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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 111
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After Mu Tongrui ran out of the hospital, her mind was in chaos. She drove the car, not knowing where

to go.

Return to Fu family mansion? But that's not my real home.

Return to Mu family villa? But dad was gone, and the villa is so deserted and quiet now that there's

only me left.

When one was sad, one would become very fragile, especially one who was alone like Mu Tongrui.

In this city, she had no relatives, nor anyone to rely on.

Recalling Fu Lingye’s cold and angry gaze, she couldn’t help tearing up again, blurring her vision. Her

hands that were holding the steering wheel trembled and went numb from her crying. Just as she was

turning a corner, a car was oncoming, and she couldn't dodge it, so she desperately jammed on the


Seeing that the two cars were about to crash into each other, the black Bentley suddenly deflected and

hit the guardrail on the side!

Mu Tongrui's fingers that were gripping the steering wheel turned pale. She closed her eyes tightly and

stepped hard on the brake, but the expected impact didn't hit. She then slowly opened her eyes and

saw that the black Bentley had completely deflected from her, stopping on the curb.

The tension in her heart finally broke loose in this instant.

Qi Yanli got off the black Bentley, walked to her car, and knocked on her window. After Mu Tongrui

heaved a sigh, she wound down the window and looked up, a trace of astonishment flashing across

her eyes.

“Mr. Qi?”

How could it be him?

“Miss Mu, you're so bold to drive on the road with such a driving skill. Even if you are not afraid of

death, you can't harm others.”

Without the nervousness and fear after a car accident, Qi Yanli spoke in a rather relaxed manner and

even teased her.

Mu Tongrui was dumbfounded. As she got out of the car, she said embarrassingly, “I'm sorry. Let's call

the police to deal with this!”

Qi Yanli looked at her reddened eyes. “Were you so scared that you cried?”

Mu Tongrui raised her hand to wipe her tears away, sniffled, and said, “No. It's just that my eyes feel


“What's wrong with today? So many car accidents happened in Bei City tonight. I have never had a car

accident ever since I started driving. My first time has been given to you, Miss Mu.”

Qi Yanli's last sentence sounded extremely ambiguous, so Mu Tongrui frowned. After a second, she

asked curiously, “Mr. Qi, did you just say that there were many car accidents in Bei City tonight?”

“Yes, there have been many rear-end collisions tonight. Even if you call the police over to deal with this

now, I think that the police station will have no manpower to come here. Since we are not injured and

are also acquaintances, let's just settle this on our own.”

Therefore, Xiang Nanqian probably didn't purposely cause Han to have a car accident. She just used

this incident to make Fu Lingye think that she was an unreasonable person.

Seeing her lost in thought, Qi Yanli raised his hand and waved before her eyes. “Miss Mu, are you

alright? Let's get you to the hospital for an examination.”

Then, Qi Yanli took her hand and walked toward the black Cayenne.

Mu Tongrui struggled and said, “I'm fine. Let go of me. I don't want to go to the hospital. Qi Yanli, let go

of me, can you hear me? I'm not injured!”

“Some injuries are not visible. After all, what happened just now was a car accident. Both you and I

need to be checked.”

Hearing he spoke so plausibly and volubly, Mu Tongrui frowned. “I'll just drive there by myself without

troubling you, Mr. Qi.”

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“Do you still dare to drive with such skills?”

“I'm just...”

She was just in a bad mood. Her vision was also blurred by tears earlier, and her hands and feet were

easily numb when she was crying. That was why the car accident happened.

Qi Yanli stared at her. “You're just what? You're in a bad mood?”

She bit her lip, looked down, and said nothing.

Qi Yanli glanced at her car, chuckled and snorted. “Fu Lingye gave you the car? I will ask my assistant

to come and drive your car back to Fu family mansion. With your current state, you're not suitable to

drive, as it could be fatal.”

Mu Tongrui was startled. “How do you know about my relationship with Fu Lingye?”

Qi Yanli got into the car, wound down the window, and said to Mu Tongrui who was standing outside,

“Get in the car.”

With her current state, it was indeed not suitable for her to drive, and she also really needed to go for a

checkup after the collision just now. She opened the door of the Bentley and got into the back seat.

Qi Yanli raised the corners of his lips and chatted with her while driving. “Miss Mu, the way you cried

looks like an old friend of mine.”

Mu Tongrui had no interest in this topic and just thought that Qi Yanli was deliberately starting a

conversation. “Is it?”

“She is also a friend of Fu Lingye.”

Qi Yanli looked at her in the rearview mirror meaningfully.

Mu Tongrui's eyelashes fluttered. “You're friend with Fu Lingye?”

