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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 73
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“I have never had a beautiful dress or used any make-up. I didn’t even have dolls growing up! Bags are

out of the question, and accessories are just fantasies. I had none of the things the other girls had, but I

never craved them. You know, I’ve never even had snacks…

“But I am a human, and I am a woman. I like pretty things and enjoy having coffee as well. Despite that,

I had bought none of those. I planned on committing suicide today so I went for one, ONE cup of

cappuccino. I will have no regrets after tasting it. Is it really that bad that I don’t want to die with

regrets? Why must everyone bully and reprimand me like that?”


Amelia teared up even more at that point in her story. She couldn’t stop herself from going crazy

anymore, so she screamed aloud.

That scream was so heartbreaking that Casper’s heart ached. She is so unlucky. The pressure she

endures daily… that is not something an outsider like me can even imagine.

Amelia had always been a thin woman, and the way she cried into the night made her look like a

helpless raft fighting against a cruel storm in the sea. It seemed like she would be overwhelmed at any

given moment.

Casper was a little stunned. The surprise in his heart had maxed out by then.

Her life truly is a terrible one. Everything she had experienced was so much worse than what I went


Everything she did was supposed to be normal and understandable.

Heck, even doctors would suggest letting someone on their deathbed have something they enjoy. So,

why can’t a girl who likes coffee have a sip?

This is too sorrowful.

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Casper never guessed that Amelia had already decided to kill herself when she walked into that cafe.

To think that the helpless woman was publicly humiliated, reprimanded, and bullied just before she tried

to commit suicide…

And she had to listen to my self-righteous, ignorant speech after I saved her… F*ck, everything I said

only made things worse.

Casper couldn’t help blaming himself when he thought about that. What right did he have to scold a

young lady who had only ever tried to survive? D*rn it, I acted too impulsively. She’s not who I think she


Casper shifted his gaze to the cappuccino and noted that it was left untouched.

I guess that makes sense.

She only took a sip because her intention had always been to try having some exquisite coffee before

she kills herself without regrets…

Amelia acted like someone on their deathbed who wanted to wear something nice before they pass

away. It didn’t matter that they would only wear it for those few seconds. They just wanted to die

without regret.

She was too kind. The belief in this region is that if someone dies while having regrets, their souls will

be forced to stay on Earth and scare the living. She didn’t want to cause nightmares for everyone else.

Casper suddenly felt heartbroken.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know,” said Casper.

He apologized sincerely. After that, he picked his clothes up and got a piece of tissue out of his pocket.

He handed the tissue to Amelia and advised, “Here, wipe your tears away. Don’t do anything stupid

again, okay? Think about it. Won’t your parents be devastated if anything were to happen to you?”

“M-my dad is not around. My mom’s the one who raised me,” shared Amelia as she shook her head.

Her emotions were slowly stabilizing, and she no longer wanted to commit suicide. Her change might

be due to how Casper was treating her a little differently than others do. He does not look down on


Hearing how Amelia’s dad wasn’t in the picture gripped Casper’s heart.

“Then think about it. If I hadn’t rescued you in time, won’t your mother be devastated? She might even

kill herself to be with you. Are you really okay with that?” asked Casper before he shook his head

gently and sighed.

“I know that my mom will be crushed if I were to die. She might even do something stupid,” said


Her tears started rolling down her cheeks once more when she protested, “But what else can I do?

Being a liability like me meant that my death is the only thing that will set my mom free. I knelt down

and bowed in the direction of my mom’s house before I jumped into the lake to commit suicide. I’m so

sorry, Mom. If I get reincarnated, I promise that I will repay all your kindness in my next life. Please

forgive me.”

Her tears dripped into her mouth, and the hopelessness in her eyes became more intense. Sorrow

overwhelmed her once more and tears flowed fiercely down her cheek. She looked terrible.

Casper suddenly recalled how he commented and called Amelia a lunatic after seeing her weird

behavior. I never realize that she was saying goodbye to her mother. What a sweet girl. Even in her

final moments, she was thinking about her mother.

Casper felt even more guilty upon coming to that conclusion.

“No matter how difficult life is right now, it will pass. Bite down and hold on. There is no hurdle a

persistent human can’t overcome,” said Casper.

He truly felt bad for the woman in front of him. He sighed a little and asked, “Why don’t you talk to me?

Tell me what happened. Maybe I can help.”

They lived in a world where most issues could be solved with money.

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Unfortunately, it was also a world where being poor could topple even the greatest hero.

Rather than using his money to settle the debt that Lillian’s brother owed, Casper felt like his money

would be better spent helping this young woman.

He also thought that he should protect someone that kind and sweet.

Naturally, his willingness to help stemmed from his guilt as well. After all, he acted like an assh*le and a

know-it-all earlier.

She is so strong and persistent, and her kindness is overwhelming. Yet, I misjudged her and

reprimanded her like Jessica did.

To top it off, he almost left. If he was further away, he would not hear the splash, and a human would

cease to exist. His guilt would’ve eaten him alive under those circumstances because he would’ve

been the one who left a helpless woman to fend for herself.

“Y-you’ll help me? No, you can’t help me. No one can,” replied Amelia.

Her emotions were stabilizing once more, so she slowly tilted her head up and looked at Casper.

All she saw was sincerity in his eyes. There wasn’t a hint of insult or discrimination. The fact that he

was a good-looking fellow didn’t hurt either. He is not like the others…

Amelia later noticed that Casper still hadn’t put his clothes back on. That got her to blush in

embarrassment. Ah, so he was on standby the entire time. He would’ve been ready to rescue me again

if I tried to commit suicide.

“C-can you please put your clothes back on? I-I won’t try to commit suicide again,” informed Amelia in a

ridiculously soft voice.

“Ah, right, sorry. I’ll go put them on right away,” promised Casper.

He was a little embarrassed and was quick to put his clothes back on.

That was when Amelia realized that the man in front of her had washed out clothes. I guess he is just

like me and is a regular, poor student.

Unfortunately, my issue is too big. There is nothing he can do even if I tell him, anyway, so I might as

well just keep it a secret.