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Ankoku Kishi Monogatari ~Yuusha wo Taosu Tameni Maou ni Shoukansaremashita~

Chapter 53.4: Demon King and Goddess
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Chapter 53.4 : Demon King and Goddess

Don’t mention it. I really did nothing in this case. Nevertheless, you really were in a pinch just now, Your Excellency.

Yes. I’m grateful that they show goodwill toward me, but…

But trying to follow me of their own convenience was bound to create trouble.

In the first place, I wanted to get along with them rather than living surrounded by enemies from all sides.

I was happy for their goodwill, but such an act was meaningless if it only caused problems for those who took care of their neglected work.

And those who had to take care of their General’s work would end up hating me, too. Although I wasn’t optimistic enough to try to befriend everyone, I wanted to at least avoid major disputes with the others.

For this reason, I was extremely grateful for Felton’s help.

And Felton was also one of the few of the Demon Race who didn’t hate me. Guede, who stood behind him, didn’t have the same impression towards me, but he wasn’t as hostile as Ulbard.

Perhaps suspecting Felton’s goodwill towards me was rude, considering his show of kindness, so I accepted his actions as a pure show of goodwill towards me.

If Your Excellency needs some help, this Felton will always be ready to assist you.

Thank you very much, General Felton. I shall take my leave here.

I bowed to Felton as I said so, and then turned around to leave.

There were so many kinds of people in the Demon King’s Army. And I wasn’t the type of person who was loved by all. But I wouldn’t betray anyone who showed goodwill toward me. I would help them as much as I could.

That was why I embarked on a journey to save Nut.

� Heavenly Demon General, Felton

How rare of you to do that, Felton.

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What are you talking about, Guede?

The matter of His Excellency Diehart, of course. Among us, aren’t you the one who regards His Excellency as dangerous the most? And here you are, worrying about him. What’s the matter?

I laughed at Guede’s question.

His Excellency is the one who defeated the Hero of Light, who we failed to defeat. He’s also a person trusted by His Majesty. It’s natural for me to worry about him.

Do you really think so? I feel that you have another reason.

I really couldn’t deceive Guede. I should just tell him the truth.

Guede… His Excellency’s current situation is similar to His Majesty’s situation back in Elios.

Guede tilted his head, confused.

Similar to… His Majesty? What do you mean?

Please think about it, Guede. A long time ago, when he still lived in Elios, His Majesty was regarded as a dangerous being by the Gods of Elios. Even though His Majesty was their savior. Don’t you think that Your Highness’s situation of that time and the current situation of His Excellency are overlapped?

I still felt angry whenever I recalled that matter. How dare those shitty Elios Gods treat His Majesty, the one who saved their asses, like a hindrance.

Moreover, they went as far as banishing His Majesty from Elios.


I’d make sure to let those guys experience the same pain His Majesty did. And His Excellency’s power was necessary to realize that.

That was why I accepted His Excellency as His Majesty’s ally.

It was a foolish thing to do, making him an enemy just because of stupid jealousy.

I explained my reasoning to Guede.

I see…

That’s right, Guede. And speaking of those annoying Elios Gods, they went as far as sending that annoying Hero. Just what in the hell are those idiots trying to do to His Majesty? Just because they told that Hero that His Majesty was dangerous… And it’s only thanks to His Excellency’s efforts that nothing dangerous happened to His Majesty. His Excellency himself is building a good friendship with His Majesty. That’s why we should avoid making an enemy of him.

I see. So that’s the reason why you’re worrying about His Excellency…

I nodded to Guede.

Maybe His Majesty also thought the same. Maybe he could see his own situation in Elios back then overlapping with His Excellency Diehart’s current situation.

That’s right, Guede. We must not let His Excellency suffer from the same experience as His Majesty. We shouldn’t make the same mistake as those jerks in Elios.

Yes. We weren’t the same as those Elios Gods, existences that should just be eradicated by their own foolishness.

Uhm, I understand your consideration. By the way, Felton. Are you going to mess up those humans again?

Of course, Guede. His Majesty might not wish to have anything to do with those Elios jerks, but I’m different. I won’t be satisfied unless I torment their beloved humans.

Unbeknownst to His Majesty, I secretly snuck in some of my subordinates into human settlements. Naturally, it was to torment those humans.

Things like manipulating the king of a country from behind the scenes to make the citizens in his country suffer or poisoning his own citizens.

I couldn’t do it too openly since I kept this as a secret from His Majesty.

Those Elios chaps wanted the humans to prosper. I would do my best to prevent them from reaching their goal, because His Majesty was the right successor of this world. Soon, the time would come for us to destroy those Elios bastards.

I smiled from the bottom of my heart when I thought of that future.

� Queen of Darkness, Mona.

I see, Zeph. Guno failed in her mission, huh…

My deepest apologies, Mona-sama. It seems Guno became His Excellency Diehart’s slave. She is no longer useful to you, Mona-sama. This matter is entirely my fault. Please punish this one for her failure.

Zephyr of the Four Heavenly Kings reported so to me while bowing her head.

My plan was anticipated by Diehart. [TL: It wasn’t!!]

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My order for Guno and her subordinates was to find Diehart’s weakness. Because no matter how powerful someone is, they surely had a weakness.

Thus, I could quickly deal with him if he later became Modes-sama’s enemy.

Nevertheless, he made his move faster than me and turned Guno and the others into his slaves.

[TL: You know what kind of slave, right? R-I-G-H-T?]

They were turned into his loyal slaves in just one day after I sent them to spy on him.

[TL: …………….. Good Job Dic— I mean Kuroki’s Little Dragon]

Good grief, even if they are part of the Demon Race… In the end, they’re just women. What a useless bunch.

Zeph trembled once I said those words.

I looked at Zeph with a cold, piercing gaze.

Those good-for-nothing bunch of sluts should just die.

Honestly speaking, I wanted to punish Zeph for her failure. But Zephy was a precious subordinate given to me by Modes to protect me.

I had to ask Modes-sama if I could punish her. The only problem was that I couldn’t find any reason to do it.

Well, just let them be. You may leave, Zeph.

Zeph left the room after bowing to me.

Good grief. Those Daemons were just useless.

What should I do now? That man was dangerous. He enslaved those female Daemons in just one day.

I shuddered just by thinking about that man turning into our enemy. If that was to happen, my dear Modes-sama would be put in real, mortal danger.

It was still fine for now, but who knew what would happen in the future.

Even if my fear became reality, I would definitely protect Modes-sama.

My everything existed only for Modes-sama.