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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 119
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Chapter 119 Breaking News

Ivanna nodded and called her assistant to bring the reporters over. I told her, “Put me

down and take

pictures of everything.”

She followed my instructions and gently let go before taking pictures of the assault from

various angles. Soon after, she called the authorities and my lawyer, Adrian.

Seeing Ivanna’s actions, Matthew grew agitated. He yelled, “You caused this, Chloe! Even

if you call the cops, nothing will change. You’re in my house, and we’re still married. So

what if we fought?”

“I’ve had enough of your excuses!” Ivanna retorted and threw the knife at him.

Startled, Matthew bolted to the master bedroom while narrowly avoiding the knife.

Ivanna noticed my distress and cried. However, I smiled and reassured her, “Don’t cry. I’m

not dead yet.

It’s too late for him to stop now.”

When the authorities arrived, I showed them my house ownership certificate and ID before

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

telling the

media about the assault.

The scandal of Matthew’s previous affair had yet to subside, and this incident only

worsened things for him. Adrian had also provided evidence of our ongoing divorce

proceedings. The cops did not allow

Matthew to explain himself and arrested the three Murphys.

More breaking news trended in Foswood, with headlines reading, “Scumbag Brings

Mistress to Assault Wife at Home,” “Man Deceives Terminally III Father–in–Law for Assets,”

and “Havoc at Wife’s Home,

Hospitalized After Assault.”

I didn’t think I would need to humillate myself just to divorce him. That night, I asked

Ivanna to deliver food to my mom and tell her I had urgent matters to handle. I dared not

visit my parents because I could

barely move.

Not wanting them to worry, I told Ivanna to keep the incident a secret and tell them I had

fallen asleep. I

knew my parents seldom used their phones, so they wouldn’t discover the trending news

so quickly.

Ivanna even fetched Ava from daycare before returning. Meanwhile, I had an ice pack on

my face as I

endured my pain to make the noodles Ava enjoyed.

When Ava finally slept, I received a call from Atlas. However, I didn’t answer because I

didn’t want him to

see me like this, I became a sensitive topic and finalized the divorce. Moreover, I didn’t

want to stir up

any more trouble.

Atlas continued to call, so I turned off my phone. I sighed in relief the following day when I

heard the cops

Before going to the hospital, I applied makeup to hide my injuries. I also used a turtle–

neck sweater to cover the bruises on my neck.

Still, my attentive mom looked me up and down. I ignored her and calmly cared for my

dad’s needs. Although still weak and often dozing off, he would urge me to leave Matthew

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

when awake. He said he didn’t care about the house or assets.

I nodded and promised him I’d leave Matthew.

That afternoon, Atlas came to visit my dad. After a brief stay, he left. When I sent him off,

he glanced at me and said, “You have twenty minutes. I’ll be waiting for you in my car


“I can’t leave yet,” I replied.

However, he ignored me and went downstairs.

I glared at him for never giving me a chance to refuse.

dad’s coor

When I returned to my my mom asked me who Atlas was to me. I was shocked as I asked

her, “What else can he be, Mom? Don’t overthink it. We have a professional relationship,

and he has helped me a bunch. Otherwise, I couldn’t have reclaimed the house and


My mom went silent while I nervously thought of excuses to leave early. Ultimately, I met

with Atlas within twenty minutes. He looked at me strangely, but his tone was gentle, “Are

you okay?”

I thought he would scold me for not answering his calls. Still, I replied, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

Suddenly, he embraced me. His voice was full of warmth, yet he growled, “Damn it! Did all

that beating make you stupid?”