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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 337
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Jiahe wanted to take the bus to the Halves Hotel, but she was afraid that it would take too long and the

dumplings would turn cold. So, she decided to hail a taxi to the hotel.

When she was standing in front of the room where Xinghe was staying, she braced herself for a whole

minute by adjusting her breathing. Then, she finally had the courage to knock on the door.

Back when she was with Chi Jun, she was never this shy. She was astounded by her own


It was just a relationship. It was normal to be in a relationship at this age.

When Xinghe opened the door, his hair was still wet. It was clear that he had just taken his bath.


When the door flung open, Jiahe’s expression was a little awkward as she greeted him.

It was not her best greeting, for sure.

Xinghe was holding a white towel and he was casually drying his hair with it. As he walked back into

the room, he asked, “What time did you sleep last night?”

He stole a glance at the clock. It was only nine-thirty.

She slept quite late last night, yet she did not have a hard time waking up. Could this mean that she

was too excited about meeting him in the past few days?

Jiahe began to stutter, “I slept quite early, right after replying to your text messages. I—I… I was woken

up by the sounds of the firecrackers outside the house this morning.”

She sounded not confident at all, and she did not dare to meet his eyes.

In fact, she was only able to let sleep overcome her at four in the morning because her adrenaline was

pumping throughout her blood. When her alarm rang at six, she shot right back up to check her phone

to see if he had sent any other text messages.

When she was putting on her makeup this morning, she even specially covered her eyebags with some


Normally, she would oversleep and nothing in the world could wake her up. She had no eyebags

hanging underneath her eyes normally.

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It was Xinghe who caused her to lose sleep. Despite knowing that, he decided not to expose her lies.

Jiahe produced a lunch box from her bag, “You haven’t had your breakfast, have you? My mum has

cooked more than enough dumplings this morning, and I was able to pick up some before she

threatened to throw the leftovers away. There is meat and some vegetables in the contents, and they

are quite fresh. I guarantee that it can compare to the breakfast you used to eat in seven-star hotels.”

Xinghe studied her a little and it felt like he was about to tease her. He checked the dumplings which

looked aboslutely tempting and raised his brows at her, “Are you saying that you only remember to

bring this to me because they were some leftovers?”

Jiahe did not want him to misunderstand, so she hurriedly explained, “Not at all. There were more than

twenty dumplings in there, but I secretly sneaked ten of them. If you have no appetite after seeing

them, then that’s fine. I haven’t even had my breakfast yet.”

She pretended to keep her lunch box, but he swooped in and took it. He eyed the lunch box playfully, “I

want to eat this, but where are the chopsticks?”


Jiahe wanted to curse herself for being a moron. She actually forgot about cutleries.

“Let me ask the management of this hotel, they should have them… They should be able to send a pair


She wanted to stand up, but Xinghe pulled her back. They were seated on the bed now.

Xinghe looked into her eyes, “This is not some high-class hotel, you know. If you ask the employees for

chopsticks, by the time they find a pair, the dumplings will have turned cold.”

“Then, what should we do?”

“Feed me.”

Jiahe’s lips twitched a little as she blurted out, “How do you want me to feed you?”

Xinghe grabbed her hand and said, “Use your hand.”


The dumplings that she brought were indeed the dry type, so it was convenient for her to pick them up

with her bare hands. However, it was a different story… to feed someone else with her hands.

“Why don’t you use your own hands?”

Xinghe answered naturally, “I am a cleanliness freak. I can’t dirty my hands.”

“But there are millions of bacteria on my hand too…”

Jiahe was murmuring, yet her hands seemed to have a life of their own. She picked up a dumpling and

sent it to his mouth.

The dumpling was just the right size. It could fit nicely into one’s mouth.

However, the strange thing was… This man was even devouring her fingers!

Jiahe’s face blushed as she tried to retract her hand. Despite that, Xinghe did not stop sucking on her

fingers. He even slightly chewed on her fingers playfully.

“This tastes good.”

Jiahe was still speechless. She wondered whether he was talking about the dumpling… or…

In no time, Xinghe had wolfed down five dumplings. Jiahe ate the other five.

How was Jiahe able to eat those five dumplings?

Xinghe had used his hands to feed her three dumplings, as for the remaining two… they were sent into

her mouth in an explicit way.

When Jiahe ran to the bathroom to wash her hand, she was also clutching her face which was now

bright red.

Her mind was replaying what happened just now. She could see how Xinghe had pinned her on the

bed and fed her dumplings through his own mouth… Their lips were touching…

Suddenly, a muscular chest bumped into her back.

He appeared behind her. He was asking her, “Are you full now?”

Jiahe was in fact not full, but she felt like she could not leave a bad impression on Xinghe. So, she

nodded, “I am. What about you?”

“I am not full yet.”


His steamy hot breath sprayed on her ears, and he was also nibbling her ears. He carried her into his

arms and said in his hoarse voice, “I am so hungry now, but I want to eat something else.”

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Jiahe’s heart pounded.

Although they had had sexual intercourse the last time they were drunk, it was still so early in the

morning now… It felt criminal to do this now!

Was everything developing too fast?

She began to feel afraid.

Jiahe tried to feign ignorance, “Th–Then, shall we get some breakfast out there? I am suddenly craving

for some steamed bun…”

However, Xinghe never gave her a chance to finish her sentence. He began kissing her while they

moved to the bed.

This time… Xinghe did not want to spook and rattle her and caused her some irreversible emotional

damage. So, he was very patient this time. He did not just care about his own lust, and instead, he was

treading the water slowly and carefully.

Jiahe was in a daze as he continued to kiss her, and she began to shudder, “Would it hurt?”

Xinghe suddenly halted his movements, and he directed his deep, passionate gaze at her.

She was totally spooked out, but she did not want to push him away outright… Still, she could not

shake away her fear.

In actuality, he was trying to get her to sleep with him because his thoughts were swayed by a little

malice. If Jiahe got together with any other guys, she would be totally loyal to him. He wanted Jiahe to

only think of him, and he could not think of other ways to achieve that other than getting her in bed.

There was a moment just now that solidified his determination. He was ready to ignore her cries, her

anger and her repulsion at him as long as he could sleep with her.

However, she defied his expectations. She did not cry or curse him or bite him at all. She was simply

cowering in his arms, as if she was a weak animal that needed protection. She was even asking for his

opinion whether their deed later on would hurt.

All of a sudden, Xinghe could not bear to taint her with his violent lust anymore. The mood suddenly


If he was going to mistreat her like this just because of his malicious thoughts and lust, he would begin

to look down on himself in the future.

Xinghe got up from her and fixed her clothes. Then, he stroked her head, “If you’re still not full, let’s get

some more food outside.”

Jiahe was completely confused. He was just about to eat her… Why the sudden change of mind?