“Used to. Fu Lingye and I used to be very good friends.”

Used to? So they're not friends now?

Seeing that Mu Tongrui didn't speak, Qi Yanli added, “You should stay away from Fu Lingye. He never

shows consideration for others. You will only get hurt being with him.”

Qi Yanli sounded like he had had a huge falling-out with Fu Lingye before. Mu Tongrui frowned slightly.

“Mr. Qi, thanks for your concern but I'm really not that close with you.”

“It seems that you've already fallen for Fu Lingye now, haven't you?”

“It's none of your business.”

When they arrived at the hospital, Mu Tongrui saw that it was the Public Hospital. Fu Lingye and Xiang

Nanqian were both still in this hospital. What if I run into them later?

She bit her lip and asked, “Mr. Qi, can we go to another hospital?”

Qi Yanli looked at her curiously, “This provincial Public Hospital is the best hospital in Bei City, and it is

the nearest hospital with the best equipment. Is there anyone in this hospital that you don't want to see,

Miss Mu?”

Being smart as Qi Yanli was, it was not difficult for him to make a close guess after seeing Mu Tongrui's

evasive look.

She didn’t like her mind being seen through by unfamiliar people, as she got off the car and said,

“Didn’t you say that there were a lot of rear-end collisions in Bei City tonight? I just think the Public

Hospital is very busy now, but since we're here, let’s go in.”

Qi Yanli raised the corners of his lips and entered the hospital with Mu Tongrui.

Meanwhile, Fu Lingye and Xiang Nanqian were still waiting outside the operating room.

When Xu Kun came back from the toilet, he frowned and reported, “Boss, I saw Miss Mu just now. S-

She's with Qi Yanli.”

Why did Miss Mu come to the hospital with Qi Yanli at night?

Xu Kun felt the gaze of the man next to him turn cold, as the man asked coldly, “Where are they?”

“Outside the CT scan room.”

Standing up, Fu Lingye headed to the CT scan room.

“Lingye, where are you going? Han...”

“I'll be back later.”

Then, the man walked away with wide strides and a sullen expression on his handsome face.

Outside the CT scan room, Mu Tongrui sat down on the bench waiting with her head drooping. Qi Yanli

narrowed his eyes and saw Fu Lingye who was walking over from somewhere not far away.

He looked down at Mu Tongrui and leaned close to her ear. Mu Tongrui was startled, and quickly raised

her hands to push him, but he said unhurriedly, “When you cry, you look like my friend. Do you know

who my friend is? She is Fu Lingye's first love. For her, Fu Lingye does not intend to get married for his

whole life.”

Mu Tongrui was stunned for a while and forgot to push him away. She only looked at him stiffly, her

face pale.

From an outsider's perspective, the close proximity of their heads made them look like a close couple

who was whispering something to each other and was especially in line with the gentle smile tugging at

the corner of Qi Yanli's lips.

“What are the two of you doing?”

A very cold voice of a man pulled Mu Tongrui back from the state of daze.

She looked back and saw that Fu Lingye was staring at them with a murderous look on his darkened

face, looking as if he came to catch them cheating.

Keeping it cool, Qi Yanli stood up and said softly, “As you see, Mr. Fu, I'm talking to Miss Mu, about

secrets that others shouldn't hear.”

Fu Lingye's eyes turned cold, as he pulled Mu Tongrui into his arms, wrapped his arm firmly around her

waist, and said with a sneer, “Since when did you like married woman, Mr. Qi?”

“Married woman? Is Miss Mu married to you? But why did Miss Mu tell me that she has nothing to do

with you, Mr. Fu?”

Mu Tongrui was shocked. “Qi Yanli, you...”

She stopped before the words left her mouth. Qi Yanli is right. Fu Lingye and I are indeed not married,

are we?

She looked up at the angry man and bit her lip.

What right does he have to be angry? I'm not his wife!

He trusts Xiang Nanqian so much that he didn't chase after me even when I ran out of the hospital.

Why does he come to find me now?

Mu Tongrui pushed him away angrily. “Fu Lingye, let go of me!”

Fu Lingye didn't plan to let go at all. So, Qi Yanli mocked, “I didn't expect that you like foisting others.

Since Miss Mu and you are not married, isn't it a little inappropriate for you to control Miss Mu like


Mu Tongrui glared at Fu Lingye with reddened eyes, and said slowly, “Mr. Qi is right. You can have all

kinds of women you want, Mr. Fu. A gentleman won't foist others.”

Fu Lingye sneered. Foist? Gentleman?

