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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 105
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Stallion was efficient in carrying out Casper’s order. In no time, he had collected all the information

about the entertainment company that Giselle was working at.

Casper flipped through the document. The owner of the company was a beautiful woman called Tiana


From the photo attached, she looked flinty with thick brows and a pair of dazzling upturned eyes. The

woman had tanned skin and a perfect body, thin yet muscular.

“This company is facing some issues lately. Its cash flow is tight, which will avail our acquisition of it,”

Stallion reported when he saw Casper raising his brow at him.

“Have you asked if she has any intention of selling it?”

Stallion shook his head in response. “I’ve asked her. Although the company is facing some financial

difficulties, she had no intention of selling it.”

Casper ran his eyes over the document before putting it down. “She’s a smart woman. If I were her, I

wouldn’t let go of the company either. After all, she could still try her luck and take a gamble,” he said


“Huh?” Obviously, Stallion didn’t quite follow Casper.

The latter took out another document brought to him by Stallion. “Actually, the company can survive

through the crisis easily if it can get a capital injection and sign some new artists. However, Tiana must

be having a headache right now since the bank is withholding her loan. At this juncture, her company’s

live-streaming app is still in the developing stage. The company has invested a lot of money in it, yet it

still hasn’t generated much profit.”

Stallion nodded in agreement. “That’s true. The main problem now is that Darwin Entertainment is in

fierce competition with its rival company.”

In fact, Darwin Entertainment’s rival company was trying to drive business out of it by poaching the

former’s higher-ups and artists. Or else, the company wouldn’t be in such dire straits.

Casper yawned. “Well, Horington is still too small a city for so many entertainment companies, which

results in drastic competition. Nevertheless, if I take over Darwin Entertainment, they will be in big

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trouble if they dare poach our employees again,” he uttered with a confident smile.

Then, he asked Stallion to contact Tiana again.

Meanwhile, at Darwin Entertainment, Tiana was busy working in her office when she received the call

from Stallion.

She sighed and answered the call. “Hello, Mr. Mace. I wish to talk to you about the acquisition of our

company.” In the end, she had resigned herself to selling the company.

As soon as Stallion ended the call, Casper whistled before saying with a hint of certainty, “So, Tiana

has agreed to sell her company?”

“Yes. But, why did she suddenly change her mind?”

Stallion recalled Tiana’s unyielding manner when he first met her. It seemed to him that the latter would

rather declare insolvency than selling the company to others.

Casper chuckled but didn’t answer Stallion’s question. “When is the meeting?” he asked.

“Tonight, ten o’clock, at Tycoon.”

After a while, he spoke up, “Since I’m free tonight, I’m going with you.”

Later that day, Tiana arrived at Tycoon. Her assistant, who wore a pair of sunglasses, followed suit as

she entered the restaurant.

“Ms. Darwin, that person must be up to no good. We’d better not meet him,” the assistant voiced his


Tiana took a deep breath and replied rather helplessly, “This is my last-ditch effort. If we still can’t find a

way out, we can only sell the company.”

Since it was only eight o’clock, Stallion and Casper were having their dinner in the restaurant. Stallion

was confused when he saw Tiana.

He stuffed a piece of prawn in his mouth and then pointed in Tiana’s direction. “Why is Ms. Darwin here

so early? The appointment time we agreed upon is ten o’clock.”

Casper chuckled softly and shook his head. “Do you remember the guy who entered the restaurant just

now? He’s the vice-president of New Lewis Bank. I guess Tiana is still clinging to the hope that she

might get the loan.”

“Tsk tsk tsk, so they have agreed to negotiate. If the bank really approved her loan, then what’s she

going to do about us?”

“She’ll stand us up then. After all, it’s not a formal meeting anyway. We’re nowhere near the negotiating

stage,” Casper answered nonchalantly.

He had come across such circumstances a lot. Hence, he wouldn’t take it to heart.

Besides, he admired Tiana for her capability. The latter was capable of expanding a small studio into

such a huge entertainment company. She was no ordinary woman!

Hmm… Perhaps I can offer her the position as the vice president after I take over the company. A smile

crept onto Casper’s face at the thought.

He had decided to operate the entertainment company on his own. In fact, he had a bunch of ideas in

his mind regarding the company’s future development.

It will be great if I can have a helper who knows the ins and outs of the entertainment industry. I wonder

if she’s willing to take up the offer.

Standing outside the private room, Tiana took a deep breath and then plastered a smile on her face.

She entered the room to see a few men, all of which were potbellied and wearing suits. They all

greeted her arrival with smiles.

The man sitting in the middle was her target – William Dale, the vice president of New Lewis Bank.

Upon seeing Tiana, a devilish smile appeared on William’s face. “Ms. Darwin, you’re here! Come, have

a seat.”

The man cast his lecherous gaze over Tiana’s perky breasts as he spoke.

Tiana uneasily adjusted her clothes before she went to sit beside William.

Casting her eyes over the others at the table, she apologized, “I’m sorry for being late.”

They were courteous as they responded, “We’ve just arrived as well.”

“We’re here ahead of time. Ms. Darwin, you’re here right on time.”

“That’s right.”

Tiana smiled politely at them.

“Do order anything you like. It’s on me tonight.” With that, she gestured the server to come and take the

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William leaned closer toward Tiana. His nasty gaze lingered on the latter’s pair of long legs and then

her pretty face.

Tiana was a gorgeous woman with tanned skin. Being mixed-race with one-quarter Eastern ancestry,

her facial features looked exotic.

As a successful businesswoman, she looked poised and confident. Nevertheless, there was a haggard

look on her face since she hadn’t rested well for some time in the face of the threats from the rival


Actually, William had had his eyes on Tiana a long time ago. He had had casual relationships with

countless women, yet he hadn’t laid his hands on a businesswoman like Tiana before.

Despite wanting to collect this trophy, there hadn’t been a chance for him to do so.

Soon, the dishes were served. Tiana took over the wine bottle from the server and helped fill William’s


Until everyone had drunk enough, only did she mention the loan. “Mr. Dale, our company is facing

some difficulties lately. About our loan application…”

Hearing that, a glint flashed across William’s eyes. With a wicked smile, his plump fingers fondled the

back of Tiana’s hand. “Oh, Ms. Darwin, don’t be a killjoy! Let’s not talk about business on the dining


Tiana retracted her hands and placed them on her thighs. Then, she forced a smile. “Well, while

enjoying the meal, we still need to get things done.”

Before that, she had acted in the bank authority’s favor by forking out a huge sum of money, yet there

was still no progress with her loan application.

If this continued, her company couldn’t hold up much longer.

Also, there was still a film crew waiting for funds before it could start the shooting. The company had

spent a huge amount of money as the up-front investment of the film. If the film shooting got canceled,

all those money would go down the drain.

Hence, Tiana wouldn’t allow that to happen. The problem was that those old slickers from the bank

wouldn’t approve the loan.