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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73 Why Does He Sound Like ‘Him’ Amy took few steps further as if scared. Actually, she can’t even read her own emotions at this moment

but she was sure she didn’t want to stay close to him.

Amy turned to Broderick and began to walk back towards him,” I seem not to understand what your

brother is saying?” “What did he say?” Broderick asked her with a frown.

“You can’t discuss our conversation with a third party. Remember we both have secretes, you won’t like it

it be exposed here,”

Michael said.

“Are you threatening me, Mr. Michael?” Amy asked with anger.

“I am not, I just don’t want you to tell him our conversation. It should remain between us,” Amy


“Were you the one that burned down the family’s company?” Broderick asked calmly. “I did.” He


“You fucking bastard! You burn down the family’s legacy? Our fore fathers struggled hard with their

sweats to build the biggest

building in the continent and you heartlessly burnt it down. Have you gone out of your mind?” Broderick

yelled angrily at him.

“Shut the fuck up, Broderick!” Michael said sternly. The gentlemanliness on his face vanished at once,

his face was now stern and harsh that even Amy was surprised at his change in character. Was he a wolf

in sheep clothing? Otherwise, how could he burn down a company worth billions of dollars?

Michael took a step further to him and said with rage,” you! It has always been you. Everything is always

about you. You got the favor of the family, you became the only heir of the family’s company while I’m

giving some measly lands and money as inheritance.”

“You burnt down the company cause you are jealous of me, huh?” Broderick asked.

*Fuck jealousy! If I was jealous of you, I’ll take over the company from you and not burn it down.” Michael

was burning hard in


“Mr. Michael, how could you be so cruel to do this? Did you know that we have over 700 staffs in the

company? Now they will all

be unemployed cause of your irrational act,” Brett said. He was angry at Michael, that was because he

didn’t really know who

Michael was.

*It’s a family matter, stay away Brett,” Broderick said to him and Brett quickly left the scene. Broderick did

that to protect Brett so

he and his family will not be a victim of Michael’s anger.

Michael ignored Brett like he was so insignificant, indeed, the gap between Brett’s family and the

Alessandro’s family was too

large. Who was Brett to even interfer in the Alessandro’s business?

” burnt down the building to break you! Your surname and being the heir of the Alessandro’s wealth will

not be able to sustain your position as the most powerful man in North Hill in the long run,” Michael said

with a very wicked smirk. When he turned to Amy, his smirk dissapeared into a smile but Amy find the

smile to be disgusting. No matter how good Michael had projected himself to be, burning an entire

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building that took many generations to build already ruined his reputation before her

“Ouuu ouuuu. I’m crying… I’ll soon become a commoner in North Hill,” Broderick placed his hand on his

eyes as if crying.

Everyone knows that he was been sarcastic,

broderick removed his hand all of a sudden and smirked, “Good one…hahaha..good one brother,”

Broderick patted Michael’s

shoulder and then said to Amy,” Miss. Cleo, we need to leave.”

*Sure” Athy said

Miss CEO, you seem to forget your position as my personal assistant, how can you walk away from

me?” Michael suddenly asked.

Amy was never Michael’s personal assistant, he just referred to her like that in public to protect her,

I came here with Mr. Broderick, it’s reasonable that I leave with him. Plus I can’t stay another moment to

have a conversation

with you, bye Mr Michael * Amy said and then walked away with Broderick

Martha sat in the Owen’s family mansion alongside Edith and Owen. Nell was also seated here.

have investigated with all my power to find who could be behind the video but I didn’t find anyone,” the

mayor said and sighed

in frustration

Edith was released from prison after she removed her face mask and took on a new identity.” The Mayor

paid a huge sum of

money to higher authorities to get her out. The bribery could only work because Martha can walk freely in

town without anyone identifying that she’s Theresa. But she knew she dare not to put on Theresa’s mask


“That was a narrow escape! How would I have lived if it was my real face that was associated to the

crime. I would have lived my life in prison,” Martha lamented,” mother, second mother… this is too risky, I

don’t know if I can continue with this.” “Idiot, how can you give up so easily? Didn’t you love Broderick?”

Nell asked.

“I love him but I’m scared. Things are not working out as planned. It’s like Amy’s spirit is around to hunt

us..” Martha said. “You are the one who is not smart enough. Weren’t you supposed to close the door of

the kitchen before you poisoned the food?” Nell rebuked her. “Mother, how did you feel about the

destruction of the Alessandro’s company?” Edith asked Nell.

“Indifferent, sincerely. I know it’s going to plummet our family down into a second class or third class

citizen of North Hill but I really don’t care. It’s Broderick who is enjoying all the benefits from the company

that our fore father’s laboured to build,” Nell


“Well, now that someone else will soon evolve as the most powerful man in North Hill, I don’t think there

is any reason to let Edith

marry Broderick anymore,” the mayor said. “True. Broderick is useless now,” Nell said and added, “Let’s

wait for who will soon become the most powerful man in North Hill so we can ship Martha to him. If

Martha can get married to him, it will help my family and yours stay in the first class seat of the society.”

“Fine, fingers crossed,” Edith said. A few seconds later, “Mum!” Theresa suddenly called, drawing

everyone’s attention to her,” see this!” she showed Edith a top blog post on her phone and she read it.

“What!” Edith exclaimed.

