hour flight, I dived into intense work. It was close

to 11 p.m. now, and I had

reached my limit.

I wanted to call home but realized it was too late. My parents and Ava must’ve slept

already. I knew I had a busy day ahead when I thought about finalizing details with Fred

tomorrow and returning home the day


I had to sign the contract with ATL Empire in two days and outsource the agreement with



Soon, I went to sleep. I didn’t know how much time had passed when a series of knocks on

the door startled me awake. I sat up with a racing heart, wondering who it was.

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