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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 69
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Fu Lingye brought them to the most expensive revolving restaurant in the city and chose the window

seat. It was the prime spot as it offered the best night view of the city.

Mu Tongrui had reminded Fu Lingye to stop somewhere along the way to get Sweetheart to choose her

birthday cake. After the dishes were served, Mu Tongrui would open the birthday cake and light the

candles before they sing the birthday song together. As for Fu Lingye, he would lean against

Sweetheart's chair and not sing.

Perhaps it was not Fu Lingye's character to sing a birthday song.

Mu Tongrui did not mind him. She accompanied Sweetheart to finish singing her birthday song and

reminded her, smiling, “Sweetheart, make a wish.”

Sweetheart had donned a party hat. She put her palms together, closed her eyes and said, “I wish that

my Daddy, Mu'mu and I stay together forever!”

Mu Tongrui was shocked at Sweetheart's wish, not expecting that from her at all. However, Sweetheart

was probably going to be really upset knowing that her father and Mu'mu were a fake couple one of

these days.

Mu Tongrui removed the candles. Fu Lingye held onto Sweetheart's hand and cut the cake together. As

they ate together, Mu Tongrui felt the momentary warmth of her family of three.

After finishing dinner, Mu Tongrui thought that Fu Lingye was going to drive home. However, that was

not the case.

“Where are we going to?”

Fu Lingye replied plainly, “To the amusement park.”

When Sweetheart heard that, she grew excited. “Oh! Daddy finally agreed to bring me to the

amusement park!”

Mu Tongrui did not expect that a serious person like Fu Lingye would accompany Sweetheart and her

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to the amusement park.

Once they got to the amusement park, Mu Tongrui hugged Sweetheart as they sat together on the

carousel. Fu Lingye did not go on it. He stood smoking at a corner.

Mu Tongrui did not make things difficult for him. She thought that it was awkward for a man like him to

sit on a carousel with Sweetheart and her.

After they got down from their ride, Mu Tongrui brought Sweetheart over. Fu Lingye looked at them and

asked, “What else do you want to play?”

Even though it was a question meant for Sweetheart, he was looking at Mu Tongrui for an answer.

She avoided his gaze because it overwhelmed her.

Sweetheart pointed at the Ferris wheel that was brightly lit, halfway up the sky. She said in excitement,

“Daddy, I want to go on that!”

When they got to the bottom of the Ferris wheel, Mu Tongrui retreated all of a sudden and hesitated,

“How about... you bring Sweetheart up?”

Sweetheart frowned, growing a little upset, “Mu'mu, why do you not want to accompany Daddy and I?”

Mu Tongrui could not bear to see her look disappointed so she agreed to it, “Alright, I will accompany

both of you then.”

If only they knew that she had a fear of heights!

When the Ferris wheel turned slowly and they were lifted higher, Sweetheart grew increasingly excited.

However, Mu Tongrui's face turned paler.

The Ferris wheel cabins were sealed tight so they were very safe. Sweetheart initially sat between Fu

Lingye and Mu Tongrui. However, after a while, she ran over to the other side to look out of the

transparent glass windows to see the night scenery. That left the two of them to sit together. He looked

over at Sweetheart to ensure her safety and then saw Mu Tongrui holding tightly onto the handrail. She

looked pale and was in distress.

Fu Lingye's eyebrows furrowed, “Are you afraid of heights?”

As the Ferris wheel turned, they went up higher. Mu Tongrui was afraid and holding onto the handrail

was not enough to make her feel secure. She lunged towards his chest!

Fu Lingye was startled. He placed his hands gently on her back, protecting her.

She said in a muffled voice, “I am sorry. Let me lean towards you for a while.”

She buried her face in his chest and felt hot.

Mu Tongrui was terrified. In fact, she never used to be afraid of heights, but ever since Mu Guangqing

committed suicide by jumping down from a building three years ago, she always had nightmares,

dreaming of the scene of her father falling from a high building. That was how she started developing a

fear of heights.

Fu Lingye patted her and said plainly, “Don't be afraid. You look at how beautiful the scenery below is.

It's safe sitting in here. You will not fall.”

It was rare to hear him speak so gently as he led her to look outside the windows. Even though she

was afraid, she was also touched by his words. She looked out of the night scenery while he leaned

into her ears to say, “Once you have seen enough, you will not be afraid anymore. It is not as scary as

you think it is.”

She did not know if it was because of his comforting embrace, or his persuasion that made her feel a

lot more relaxed than before.

Sweetheart sat back down and came to her side. She held out her hands to hug her, “Mu'mu, I am

sorry. I did not know that you were afraid of heights!”

Mu Tongrui reached out to touch her head, “It's okay. I also wanted to accompany Sweetheart to go on

the Ferris wheel.”

When she turned her head and lifted her face, her lips met Fu Lingye's cool lips.

At this moment, they were on the highest point.

They faced each other. Mu Tongrui was stunned for a moment, and her ears grew red and hot. It was

merely a very light touch on the lips that could not even count as a kiss, but it made her heart beat and

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it grew faster.

His deep gaze focused on her. His black eyes reflected the rays of light filtering in through the windows.

They were like stars, alluring and beautiful.

It was her first time coming up so close to him. Fu Lingye looked really charming. She still remembered

the first time she had formally met him at a banquet. The first thing that came to her mind to describe



So, it was no wonder that Sweetheart looked really pleasant, inheriting her good looks from her father.

“Looking at the way you are staring at me like this... are you counting the number of eyelashes I have?”

The man opened his mouth slightly to tease her. Only then did Mu Tongrui regain her senses, and

looked away awkwardly, “Of course not!”

Fu Lingye relaxed his lips. The atmosphere between them lightened up.

After returning home from the amusement park, Mu Tongrui brought Sweetheart to shower and Fu

Lingye headed to the study room to pick up a call.

It was a phone call from Xu Kun. “Boss, I have managed to get hold of the person who kidnapped Miss

Mu the other day. I tried means and ways to get him to tell me who it was. He said, he said... that the

mastermind is a beautiful woman. Her family name is... Xiang.”

Fu Lingye did not have the slightest expression on his face. He calmly said, “Alright, don't let anyone

know about this matter.”

“Got it.”

Fu Lingye hung up the call and came out of the study room. When he opened the door, he saw that

Xiang Nanqian was about to knock on it.

“Lingye, I have cut some fruits for you to eat.”

He stared at her and said, “Come in. I have something to ask you.”

Xiang Nanqian froze and brought in the plate of fruits into Fu Lingye's study room.