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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori (official version)

Chapter 2201
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"Get those bets in, quick! Trust me, put your bet on Number 13, Brandon Swift!"

"Hey guys, it's tto hit the jackpot! Don't miss this golden opportunity!"

"Hey, does anyone have treasures to spare? I'll pay you back with interest once | win those celestial


The gamblers clamored. They jostled forward and were eager to place their bets. Anything valuable

was thrown into the betting table without a second thought.

Soon, the atmosphere crackled with excitement.

This round was like hitting the jackpot for the gamblers, so doubling down was a no-brainer.

"Hey, make sroom! We're here first, so let us get our bets in!"

As the crowd of gamblers grew denser, chaos broke out.

Miles and Ruby were momentarily taken aback and surrounded by eager gamblers. The duo had to

push through the crowd to get to the betting table.

After all, opportunities like this only conce. Plus, with only a few minutes remaining until the

start of the fifth round, they couldn't afford to miss out.

It would mean a significant loss for them if they failed to place their bets before the betting pool

closed. Thus, they disregarded decorum and pushed forward relentlessly.

"Don't fret, guys. There's plenty of tfor everyone. Let's maintain order and take turns."

"We've got plenty of time. Everyone will get their shot at placing a bet."

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"Hey, you in the purple! Quit climbing on someone's back! Get down from there!"

Abigail stood before the betting table and tried to calm the crowd and keep things orderly. She hadn't expected

the situation to escalate like this.

At that moment, a crowd of hundreds had gathered around the table. It was packed tight with people, leaving no

room for movement.

Luckily, the crowd stayed composed and refrained from causing trouble or getting rowdy. But if they had

misbehaved, Abigail would have had to step in and assert her authority.

Indeed, the Mystic Arts Order's formidable reputation loomed over the crowd like a dark cloud. Those even

considering causing trouble in their presence were flirting with danger.

Everyone knew that the Mystic Arts Order was the last sect anyone would want to mess with among the three

major sects.

Crossing them meant risking their life, and there was no telling how they would meet their end.

Five minutes later, the fifth round began.

Most gamblers had already placed their bets, with only a few stragglers left.

Abigail even extended the tby two minutes to accommodate them. She hoped to attract more gamblers.

"Dustin, why aren't you betting? This is a golden opportunity to win scelestial stones." After returning to his

seat, Miles was curious about Dustin's lack of participation.

"| prefer to gamble for fun. Taking it too seriously can lead to trouble. It's all about enjoying the game," Dustin

replied with a casual smile.

"You're way too laid-back. Life's not just about chilling out. Sometimes, you must dive in, stir things up, and keep

it exciting. Otherwise, it's just dull." Miles chuckled.

"He's right. Passing up such an easy celestial stone-earning opportunity? | can't understand what's going on in

your head." Ruby shook her head, eyeing Dustin as though he were a fool.

Dustin simply smiled and said nothing.

"Easy earning opportunity? Let's not count our eggs before they hatch. Whether Number 13 wins this match is

still up in the air," Crystal interjected, offering Ruby a reality check.

Just like Dustin, she didn't place any bets either. She opted out of it, partly due to the hassle of dealing with the

crowd and partly due to a nagging sense that something was off.

The smooth sailing of events troubled her.

Typically, the bookie would cut their losses and minimize risks when faced with a losing streak like this. But the

Mystic Arts Order acted differently. They remained friendly, even offering loans to gamblers.

The fact that they were willing to lend celestial stones, even to those without any, struck her as peculiar.

After all, the Mystic Arts Order wasn't known for acts of charity. This behavior only heightened her suspicions.

"Crystal, we've seen Brandon's strength. Even | might have trouble facing him, let alone sunknown

underdog. | believe he could secure victory in just ten moves," Miles asserted confidently.

"You're just too skeptical. If everyone's betting on Brandon, it means he's strong and likely to win. Don't you think

our collective judgment outweighs yours?" Ruby shrugged, seemingly unperturbed.

"I'm not saying Brandon isn't good, but there's always someone better. Until the fight ends, nobody can

guarantee he will win," Crystal replied.

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"Don't worry, Crystal. This time, everything will be fine. Look at us. We've been on a winning streak for several

rounds," Ruby reassured.

"I'm just reminding you to know when to quit while you're ahead," Crystal sighed helplessly.

"After this round, we'll call it quits once we win another," Miles chimed in confidently.

"Well, 1 hope you can keep winning," Crystal said and shook her head.

The two beside her were completely obsessed with winning, and no amount of persuasion could

sway them.

Brandon stood ready on the first battle ring, confidently assuming his stance. Across from him, his

opponent was armed with a long sword.

His opponent had an average physique and an unremarkable appearance, but a glint of cold

determination shone in his eyes.

"Who are you? State your name." Brandon's spear held at an imposing angle toward his opponent.

"I'm Carter Lane from Northland," the man responded impassively.

"Carter Lane from Northland? I've never heard of you before," he said arrogantly, "You're no match

for me. Surrender now, or you'll lose more than just the fight."

"Really? Let's see if you've got what it takes." Carter remained unfazed.

"I'm giving you a chance. Don't underestimate me. Once | make my move, you'll regret it." Brandon

narrowed his eyes.

"Heh... Then, I'll show you what I'm capable of." Carter smirked as he slowly drew his sword.

"Hmph! Stubborn fool! Don't blme if | have to get rough!" Brandon growled and thrust his

spear forward.

His attack was fast, like a bolt of lightning, packing a powerful punch.