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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori (official version)

Chapter 2181
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"The fight is over, so let's call it a day. Master Oron, the stage is yours."

Caleb yawned and left after he chased away the Frostzard Manor.

With his tired appearance, it seemed like he hadn't slept in days.

"Letreiterate that you must abide by our rules while at Sacred Wrym Summit." Oron's gaze swept the

surroundings as he spoke with authority.

He continued, "No matter your grievances or grudges, settle them in the battle ring or privately after the

tournament. If anyone starts trouble here, Sacred Wrym Summit won't stand for it and will act accordingly."

"Master Oron is right. I'll be the first to stop anyone who breaks the rules!"

"Exactly! Disrespecting Sacred Wrym Summit is like disrespecting me! I'm right here. Let's see who has the guts

to stir up trouble!"

"I think the people from Frostzard Manor are just asking for trouble. They deserve whatever they get, even


The crowd erupted into a cacophony of voices, expressing solidarity with Sacred Wrym Summit.

They made it clear that breaking the rules would have consequences. While it might have sounded like empty

talk, at least the spirit was there.

"Thank you all for being here." Oron began with a respectful bow. "The first day of the tournament is about to

start. Now, letexplain the rules.

"The goal of this Combat Tournament is friendly sparring and pushing each other to our limits.

"If one participant falls off the battle ring or concedes, the other must stop their attacks. Breaking this rule leads

to immediate disqualification.

"Furthermore, there are no restrictions on weapons or techniques. So, feel free to showcase your skills. However,

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malicious intent to kill is prohibited. The referee can end the match if necessary.

"Lastly, | hope everyone can use this opportunity to exchange martial arts skills and improve together."

As soon as the words were spoken, the crowd erupted into applause.

It was unclear if anyone paid attention to the rules, but applause seemed fitting.

Oron continued, "Today's tournament is for Group C participants. If your number is called, please head to the

designated battle ring for your match.

"Absence or tardiness will result in disqualification, with the other participant advancing to the next round."

"That's all for now. Let the battle commence!"

Oron quickly outlined the rules before officially starting the tournament.

Soon, the entire venue beclively.

Sacred Wrym Summit had set up eight battle rings to accommodate the large number of participants.

Matches took place simultaneously in each ring, with a monk from Sacred Wrym Summit serving as referee.

Participants would enter the ring to begin their battles when their numbers were called.

In the first three days, matches from Group C took place.

While this group might not be as strong as Groups B and A, all participants were carefully chosen elites.

One needed strength equivalent to lifting thousands of pounds to sign up for the tournament.

Usually, only Divine-level martial artists could reach this level unless they were exceptionally talented. So, most

of the contestants in Group C were Divine-level martial artists at different skill levels.

Being a Divine-level martial artist would make anyone stand out in major sects. They were also seen as top

talents in smaller sects and got special attention for training.

So, paying attention to the matches with Group C contestants was important. After all, there might be some

outstanding individuals among them.

The major sects were proactive for two main reasons. First, it allowed them to show off their prestige and

strength in battles. Second, it gave them a chance to find and recruit talented people.

The Combat Tournament at the Sacred Wrym Summit was the perfect place for this.

It brought the best martial artists from all over the region so that the sects could select the best.

For sects fortunate enough to recruit one or two of these exceptional talents, they would undoubtedly be a

significant asset to the sect.

Abigail suddenly proposed, "Hey everyone, isn't just watching the matches a bit boring? How about we spice

things up with a bet?"

"Betting? How?" Ruby's interest was quickly piqued.

Abigail replied, "It's quite simple. We'll bet on the matches’ outcomes. I'll be the banker, and you'll be the


She explained eagerly, "There are eight battle rings, so I'll split them into eight pots. Before the matches start,

you can place your bets however you like—pick your favorites. If you win, I'll double your winnings. How does

that sound?"

"Sounds interesting. Why don't we all give it a try?" Ruby chirped and looked at the others around her.

"Sure, why not? It's not like we have anything better to do. It's just a harmless bet." Dalen chuckled and nodded

in agreement.

"Countin!" Miles chimed in, raising his hand. "I might not be good at much, but I've got a good eye for these

things. Just follow my lead!"

"What are we betting?" Crystal asked curiously.

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"Gold, jewelry, valuable techniques, divine weapons—anything of worth is fair game. I'm open to all offers!"

Abigail smiled.

Looks like you're going to lose big today, Ms. Abigail," Ruby said with a playful smile.

"As long as you're willing to bet, | will match it. After all, the Mystic Arts Order has plenty of treasures," Abigail

said casually.

When they heard that, everyone got excited.

The Mystic Arts Order, known for its wealth and influence, had a treasure trove. It was rivaled only by the

Celestial Alliance.

Moreover, Abigail was the Mystic Arts Order's Grand Sorceress. She likely possessed many such treasures.

So, this was their chance to make a small bet turn into a big win.

Seeing everyone agree, she quickly instructed her subordinates to get things ready.

They set up eight bowls in a row, each numbered from 1 to 8, representing the eight battle rings. Next, they

gathered slips of paper for betting.

Those wishing to place bets on a participant would jot down their number on a slip and toss it into the matching


And just like that, a betting pool was officially set up.

As soon as everything was prepared, Abigail announced, "Con, everyone, the tournament is about to begin!

Get ready to place your bets. Take your chances, and let luck decide the outcome."

Her words drew the attention of many martial artists around.

After all, opening a betting pool at Sacred Wrym Summit was a idea.