“What is it?” the mayor asked curiosly.

“Someone else has announced himself as the most powerful man in North Hill,” Edith broke the news.

“What!” Nell exclaimed and stood from her seat, she snatched the phone from Edith and read for herself.

The person however had an ugly face that was full of scar.

“Was this person joking with the citizens of North Hill… His declaration of asset is too extraordinary,” Nell


The mayor stood and requested, “mother, please let me see.”

Nell handed over the phone to him and he read it, “Mother, I will be the one to confirm the authenticity of

the man’s asset according to our culture. I will immediately summon a council meeting and give you

feedback.” “Okay, do that immediately,” Nell said and the mayor walked out hurriedly.

Edith stood and said,” how can someone be so rich? I don’t think someone as rich as that can be born in

North Hill.”

“Let the mayor find out,” Nell said,

Once someone else is confirmed as the most powerful man in North Hill by the mayor and the city

councils, such person’s family

well rose alongside to become the most powerful and the Alessandro’s family’s networth and stance will

drop vehemently.

“Mother, we don’t know how ruthless this man will be yet, I’m already thinking if he will accept Martha,”

Edith let out her worries.

What! Mum, are you even thinking of shipping me to that ugly man?” Edith asked angrily. These people

don’t even care about what she wants of what she doesn’t, they just think they can marry her off to

anyone as long as it benefits them.

“Be quiet!” Neli said,” let’s get a feedback from the mayor first

Edith and Nell then sat back

Eoin offered Nell food but she refused. She want to know if this news of the person who just announced

himself as the most

powerful man in NorthHill is authentic.

Over the decades, the Alessandro’s family had retained that position and there was no family in NorthHill

that is half as wealthy , as the Alessandro’s family. The Alessandro’s company that was recently burnt

down didn’t and has never had a company that is

worthy of competing with it.

About six hours later, it was already 9PM at night, yet the three women were still seated at the living

room. They were only

leaving the living room when they wanted to ease themselves. The mayor appeared and Nell stood at

once,” what did you find out?”

“Mother, please sit. I’ll explain what I find out to everyone,” Carlton said and Nell sat. The three women in

the room set their gaze keenly on him.

“It’s real. That man is a citizen of North Hill. His personal assistant provided us with his birth certificate.

The man owns the

biggest company in our neighborhring cities; East Hill, South Hill and West Hill. He only doesn’t have a

company here, he said it is because he didn’t want to compete with the Alessandro’s family company. He

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has the biggest companies in four continents; Africa, North America, South America and Asia. His wealth

cuts across every circles of business and his total asset isn’t even in billions, it’s beyound billions,”

Carlton declared.

Everyone was shocked.

“Is he a god?” Edith asked. Cause how in the world can someone be so wealthy?

“He’s not, but I guess God had decided to make him another ‘Solomon.’ Mother, so far, his personal

assistant has been very responsive to us and I think that’s a good sign that it will be easy for us to

communicate with him in the future,” Carlton said.

“You have to marry your daughter off to him,” Nell said to Calrton.

“Mother! how can you say this to me? This man is ugly and scary,” Martha protested.

“Mother, don’t worry. As long as you can help us convince this new powerful man to take in Martha, we’ll

make her his,” Edith said, not even minding Martha’s protest. “Arrange a meeting with him tomorrow

morning. Afterall, you are the mayor, he should honour your first request,” Nell said. “I’ll do that,” Carlton

responded. When it was the following morning, Carlton, Edith, Martha and Nell stepped down from their

range Rover and walked towards the super big gate that had a very tall fence around it. Few people in

North Hill who had come to this area had always wondered what was inside this large fence, no one

knew that a secretly powerful man resides there, After the securities had affirmed that there was no harm

on them, they let them inside.

In a jiffy, they all sat in a large room then a short but muscular man appeared in a white shirt, white

trouser and white shoe,” |

guess you are the mayor?” the man asked casually, looking at the mayor and the people with him with a

demeaning look. “Yes, yes…” the mayor responded quickly. “I’m BA’s personal assistant, hold on for five

hours. That’s when he will be ready to meet with you,” the personal assistant said and didn’t wait for their

response or reaction before he walked away. “So disrespectful!” Martha said.

“Keep quiet,” Edith cautioned her. “Mother, what did you think?” the mayor asked Nell.

“I think he’s just trying to test our patience. My family is about to experience the greatest mockery In

town, I can even wait for

twenty four hours to meet with him as long as I can get to partner with the most powerful man in North

Hill,” Nell said. Now that

everyone understood that the new most powerful man was just trying to test their patient, they all waited

for him in silence.

Precisely five hours later, two men in black appeared, another two men in black appeared, two, two men

began to appear one

after the other and arranged themselves around the room.

Nell, Edith, Carlton and Martha were scared at the presence of this people, wasn’t the person that was

supposed to appear be the

most powerful man in North Hill, who are these numerous scary men in black?

Suddenly, a heavy presence filled the room and the men in black bowed and greeted.” Welcome Ba, the

god of war.”

Fear filled the entire room and then Ba walked nobly to sit at the seat before them.

“Let’s keep this meeting brief, what’s your purpose of coming?” he asked in a very harsh tone. Everyone

seated was shocked with the tone he spoke with, Martha whispered to Nell,’ godmother, why does he

sound so much like Broderick Alessandro?” 1