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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori (official version)

Chapter 2186
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At that moment, the man in black wasn't the only one surprised. All the spectators fixated on the first battle ring

were also shocked.

Nobody had anticipated that Number 6 would wear such heavy armor.

The darksteel armor that weighed several thousand pounds was typically used for weight-bearing training. Even

for the Divine-level martial artist, wearing it for just ten minutes would be taxing on the body.

Even the most skilled martial artists would wear it for only a few hours. Yet, she wore the dark steel armor as if it

were nothing. She even wore it into the battle ring to fight.

Wasn't her decision to wear this armor during the fight foolish?

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"You... you've been wearing this while fighting with me?" The man in black couldn't believe his eyes as he

pointed at the darksteel armor lying on the ground.

"Yeah, what about it?" She stretched her neck and hips as she gradually moved her lithe body. Once the armor

was removed, she felt much more agile.

He couldn't help but ask again, "How long have you been wearing that armor?"

"Every day," Number 6 replied.

She added earnestly, "My mentor instructedto wear it at all times unless I'm in danger. So, even when

sleeping, | have to wear it. It's been several years, but it wasn't this heavy initially."

"Uh." The man in black's mouth twitched. He was momentarily at a loss for words.

He couldn't believe it when she mentioned wearing the armor daily for years. It made him question if this was

how she lived her life.

"| didn't plan to remove the armor. But when | realized you're lightning fast, | had to shed sweight and see if

it helps," she said.

After wrapping up her warm-up, she raised her halberd again and was ready for action. "Alright, let's continue for

another 300 rounds!"

The man in black took a deep breath and suppressed his uneasiness. Despite his formidable opponent, he

couldn't afford to back down now that he had cthis far.

"Alright! Let's go for another 300 rounds!" He raised his shadowsteel staff and adopted an offensive stance.

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"Watch out, here comes my swing!" Her words barely left her lips before she suddenly darted forward. Her speed

had doubled since their last exchange.

What the." The man in black's eyes widened, and he instinctively raised his staff to defend himself. A loud boom

filled the air as her halberd clashed against his staff. Sparks flew as a surge of power and true energy burst forth.

The man in black stumbled backward, and his hands trembled from the impact as his staff hummed.

He was taken aback and murmured, "She's so fast! And so strong!"

He had previously thought Number 6's movement was somewhat sluggish, which made her relatively easy to


But now, without her darksteel armor, she moved with newfound speed and agility. And with her inherent

strength, her increased speed posed a far greater threat.

His arm was still numb, but Number 6 swung her halberd again.a