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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 83
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“Are you really Mr. Simpson? Are you going to buy our shops?”

“Do you have the money? This’s not some joke, is it?”

“We’re serious in selling these buildings…”

One after another, those owners started questioning Casper. In their minds, only a fool would consider

buying the street.

“You guys can stop being skeptical. If you’re willing to sell, let’s talk about the price. If you’re not willing

to, then forget about it.” Casper announced directly to the crowd.

Regardless, it was just a matter of time the Horington food street became his.

“Of course, we’re willing to sell. Let’s talk.” Upon hearing that, all of them acknowledged immediately.

They were desperate to let go of those shop lots as though they were holding a time bomb.

Looking at their eagerness, Casper could not help but have a second thought. Could it be these

buildings have ownership issues or other problems?

Stallion started explaining to him that all those buildings truly belonged to those owners, and there was

no issue or lawsuit involved. They merely wanted to get their hands on some cash the sooner the


As a matter of fact, most of them needed to buy a house for their kids.

Never did they expect that someone would be interested in their shop lots. It would be a fool to let this

golden opportunity passed.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

After they agreed on the price and signed the contract, Casper took them to the Real Estate Bureau to

transfer the ownership.

The staff at the bureau glanced at the contract and narrowed his eyes, staring at the young Casper.

What a fool.

However, Casper felt the exact opposite as he finally got hold of the street he dreamt of.

All the owners were secretly elated upon receiving the money into their banks, while they kept on

praising Casper for having a unique vision.

Nevertheless, Casper could sense that none of those praises was sincere but rather, sarcasm. In their

eyes, he was none other than a fool who had too much money.

The whole procedure, including the tax payment, took around half a day to complete. Hence, all the

shops in the Horington food street became Casper’s.

However, this was merely a start, as there were more complicated procedures on the way.

“Ms. Schneider, I’ll leave the rest in your hands. Rent these out to those stall owners. Get everyone

onto this and make the street lively again,” Casper said while putting all the forty-two contracts into his


Casper had checked beforehand that the water and electric supplies in all the old shop lots, even

though deserted for ages, were intact. In other words, they were all ready for business.

He mentioned to Elena about Larry and his wife, who was operating a stall. He bet they would be

happy to rent a permanent shop.

If all the shops succeeded in being rented, Casper would not have to worry about the survival of the


“But what if they refuse to rent?”

Elena furrowed her brows, as obviously, the rent of a permanent shop is way higher than a temporary


“Stallion, it seems like you got another vital mission. If anyone refuses to rent, remove their stalls, or

levy protection money or something else. Wouldn’t that be great?” Casper patted on Stallion’s shoulder


“Should I still do it under the name of Firewolf Chamber of Commerce?”

Stallion turned motivated right away hearing Casper’s proposal.

“Nope. You can use your name. Gather all your subordinates. It’s about time they abandon their

depraved way of life,” Casper said faintly.

Upon hearing that, Stallion seemed somewhat confused. Isn’t collecting protection money illegal too?

How could Boss sounded so confident and persuasive? Never mind! I’ll do as he said!

“Alright!” Stallion agreed without any hesitation.

Now it was Elena’s turn to be puzzled. She thought Casper was a nice guy who was willing to invest for

her sake, but it turned out he was a completely ruthless devil.

Nonetheless, she had to admit that it was indeed the only available option if they were to revive the


“Mr. Simpson, I’ll get it done. Let me go back to draft the contract now. By the way, do I use the

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

signature of Tycoon?” Elena cringed as she suddenly thought of that important question.

“Nope. Please register a new company in these few days. Name it Horington Joint Investment. Notify

me once done.”

Looking at Elena’s befuddled expression, Casper added, “I’ll give you an increment after all this.”

“Mr. Simpson, that’s not what I mean. Forget it. I’ll get started now.” Elena sounded somehow helpless,

but still, she got ready to depart.

“Buy a pair of sports shoes. High heels are not good for your feet.” Casper reminded her before she


“Okay.” For that instant, Elena felt a warmth rising within her heart. All her tiredness seemed to fade as

she did not expect Casper would care for her like this.

At the same time, Stallion had headed off to complete his assigned mission.

Casper also took a cab back to his college. He carefully took out the pile of property ownership

contracts from his bag and hid them under his clothes in the closet. After that, he locked his closet


Around the evening, Casper received a sudden call from Giselle, asking him to stop by her dorm.

She’s inviting me to her dorm. Is she going to have sex with me? Should I resist, or should I enjoy it?

After hanging up the phone, Casper’s mind was occupied with countless thoughts.

It’s already evening time. Probably I’ll end up having dinner at her place just like last time.

“Who was it on the phone? Look at your lecherous smile.”

Felix who was playing computer games cast a glance at Casper. “Did some girl just ask you out?”