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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 116
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Casper froze when he heard her statement. He smiled wryly. He thought he had received such a nice

set of clothes as a gift, but it seemed that he had been too naïve to think that way.

“What are you smiling for? You incompetent fool! You can’t do anything right. All the flashy clothes in

the world won’t be able to cover up the fact that you’re nothing but a lowlife!”

“Is that how you talk to people?”

Felix did not like what he heard. The young woman might look like a sophisticated lady, but she was

nothing but an uncouth loudmouth.

“Ho? Do you have a problem with the way I talk? Have I misspoken? He can’t even do one thing right.

He doesn’t deserve those clothes. He won’t amount to anything. I bet he hasn’t even looked at himself

in the mirror!” Sarah chided.

More and more people gathered around them. Some of them were booing on the sidelines, while most

of them were on Sarah’s side. It could not be helped. After all, Sarah was an attractive woman, and she

had a rich guy, Fabian, to support her.


Felix was enraged. He knew that he could not beat her in verbal warfare, so he rolled up his sleeves,

as though preparing for a fight.

“Hey! Chill, Felix.”

Casper quickly stopped Felix from going forward. He then turned to Sarah with a smile on his face.

“Honestly, you really don’t have to make a big deal out of this. You want these clothes, right? Let me go

inside and change out of them.”

“But Casper, what they’re doing is unacceptable! I…”

Felix looked restless, but he relented after looking into Casper’s eyes. He understood that Casper was

much more capable of managing conflicts than he was.

Besides, he knew that Casper was not a pushover who would stay quiet when he was being wronged.

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“Just do it here! We’re in a rush!” Next to Sarah, Fabian teased.

Apparently, he considered Casper an easy target, and he was having fun bullying him.

“You’re going too far!” Felix roared at them, his face paled with anger.

But Casper had a grip on his roommate. He did not want Felix to start a fight. They were at school, and

it would be bad if Felix got himself into trouble.

Furthermore, Casper would never resort to violence if he could resolve an issue with a little bit of

creative thinking.

“Well, Casper, are you doing it or not? If you are, make it quick! We have somewhere else to be!”

Sarah egged him on.

Casper furrowed his brows. He had no intention of getting on Sarah’s bad side, but she seemed

adamant about provoking him.

“What’s going on here?”

Right at that moment, Wendy arrived at school in the nick of time. She squeezed through the crowd

and found herself looking at Casper and Felix.

“Yo! If it isn’t Silas’ girlfriend! Oh, don’t tell me, he’s dumped you, didn’t he?” Fabian snickered.

Casper frowned when he heard that comment. Fabian knows Silas?

Felix could not hold it any longer. With strength he did not know he had, he shook off Casper’s grip on

him, rushed toward Fabian, and grabbed him by the collar. Fuming with anger, he growled, “Say it

again, I dare you!”

The onlookers grew excited when they realized they were finally going to see some action. Sarah was

also caught off guard by Felix’s sudden movement. She quickly ducked for cover behind Fabian.

“Hmph! Make me!”

Fabian met Felix’s gaze and held onto it. He was not afraid of the poor man at all. Hah, you’re nothing

but a poor b*stard. You’ll only be digging your own grave if you lay a finger on me!

“Felix! Just let go of him, alright? What the heck is going on?”

Wendy stepped forward to prevent the worst from happening. If Felix were to throw his punch, this

clash would cease to be just a trivial conflict between students.

Felix managed to calm down when Wendy came to the front. Gradually, he loosened his grip on

Fabian’s collar.

“Hmph! Seems like you’re not only a poor sap, but you’re a coward as well!”

Fabian scoffed as he adjusted his collar.

“Huh! Some people are completely worthless, perhaps no different from trash even! They only have

money, and they use that to hide their shame and maintain what pitiful amount of self-esteem they

have. If pigs have that same amount of money, I think they may know better what to do with it!”

It was Wendy who talked back as she dragged Felix away. She even raised her voice on purpose. The

crowd burst into laughter when they heard her retort. Even Casper could not resist a chuckle.

He never realized that Wendy had such an overbearing side to her.

“You wench! Who are you calling a pig?”

Wendy’s statement angered Fabian. He did not expect those impactful words to have come out of her


“Did I say it’s you? I don’t think the pigs would approve of that. After all, being compared to you would

be the worst thing that could ever happen to them!”


Fabian was so offended he was speechless. His finger was shaking as he pointed at her.

“Shut up, all of you! Casper, are you taking them off or not?”

Sarah took charge after seeing Fabian failed to issue a rebuttal. They were here to make Casper look

bad, not make fools of themselves.

“Take what off?”

Wendy frowned in confusion. Felix summarized the whole thing for her.

“Well, that’s odd. What kind of person would demand something that has been willingly given? I guess

some people really do have their heads in the clouds. They’d think that their words are like farts, you

know. Once the smell’s gone, they’d pretend it never happened,” Wendy huffed. “I wonder who’s the

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

shameless one around here.”

Casper and Felix were stunned when they heard her. They gave Wendy two thumbs up at the same

time. Now this is talent! Superb elocution! The eloquence of a scholar indeed! Definitely comparable to

the debaters of our generation!

In his mind, Casper was showering Wendy with praises. He admitted that he was not as good as her.

He had no idea that there was an expert in verbal warfare right in his social circle.


Fury surged within Sarah as she barked, “I don’t care what you say. Casper must return those clothes

to me today!”

“Tsk! Who cares about your clothes? So what if you’re dressed from head to toe in luxury brands,

wearing Gucci perfume and Bvlgari? I don’t think any of that can conceal your trashiness,” Wendy

snapped back at her.

Then she turned to Casper and said, “Get in there and change out of those clothes. Let her have


“Roger that! I’m on it!”

Casper nodded fervently and made his way into the dorm. Right then, he had nothing but the utmost

respect for Wendy.

“Do it here!”

Sarah barked her orders, but Casper was already long gone.

“Why are you so persistent? If you want to see men stripping that badly, go peek in the men’s toilet!

This is ridiculous…”

Wendy threw so much shade that Sarah found herself at the brink of tears.

Casper was quick. In less than two minutes, he got back out of the dorm carrying a bag. The set of

branded clothes were in there. Casper had put on the cheap sports attire that he usually wore.

“There! Take it! I don’t get why you’re squandering your money like dirt when you’re such a cheapskate.

Who takes back their presents, for crying out loud? I don’t think you realize how embarrassing this is…”