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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 78
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How can he not know how to tell a fairy tale?

Can't he read a fairy tale book?

After Mu Tongrui hurried back to Fu’s residence with the 800,000 white Audi, and went to the children’s

room upstairs, she saw the two of them inside. Sweetheart was sitting on the bed with a tablet watching

cartoons. As for Fu Lingye, he was sitting on the side of the bed looking at his phone, perhaps reading


“Sweetheart, you're still up?”

Mu Tongrui glanced at her watch. It was eight fifty.

As soon as the little one heard Mu Tongrui's voice, she immediately looked up from the screen.


Whereas Fu Lingye said drily, “You're back.”

Mu Tongrui nodded. “Well, I-I rushed back to tell Sweetheart a bedtime story. It's not too late, is it?”

Sweetheart was in high spirits, as she got up from the bed and wrapped her arms around Mu Tongrui's

neck. “Mu'mu, daddy and I have been waiting for you for a long time, and my eyes are tired from

watching cartoons.”

Mu Tongrui hugged the little one, feeling surprised, and then looked at Fu Lingye.

Is he waiting for me too?

The man stood up with a cold expression on his face. “You can tell a story to Sweetheart now. I still

have some business to deal with.”

When Fu Lingye walked to the door, Sweetheart said relentlessly, “Daddy, you have been waiting for

Mu'mu all night. Why do you leave when she comes back? Why don't we listen to her storytelling


Mu Tongrui's cheeks were burning. Is he really waiting for me?

The man looked a little awkward, as he raised his hand in a fist to put on his thin lips, and coughed. “I

don't like listening to stories.”

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Then, he walked out of the children's room.

Sweetheart played with Mu Tongrui's long hair, and said in a childish voice, “Mu'mu, is Daddy being


“Umm... maybe, he really doesn't like listening to stories.”

How could Fu Lingye be shy? If he is shy, would he do such indescribable things to me?

As soon as those indescribable scenes came into her mind, she blushed and felt her heart racing. So,

she immediately sat on the bed holding Sweetheart, and started telling stories to distract herself.

Fu Lingye saw the white Audi at a glance by the window of the study.

He knitted his brows.

Then, he made a phone call.

It took a long time for the call to be picked up, and it was noisy on the other end of the line.

“Hello, uncle, why are you free to call me today?”

Fu Lingye pursed his lips and asked, “Who did you eat with tonight?”

“My bestie, and my boyfriend. What's wrong?”

In other words, Mu Tongrui was not only having dinner with Ye Guo tonight, but also with another man.

Ye Guo on the other end was surprised. “Wait, uncle, how did you know I was eating out with someone


Fu Lingye snorted coldly. “Is there any day in a year that you don't eat out?”

Ye Guo gave a hollow laugh, agreeing to what he said. “But, uncle, can you not tell my mom about me

having a boyfriend for now? If my mom knows, she will ask about this and that, and she might be able

to scare my boyfriend away before our relationship gets to develop!”

This time, she really intended to have a serious relationship. She had had many relationships in the

past, and none of them was initiated by her, but Qi Yanli was different. Qi Yanli was the first man whom

she really liked.

“I have no time to bother about your business.”

Then, the man hung up the phone.

After Mu Tongrui finally put Sweetheart to bed, she went into the bedroom to wash up. When she

opened the door to the bedroom, she found that the man was already lying on the bed.

“A-Are you done with your work?”

Fu Lingye closed the financial book in his hand and threw it aside, staring at her fixedly. “Is that white

Audi parked in the yard your car?”

Oh no, I was rushing back and had forgotten about this.

She replied vaguely, “Uh... yes.”

Fu Lingye did not drive that kind of “low-end car”, but he roughly knew the price of this car, which was

about 700,000 to 800,000. Why does she have so much money?

The man walked up to her condescendingly. Due to his overly strong presence, Mu Tongrui

subconsciously stepped back, raised her hand to his chest to stop him from approaching, but the man

took advantage of it and grabbed her wrist. “Where did you get so much money? Did you go to rob the

bank with Ye Guo today?”

Mu Tongrui was dumbfounded. Is this man telling a lame joke?

“I borrowed money from Ye Guo. I only paid the down payment for this car, and then I will slowly pay off

the loan...”

It was impossible for a shrewd man like Fu Lingye to be fooled by Mu Tongrui with a few words. Even

Ye Guo didn’t necessarily have so much money. The Ye family was now restricting Ye Guo’s pocket

money, and even froze all her credit cards. She didn't even have much money herself, so it was

impossible that she had extra money to lend to Mu Tongrui to buy a car.

Seeing the man's clear and sharp gaze, Mu Tongrui broke away from him, took her pajamas from the

side, and hurriedly said, “I'm going to take a bath first.”

After Mu Tongrui went into the bathroom to take a bath, Fu Lingye picked up the phone on the bedside

table and called Xu Kun.

“Check the transaction records of all the car dealers in Bei City that sold Audi A7 after six o'clock


Five minutes later, Fu Lingye received an email from Xu Kun in his mailbox.

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He clicked to view the email. In the transaction records of the email, only five stores sold Audi A7s

tonight, three of which were black, and only two were white. There was no Mu Tongrui's name on the

list of five customers, but he saw a familiar name—Qi Yanli.

Based on Qi Yanli's net worth and background, it was impossible for him to drive a car like Audi A7, so

the car he bought must be a gift.

As for the gift receiver, it was obviously either customer or friend, as the price of a car like Audi A7 was

neither too high nor too low.

Are Mu Tongrui and Qi Yanli friends?

The expression on Fu Lingye's face turned slightly cold.

After taking a shower and coming out of the bathroom, Mu Tongrui wiped her hair with a dry towel,

while saying, “Umm, can we sleep separately tonight?”

She still had lingering fears about what happened last night. As soon as she finished asking the

question, the phone in her bag rang before Fu Lingye could answer her.

She put away the towel and fished for her phone from her bag, which was very messy with all kinds of

stuff inside. After fumbling about for a long time, she took out her phone, while a small white medicine

bottle also fell out of her bag and fell on the floor, with a clear noise that couldn't be ignored. It rolled all

the way to Fu Lingye's feet—birth control pill.

Fu Lingye stared at the small medicine bottle beside his feet coldly with his dark eyes, as he bent over,

and picked up the small medicine bottle with his long fingers.

“You're taking birth control pills?”

Probably due to the man's overly cold tone, Mu Tongrui's heart skipped a beat, and then again, she

thought that it was normal. “Well, you didn’t use any protection too last night, did you? So, if I don’t take

birth control pills, what if—”

“Who allowed you to eat this?”

Fu Lingye threw the birth control pill directly into the trash can, while Mu Tongrui became more puzzled.

“What if I get pregnant?”