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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 96
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Casper contemplated the situation. Disregarding the few people they had on hand, Casper could not

guarantee that no others were hiding elsewhere as a backup. If Casper were to make any rash moves,

he was not confident that he could handle the reprisal.

Besides, his allies were all unconscious and immobile. Casper feared for their safety, in any case.

Casper resolved to deal with the men who were in the back of the truck first. He would then proceed

systematically to the two in the front.

Having made up his mind, Casper wrenched himself free and leaped up, throwing himself instantly onto

the closest man. Casper had put his entire weight into the attack and pummeled the man unrelentingly.

He held the firm belief that debased people, such as these organ traffickers, did not deserve mercy.

The man, caught off-guard, immediately crumpled to the ground in a lifeless heap.

The other three men in the back of the truck were left dumbfounded by Casper’s sudden assault. They

had not imagined that one of their victims would still be conscious and eager to fight.

However, they quickly recovered their wits, seasoned by their constant exposure to danger and threats

of death. “Get him!” The organ traffickers charged at Casper furiously.

Casper aimed a flying kick at one while simultaneously hurling his fists at another. As Casper’s

calculated punch landed on his arm, the man heard the awful sound of bone shattering.

The man who Casper had kicked flew backward. However, he merely rubbed his belly and dashed

forward once more.

Casper was outnumbered but did not look defeated. A casual observer would have assumed that it was

all in a day’s work for him.

In fact, it was the three men who were struggling to deflect the blunt force of Casper’s blows. In

desperation, one of the thugs whipped out a dagger and brandished it. Casper, however, had seen the

cold gleam of the dagger’s blade out of the corner of his eye. With one smooth kick, Casper sent the

dagger clattering into a corner on the ground.

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Almost instantly, the thug in front of Casper fished out a pistol and pointed it directly at him.

Casper cursed inwardly. However, he flashed a bright smile at the thug and said pleasantly, “Let’s talk.

There’s no need for such weapons.”

This wasn’t part of the deal! Casper fumed to himself.

The man holding the pistol continued aiming it at Casper. Frostily, he countered, “We hadn’t intended to

use the pistol. It was only because you suddenly woke up and somehow got free. We’ll have to get rid

of you now.”

“I think your smoke wasn’t effective enough. I can’t help it if you choose to use products of inferior

quality,” Casper retorted, shrugging. “I didn’t want to wake up, either. However, I’m even more unwilling

to give you the pleasure of finishing me off.”

The man turned to his accomplices on either side of him. “Get over there and tie him up again. It won’t

do for us to maim him. Losing one man is enough of a loss.”

Casper thought quickly, then quipped, “If you need money, why don’t you ask my boss for it? He’s

worth billions. He even owns Horington food street! He’s just over there. You can use him to get the

money from his family members.”

Upon hearing that one of their victims had a net worth of billions, the organ traffickers froze. The man

holding the pistol wavered slightly, then said darkly, “Who would that be? If we find out that you’re lying,

we’ll kill you immediately.”

Casper gave a dramatic sigh. He raised his hands in a gesture of mock surrender, then said earnestly,

“Why would I lie to you about something like that when my life’s hanging in the balance?”

Casper apologized profusely to Stallion inwardly, then declared, “Our boss is immensely wealthy. He

bought over Horington food street because he saw its potential. He was determined to increase its

worth by five to six times. Our boss planned to harness the legends surround this place to boost its

publicity. We never expected to meet you here.”

The thug holding the pistol appraised Casper with a skeptical look. Casper returned his glare with a wry

smile, saying, “If I knew that this was your doing, I wouldn’t have accepted this task. I got myself into

enormous debt because of gambling and had no choice but to become a bodyguard.”

The guard sniffed contemptuously, then rejoined, “You’re rather capable for a bodyguard. Who did you

say your boss was?”

“It’s that man over there, dressed in a limited edition shirt. The one you’ve tied up,” Casper offered,

gesturing in the other direction. The gazes of the three men simultaneously turned to fix on Stallion’s

inert figure.

Having thus distracted them, Casper reached into his pocket and took out a key, jabbing it into the

forearm of the man who was holding the pistol. The sharp end of the key pierced through his skin. The

pain that abruptly shot through the thug’s arm incited a yell from him.

Casper dropped to his knees and instantly somersaulted over to where the pistol had fallen onto the

ground. The three men found themselves staring down the black barrel of the pistol.

Casper gave a low whistle, then warned, “You’d better not move or I’ll fire immediately. Don’t come

blaming me, then.”

The three men glanced at each other, then slowly raised both arms in mid-air.

The man standing on Casper’s left, however, made as if to move forward. Without flinching, Casper

immediately fired a shot at his shoulder.

Casper sighed exaggeratedly. “Why did you have to be so rebellious? I told you not to move!”

The other two men had lapsed into a stunned silence. That single shot had been telling of Casper’s

expert prowess at handling firearms.

Casper stepped forward. “You were with the pistol, weren’t you?” He asked, addressing the thug in

front of him. “You must have some sort of authority amongst this group. Find a way to stop this truck.”

“It won’t stop until we arrive back at our base. It won’t stop,” The man mumbled fearfully.

Frustrated, Casper refused to entertain any further negotiations. He immediately fired a second shot,

this time at the man’s leg.

The thug buckled, then fell to the ground clutching his wound. Through gritted teeth, he managed, “I

can’t do anything about it.”

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Wordlessly, Casper fired another shot. Without batting an eyelid, he destroyed the other leg of the thug.

The thug’s howls of agony filled the truck.

Casper now swiveled and pointed the pistol at the last remaining thug, who was already wan with

terror. Trembling, the man had already dropped to his knees and shouted, “I know, I know! You have to

rap six times against the walls of the truck, six long raps, and five short ones…”

“Uh huh,” Casper said disinterestedly. “Go ahead and do it, then.”

Despite the chaos that had been going on at the back of the truck, the silencer fitted onto the pistol had

prevented the two men in the front seat from realizing that something was amiss.

Casper did not know if the driver and his fellow passenger had any firearms on them. He decided not to

undertake any risks. The moment the truck screeched to a halt, Casper immediately grabbed the man

who had rapped against the side of the truck and held him close.

A hush descended. Casper and the thug waited with bated breath for a few minutes. At last, the bolt on

the outside of the truck shot open.

Suddenly, two men wielding pistols of their own leaped into the back of the truck. Without hesitation,

they rapidly fired several rounds. Casper had pulled the man in front of him, using his body as a human


Several bullets struck the thug. With barely a whimper, he died in Casper’s arms.

Unfazed, Casper immediately returned fire with two precise shots.

The two gunmen fell. Casper flung the corpse of the thug aside and dashed forward to check on the

state of his own crew.

Stray bullets had struck several of them but luckily had missed their vital organs. They would be fine if

Casper managed to seek medical help for them on time.

Casper set to work quickly, tying up the organ traffickers who were still alive. He tossed the two bodies

unceremoniously in a pile in the corner of the truck. Casper then alighted and surveyed his

surroundings. The truck was in a deserted spot, and Casper guessed that they were somewhere in the


He briefly thought of the injured men in the back of the truck, then immediately clambered into the

driver’s seat and sped off towards the city.