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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori (official version)

Chapter 2200
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"You... You used poison?" Number 24 clenched his teeth. His face burned with fury and disbelief.

He tried to push himself up, but he felt weak. Even wiggling his fingers felt like a Herculean task.

"In the battle ring, fair play reigns supreme," Number 95 said calmly. "Even resorting to tactics like poison or

hidden weapons is deemed acceptable within the rules."

He added, "Moreover, | wasn't out for blood. I just want to incapacitate you momentarily. If my aim had been

lethal, you'd be dead already."

"Why you—" Number 24 was left speechless. Although he was reluctant to admit defeat, he begrudgingly

accepted it.

The rules didn't forbid the use of poison, and his opponent's frontal assault couldn't be deemed an ambush.

His failure to defend himself boiled down to his own lack of strength.

"This round winner is contestant number 95!" With Number 24 incapacitated, the referee swiftly announced the

match's outcome.

Soon, the venue erupted in applause.

"Haha... We did it again! Another win in the bag!"

"One move, and it's gover. Contestant number 95 is awesome!"

"When it comes to being impressive, it's gotta be our lucky charm! He calls the shots, and bam, there's our

winner. Truly amazing!"

Cheers and excitement filled the air at the betting table as everyone reveled in the moment.

Those who had placed their bets on contestant number 95 were celebrating. Initially, they doubted the man in

gray. But now, they held him in absolute trust and admiration.

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To them, he had transcended from a mere acquaintance to their lucky charm. They considered him a true bringer

of fortune.

"Great! We won again!" Ruby beamed with delight.

"See? Trusting my instincts always pays off! Betting with that guy is like finding a pot of gold at the end of a

rainbow!" Miles grinned with pride.

"I think we've made enough for now. It's tto stop betting," Crystal chimed in unexpectedly. She had a feeling

that pushing their luck further might end in losses.

"Relax, Crystal. We're just getting started here. With our lucky charm on our side, we just ride the wave and rake

in the winnings!" Miles waved off her concern.

"Con. Opportunities to earn celestial stones like this are once in a blue moon. We can't afford to let this

slip!" Ruby added excitedly.

Crystal frowned and advised, "But let's not get too greedy. In games like these, regret usually sets in when it's

too late."

Miles and Ruby had already amassed a substantial stash of celestial stones. It would be enough for them to

make a breakthrough from their current levels if they absorbed them.

"Crystal, you're always playing it safe. They say fortune favors the bold. With all these celestial stones laid out

before us, turning a blind eye would be a huge mistake," Miles argued.

"Yes, stop worrying so much. Today's our lucky day. We will hit the jackpot." Ruby looped arms with her sister and

smiled sweetly.

She added, "I promise that I'll call it quits once I've bagged 300 celestial stones. | swear | won't be greedy."

"Okay, fine. If you insist, | won't stand in your way. Joy or regret, it's all on you." Crystal shook her head and

dropped the subject.

She knew Ruby and Miles were completely hooked after winning their bets. Trying to dissuade them now felt like

a lost cause.

Yet, a flicker of hope remained within her. She wondered if this was their lucky streak and if they would keep

raking in the wins.

She reasoned that stopping them from betting would cut off their potential earnings. Hence, she stopped

persuading them.

Ten minutes later, the fourth round ended.

The winners of earlier bets walked away with a haul of celestial stones.

It ignited a surge of interest that drew a crowd around the betting table. Spectators were eager to participate in

the thrill and to try their luck.

After all, the allure of celestial stones was simply irresistible. With many winners parading their success, these

newcomers were eager to get their share.

Abigail couldn't help but smile at the growing crowd of gamblers. Even though the second crate of celestial

stones had been emptied, she remained unfazed.

Instead, she hoped these people would increase their wagers. She was confident that soon she would reclaim all

the celestial stones she had distributed.

As the fifth round approached, the venue buzzed with renewed excitement.

In addition, the gamblers at the betting table were practically buzzing with anticipation.

At that moment, all eyes were glued to the man in gray. His three consecutive wins had elevated him to near-

legendary status among the gamblers.

Regardless of his choice, they would follow without hesitation, even if it seemed like a risky bet.

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"Sir, who's your pick for this round?"

The gamblers gathered around the man in gray, and their eyes gleamed with anticipation.

The man in gray surveyed the battle rings as he weighed his options. After a thoughtful pause, he decisively

pointed toward the first battle ring.

"Contestant number 13!" he announced confidently.

Excitement rippled through the crowd as they gazed over the battle ring.

Number 13 was a man armed with a silver spear. With chiseled features and a ruggedly handsface, he

looked intimidating.

"Number 13 seems oddly familiar. Could he be a disciple of the Celestial Alliance?"

"You're right. He's Brandon Swift, one of the Celestial Alliance's top ten talents!"

"What? One of the Celestial Alliance's top ten talents? Shouldn't he be competing in Group B? Why is he here in

Group C?"

"Looks like Brandon intentionally downplayed his skills when signing up, which is why he ended up in Group C.

But with his talent, he'll dominate Group C effortlessly. Hardly anyone was a match for him."

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's place our bets!"

With Brandon's nin the mix, excitement surged through the crowd as they scrambled to place their bets on

Number 13.

Swere swayed by the recommendation from the man in gray, while others trusted in Brandon's abilities.

With these boxes checked, hesitation was out of the question.

The gamblers didn't hold back. They bet all their celestial stones and rare treasures without a second thought.

As Abigail watched this unfold, a fleeting smile crossed her lips before her expression turned serious again.

It was tto spring her trap!