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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori (official version)

Chapter 2208
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"Listen here, troublemaker! Don't you dare get cocky! Do you think you can look down on us? Well, mark my

words, this tnext year, people will gather to remember your death!"

"Hmph! We've been around the block in this martial world for years. Naturally, we've seen it all. Yet, a mere

troublemaker like you strut around like you own the place. You've got no clue what you're up against!"

"If you know what's good for you, drop to your knees and beg for mercy, or else... we'll kill you!"

The Greenfield Gang was shouting and yelling at her. They were all filled with righteous anger. Abigail's

contemptuous words had enraged them.

Though the title of Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order might sound imposing, the Greenfield Gang was

ruthless. They had stared death in the face and lived to tell the tale, so they were fearless in the face of danger.

But their confidence mainly stemmed from her young age. They doubted that someone barely 18 or 19 could

have reached such a high level of mastery. She needed to have started training practically from birth.

Moreover, Abigail was alone and had no guardian by her side.

Meanwhile, they had a whole squad of heroic comrades backing them up.

No matter how powerful she was, she was still outnumbered.

"You're so damn noisy!" Abigail frowned

Then, she said impatiently, "Looks like you won't get the message until there's sbloodshed."

"Enough with your chatter! It's tfor us to teach you a lesson!"

The Greenfield Gang exchanged silent glances. They immediately drew their weapons and charged forward.

Their movements were swift as they formed an avian formation before launching their attacks.

It was a tactical arrangement where they positioned themselves in a formation resembling the flight pattern of

birds. Typically, it involved two leading the charge and two providing backup.

This formation allowed for dynamic movement, both in offense and defense. It was a versatile formation that

allowed them to change strategies and keep their opponents on their toes.

In situations where the opponents were outnumbered, the avian formation offered a tactical advantage that was

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difficult to overcome.

"Talk about laying it all out on the table. You can tell right away that the Greenfield Gang isn't messing around.

They were much stronger than the Bovens brothers!"

"You bet! The Greenfield Gang has been the top dog for as long as anyone can remember. With all four members

teaming up, taking down one troublemaker should be a breeze."

"This troublemaker is too young. She even dares to fight alone without a guardian in sight. Today is going to be

her last."

Watching the Greenfield Gang radiating confidence, the martial arts elites behind Luke couldn't resist whispering

among themselves.

In contrast to Abigail, the recently appointed Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order, they believed the

Greenfield Gang would win the fight.

"Prowling predator!"

"Call of the wilderness!"

“Primal fury!”

"Titans clash!"

After surrounding her, the Greenfield Gang launched their attack from all angles.

One swung blades, the other tossed daggers, another flung hidden weapons, while the last one used poison.

The scene unfolded like a whirlwind of action, and their movements were hard to follow.

"Ignorant fools!" Abigail snorted and brought down her palm in one swift motion.

Her palm wind ripped through the air like a thunderclap. It carried a tremendous force as it pressed on the

Greenfield Gang.

The Greenfield Gang suddenly felt a heavy weight bearing down on them, and their movements slowed to a


And then, like a mountain collapsing into the sea, a colossal palm wind slammed into them head-on.

The four men let out a cacophony of screams as they were hurled through the air. They crashed to the ground

over ten yards away and coughed up blood.

The Greenfield Gang was defeated with just one move.

The onlookers were left in disbelief as they witnessed the turn of events.

"How... How could this happen? They have been defeated?"

"She took down the Greenfield Gang in one swift move. Just how powerful is she?"

The crowd exchanged incredulous looks.

It made sense when Abigail effortlessly defeated the Bovens brothers earlier. After all, the twins were known for

their immunity to poison, not their combat skills.

But the Greenfield Gang was in a league of its own.

Each member was a force to be reckoned with, and they becan unstoppable powerhouse when they teamed

up. They rarely encountered a worthy opponent.

Hence, witnessing them sustain serious injuries from just one move was terrifying.

"Troublemaker! You. you destroyed our cultivation?"

The Greenfield Gang lay sprawled on the ground. They were shocked and terrified as they couldn't rise to their


"And what if | did? Count yourselves lucky I didn't finish you off," Abigail said coldly.

"Why you—"

One of the Greenfield Gang members spat out another mouthful of blood in a fury.

The gang thought they would strike gold with this opportunity and hoped to make scash and earn respect.

Instead, their plan completely backfired.

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Not only did they return empty-handed, but they also ended up shooting themselves in the foot.

"Now, it's your turn!"

Abigail's gaze swept over Luke and his group.

Her intense stare sent shivers down their spines, and it stirred up a primal sense of panic.

Luke and his group were not dumb. They had witnessed Abigail take down the Greenfield Gang with a single

move, so her strength spoke for itself.

Pushing around weak opponents was one thing, but facing off against a powerhouse like her was akin to playing

with fire.

"Troublemaker! | didn't expect you to have any tricks left, but I underestimated you. Do you think you can handle

these elites alone? That's just wishful thinking!" Luke shouted.

He added, "Now, I'll show you what it looks like to face a united front! Everyone, let's take down this

troublemaker together!"

He raised his longsword high in the air and shouted, "Take out the troublemaker! Finish her off!"

His words spurred the others into action as they raised their weapons and joined the battle cry.


Luke thrust his sword forward as he led the charge with Frostzard Manor's elite martial artists at his side.

At that moment, martial ethics took a backseat to the burning desire for revenge. Thoughts of his father

consumed him entirely as he would stop at nothing to settle the score.


Fueled by a shared purpose, the martial arts experts echoed Luke's cry with thunderous roars as they charged


After all, they had taken Luke's money and couldn't just back out now that things were heating up. Even if it was

all for show, they had a reputation to uphold.

In their line of work, reputation meant everything.