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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 38
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The car stopped right in front of the police station.

Mu Tongrui followed Fu Lingye from the car to the police station.

It was in the wee hours. Everyone was in awe of a prominent figure such as Fu Lingye, and treated him


“Mr. Fu, I never expect you to visit our police station in this hour. How can I help you?”

“I came to bail Xiang Nanqian.”

His crisp reply gave everyone in the station the chills.

“So, you are a friend of Ms. Xiang. Hurry up and invite her out.” The policeman was trembling.

5 years ago, shortly after they got married, Fu Hanyu passed away due to a car accident. Xiang

Nanqian's position in Fu family had always been somewhat awkward and in addition, Xiang Nanqian

had always been low profile and seldom appeared in public. Thus, few people knew that she was Fu

Lingye's sister-in-law.

When Xiang Nanqian was escorted out by the policeman and saw Fu Lingye, she ran to him

immediately in her high heels, appearing to be traumatized. She ran into his arms and wrapped her

arms around his neck tightly.

“Lingye... I was so scared just now. Luckily you came.”

Mu Tongrui saw clearly that Fu Lingye's arms stopped in mid-air for a second before patting Xiang

Nanqian on her back gently, comforting her.”

She seemed to be an outsider. With an air of gloom, she turned to leave the police station.

The policeman smiled placatingly, “Mr. Xiang, so sorry. You did not tell me that you are Mr. Fu's


Before he could finish, Fu Lingye knitted his brows and said, “She is my sister-in-law, not my girlfriend.”

The policeman was embarrassed and gave a hollow laugh, “Hahaha, I must be blind. Hope that you

and Ms. Xiang can forgive me.”

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After they left the police station, Xiang Nanqian gazed at him with tears swelling up in her eyes,

“Lingye, must you make clear of our relationship in front of outsiders?”

Is it not good if others assume that she is his girlfriend?

“I only want to prevent others from misunderstanding our relationship. Such misunderstandings are bad

for you, me or brother.”

“Hanyu had passed away for 5 years already...”

Fu Lingye interrupted her coldly, “Brother asked me to take care of you and Xiaohan before he left. I

will fulfil my promise to him no matter what it takes.”

Xiang Nanqian looked into his handsome face, “Lingye, do not always use Hanyu against me. If Hanyu

is not your brother, would you...”

Before she could finish her sentence, Fu Lingye suddenly walked over to Mu Tongrui with big strides.

“Mu Tongrui, what are you doing?”

Mu Tongrui was trying to flag down a cab by the roadside.

Noticing his vexed tone and his irate expression on his face, she was startled and glanced over at

Xiang Nanqian who was standing outside the police station.

“I... I do not want to trouble you and Xiang Nanqian, so am thinking of going home myself.”

Fu Lingye's face turned a shade gloomier. Does she really want to match-make him and Xiang Nanqian

so badly?

Xiang Nanqian is his brother's wife. Why does she think that he has feelings for Xiang Nanqian?

Mu Tongrui noticed that he was pursing his lips and seemed to be terribly annoyed. Leaning her head

slightly on one side, she studied him, “Did you and Xiang Nanqian quarrel? Why are you so angry?”

His face turned gloomier and his eyes turned stone-cold. He turned around and headed towards the

direction of the car, and commanded, “Get into the car now!”

Mu Tongrui stood still and pouted.

Why is he throwing tantrum at her after his quarrel with Xiang Nanqian? She is not the one that has

annoyed him anyway.

Mu Tongrui obediently sat in the back of the car, leaving the passenger seat to Xiang Nanqian.

Fu Lingye's blood was boiling with inexplicable anger.

This woman...!

In the car, Fu Lingye was driving without saying a word.

Xiang Nanqian looked at Mu Tongrui from the rear-view mirror.

She guessed that it must be for Mu Tongrui's sake that Lingye hurriedly left the dinner appointment. So,

she had deliberately replaced her fruit juice with white wine, and get caught by the traffic police on the


She purposely wanted Mu Tongrui to know how much Lingye cared for her. Thus, the hug she gave him

in the police station should be enough to prove everything.

In the dusky night, the corners of Xiang Nanqian's mouth curved upwards.

She turned over to speak to Mu Tongrui, “Tongrui, you will be working in Fu Corporation from tomorrow

onwards. Remember to dress formally. After all it is your first day at work so you need to leave a good

impression on your colleagues.”

Mu Tongrui jolted with the realization that she would be starting work tomorrow. She nodded, “Yes sure,

thank you for reminding.”

Xiang Nanqian set her gaze on Fu Lingye again and placed her hand lightly on his arm. Gently she

said, “Lingye, there is a parental session in Xiaohan's school tomorrow. Would you accompany me?

We used to go together last time. Xiaohan loves you a lot and will be deeply disappointed if you do not

turn up. Furthermore, Xiaohan has been telling his classmates that... you are his father.”

Mu Tongrui trembled at her words.

For reasons unknown to her, she felt jealous all of a sudden.

Doesn't she know all along that Xiaohan is the son of Fu Lingye and Xiang Nanqian? What is so

strange about Fu Lingye attending his own son's school parental session?

But she thought of the poor Sweetheart. Sweetheart said before that Fu Lingye seldom picked her up

from school or attended her school parental session. Yet he attended Xiaohan's school events every

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time. Was he being biased?

From his rear-view mirror, Fu Lingye saw the frown on her face and smiled, “Sure! We shall attend

Xiaohan's parental session in his school tomorrow afternoon.”

This lifted Xiang Nanqian's spirits. Gleefully, she replied, “Lingye, thank you.”

Mu Tongrui felt aggrieved on behalf of Sweetheart. This Fu Lingye must be favoring sons over


Sweetheart is his own daughter. Why does he treat her so differently?

How sad would Sweetheart be if she learns about this?

Her mind was preoccupied with images of that cute little face, and her heart ached at the thought of her


When they reached home, Sweetheart ran out at the sight of Fu Lingye on her bare foots, and hugged

his legs. “Daddy! Why did you and Mu'mu only return now! I miss both of you!”

Fu Lingye squatted down and caressed his daughter's cheeks. In a gentle voice, he asked, “What are

you and your brother playing?”

“I am watching cartoons with Xiaohan!”

A while later, Xiaohan ran out and joined him too. After greeting Xiang Nanqian, he raised his head and

asked Fu Lingye, “Uncle, are you attending my school parental session tomorrow?”

“Yes.” Fu Lingye patted Xiaohan's head.

Sweetheart immediately furrowed her brows, “Daddy, why do you always attend Xiaohan's school

events but not mine?”

Fu Lingye replied dotingly, “Daddy will attend yours next time, okay?”

“No! Daddy is biased! Humph!”

She pouted her lips and looked hurt. Turning around, she ran back into the house.

Mu Tongrui was flustered and mustered up her courage to chide him coldly, “Fu Lingye, you are too