What is her relationship with Qi Yanli? Who is Qi Yanli to her? Does she want to cut all ties with me for

Qi Yanli?

Fu Lingye let go of her indifferently, his dark eyes staring at Qi Yanli coldly, as he said cynically, “It's

true that she did not marry me, but she has given birth to my kid. Do you like this kind of woman that

has no self-respect? “

After speaking, the man took a sharp look at her, before he turned around coldly and strode to leave.

Looking at him leaving, Mu Tongrui felt her heart sinking.

It turns out that in Fu Lingye's heart, I'm a woman who has no self-respect.

Warm tears fell from her eyes.

“The person Fu Lingye loves the most is always himself. You can never get into his heart.”

Mu Tongrui swallowed hard and stared at Qi Yanli with reddened eyes. “Did you say that the way I cry

looks like Fu Lingye's first love?”

“Yes. In the beginning, Fu Lingye decided to remain unmarried for his whole life for her, but Old Master

Fu was urging him, so Fu Lingye opted for surrogacy. In this way, he can fulfill Old Master Fu's wish

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while he also would not have to get married. But unexpectedly, it turns out that you became the

surrogate mother of his child.”

Mu Tongrui knitted her brows. Unexpectedly, Qi Yanli knows everything, but why does he tell me these


But what stirred Mu Tongrui's curiosity more was that first love of Fu Lingye. “Since he likes that first

love so much, why doesn't he be with that first love?”

Qi Yanli looked at her with cold eyes, and uttered three words, “She is dead.”

Mu Tongrui stood rooted in place, as a chill ran down her spine.

So, I became a “substitute”?

In the beginning, when Fu Lingye chose me as the surrogate mother, was it because I look somewhat

similar to his first love?

Mu Tongrui realized that she didn't dare to think further.

What kind of emotions did Fu Lingye feel toward me?

A nurse came out of the CT scan room and shouted, “No. 108, Mu Tongrui!”

Qi Yanli reminded, “Miss Mu, hurry up and go in for the checkup. We can talk again after this.”

Mu Tongrui wiped away her tears, and entered the CT scan room, her mind in a whirl.

After the examination, Mu Tongrui was sent back to Fu family mansion by Qi Yanli.

Upon entering the house, Aunt Lan saw Mu Tongrui looking exhausted, and said, “Young Mistress

Tongrui, what's wrong with you?”

“I'm fine. Where's Sweetheart? Is she asleep?”

“She hasn't sleep yet and is watching cartoons in her own room. I have bathed her.”

Mu Tongrui nodded. After going upstairs, she went directly to Sweetheart's room.

When Sweetheart saw her, she rose to her feet on the bed, and wrapped her arms around her neck,

pouting while asking, “Mu'mu, why didn't you take me to the movie with daddy? Zehan is not home, and

there is only me here. You all went out to play without me! Has Daddy come back with you?”

Mu Tongrui held her and said, “Zehan is injured. Daddy is taking care of him in the hospital. I'll sleep

with you tonight, okay?”

After I leave the Fu family, there will be few chances to see Sweetheart in the future, but do I really

have the heart to leave her?

But she seemed to be unable to be with Fu Lingye for the sake of Sweetheart now.

There were too many people and things between her and Fu Lingye, like Xiang Nanqian, Han, and now

Fu Lingye's first love.

If she were to become a substitute, she would rather give up her feelings for Fu Lingye.

She couldn't bring herself to be a substitute and live as a shadow.

Besides, isn't it obvious that Fu Lingye doesn't even have the most basic trust in me?

Sweetheart asked worriedly, “Mu'mu, what's wrong with Zehan? Did he get his hand scalded by boiling

water again?”

“No, he should be fine. Don't worry. After a few days, your dad will take you to see Zehan.”

The little one frowned and asked, “What about you? Aren't you going with me?”

Mu Tongrui's tears rolled down her cheeks silently. “Sweetheart, will you hate me if I leave?”

Sweetheart held her neck tightly, and asked puzzledly, “Why do you want to leave me, Mu'mu?”

Mu Tongrui pursed her lips, a lump forming in her throat. She couldn't speak, nor did she know how to

tell Sweetheart.

Sweetheart raised her little hand to wipe her tears. “Mu'mu, are you unhappy here?”

The little one could feel her emotions, as she said in an innocent voice, “Mu'mu, did daddy bully you? I

will help you to teach daddy a lesson, so can you stay?”

Mu Tongrui shook her head and sniffled. Resting her forehead lightly against the little one's fair

forehead, she said in a hoarse voice, “Sorry, Sweetheart.”

Sweetheart, I'm sorry, maybe I can no longer be with you all the time.