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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 120
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After that, Casper followed Giselle closely back to her dormitory while holding all the bags she had.

He did not say anything and simply walked behind Giselle in silence. Then, he slowly hooked onto her

hand with his pinky.

Giselle’s face immediately turned bright red as she recalled the awkwardness she felt prior.

After Giselle’s righteous speech, she had pulled Casper away and left Kitty and her friends

dumbfounded. “No matter how you look at it, to me, you’re the best. You’re the guy I’ve fallen for, and I

don’t fall for bad people. So have some confidence, okay?” was what she said before giving Casper a

kiss on the forehead.

Only then did she realize that the way she acted was very similar to a confession.

That was so awkward!

However, what happened next got the situation even more awkward. After Giselle’s supposed

confession, Casper had stiffened up like a puppet. He did not say anything nor did he showed any

expression. It was as if his mind went blank.

How could he not show any reactions? It’s the first time I confessed to someone like that! She thought.

Unbeknownst to her, Casper did, in fact, react. It was just that so much was going on in his head that it

had caused his mind to stop working. In the end, he was left dumbfounded, reveling in the

indescribable joy of hearing his goddess confessing to him.

Having said that, saying that he was on auto-pilot was untrue, for when Giselle did not break away from

his pinky, Casper’s right hand immediately reached out and grabbed her left hand.

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At that moment, the fading crimson glow on Giselle’s face instantly returned, more intense than it was

before. Yet, she did not reject it. On the contrary, she allowed it, welcomed it even.

As such, their hands were intertwined together until they reached Giselle’s dormitory, where they finally

let go.

Inside, Casper was immediately sent into the kitchen to cook, which gave him a little sense of

frustration. However, he understood that their relationship was developing at an unbelievable rate.

Casper figured that Giselle would be scared away if he pushed on any further.

So, he decided to take it slow since Giselle was going to marry him sooner or later.

In the kitchen, Casper put his heart and soul into preparing the meal, making adjustments to ensure

that the taste of the food was perfect.

Within half an hour, the plates became empty, and the food was gone. “I’m definitely going to gain

weight the longer I’m with you,” Giselle said, satisfied as she rubbed her stomach.

“So? I’ll still like you anyway,” Casper assured.

“Then you should come over often and cook for me.” Giselle blushed.

“Sure. As long as you don’t mind.”

“Hahaha! There’s no way I will! Your cooking is simply amazing!”

While Casper was entranced by Giselle’s laughter, his phone suddenly rang. It was Stallion.

“Boss, the Firewolf Chamber is on the move.”

“Stick to the plan. Report to me immediately if anything happens,” Casper ordered.


“Who’s that?” Giselle asked after Casper ended the call.

“It’s my friend,” Casper answered regretfully. “There’s something going on tonight, so I have to go. I

don’t think I can stay and accompany you.”

“I’m an adult, you know. I don’t need you to accompany me. Just go. And be careful!”

Before long, Casper arrived at Tycoon. Stallion and the others were done with all the preparations. All

that was left was to wait for the fish to take the bait.

Thus, Casper smiled when he saw Silas and Connor walking in with their men. “I guess the fishy has

taken the bait. Time to reel it in,” he remarked quietly.

“Smash everything!” Connor exclaimed, not realizing that they had fallen into Casper’s trap. “Tear it all

apart! Beat up anyone that’s in your way! I’ll reward anyone that captures that Casper guy!”

“Elena, make sure to take note of everything they break and write up a bill like last time.”

“Yes, Sir.” Elena smiled.

After that, Casper changed into a disguise and weaved through the crowd in the chaos, slowly getting

closer to Connor.

When Casper got near, Connor suddenly felt a sense of danger creeping up to him. It was an instinct

honed through numerous life or death situations and had saved his life on several occasions.

Connor automatically shifted his body to the side as quickly as he could, but Casper was quicker.

Casper adjusted his angle while Connor moved, landing a critical hit on him with one big step.

“Ah!” Connor cried out in pain, but Casper did not stop there. His punches came flying in like a machine

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gun as hits after hits landed on Connor, making the man scream.

Connor wanted to fight back, but there was a significant difference between his and Casper’s fighting

prowess, so he could not do anything, He was like the pillar of the Firewolf Chamber of Commerce, he

was someone that had been through everything. But at that moment, in front of Casper, he was merely

a punching bag.

It did not take long before Connor’s stance completely crumbled. He was crushed and defeated. His

face swelled as blood dripped from the edge of his face. The morale of the men from the Firewolf

Chamber was shaken. They were dumbfounded.

On the other hand, Casper’s men got even more confident after seeing their mighty leader

overpowering the enemy’s leader.

Only Stallion was an exception since he had already seen Casper in action. Elena was the same.

Having said that, they were both surprised to find out that he was that good. After all, his opponent was

Connor, who was a very prominent member of the Firewolf Chamber.

Meanwhile, Silas was just as astonished, but the shock he felt had more dread in it than anything else

compared to the amazement that Stallion and the others felt.

He would have never thought that Casper was that skilled in fighting to the point that even Connor was

no match for him.

He was truly terrified.

After Casper took out Connor, he immediately joined the others in the fight, taking on ten at a time,

quickly dismantling the other goons from the Firewolf Chamber.

After that, Casper walked toward Connor and dragged him over before tossing him at Silas’ feet.