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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90

Madeline was momentarily stunned to hear Noah’s voice. However, she quickly regained

her composure and turned around to face the man. To her surprise, Noah was wearing a

long apron over his white shirt with rolled-up sleeves. She blinked and rubbed her eyes,

certain that they were playing tricks on her after a sleepless night.

“Breakfast is ready. Wanna have a bite?” the man’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

Madeline walked to the kitchen suspiciously as she thought, this isn’t a dream. She was

pleasantly surprised to see her favorite pancake and hot chocolate milk on the kitchen


“I didn’t know you could cook, Mr. Quincy,” Madeline said in awe.

“There are many things you don’t know about me, Ms. Grant. You have all the time in the

world to learn about me, so don't worry,” Noah teased.

Madeline scoffed inwardly, why is he so full of himself? Despite her disdain for the man,

she sat at the kitchen table as her stomach was rumbling from all the hard work last night.

In the past, having breakfast with Noah was her long-cherished dream. She would make

his favorite dishes for him, but he always found a way to avoid spending time with her.

Even though they were husband and wife, they rarely spent time together.

Madeline did not expect that after all these years, things she once longed for but could not

achieve were now easily realized. The luscious aroma of warm fluffy pancakes filled the

room. It was made by Noah, the man who once claimed to be busy all the time. He didn't

have no time to accompany her; he simply didn't have time for then-Madeline.

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How ironic, Madeline scoffed inwardly. Her heart was filled with sadness, and she should

have gotten up and left. However, a part of her wanted to stay and fulfill her wish. I’ll just

have one bite.

The woman sat down and quietly started eating the pancake. It’s so delicious!

“How’s the pancake, Ms. Grant? Is it to your liking?”

“Hmm, it’s good. You cook well, Mr. Quincy.”

“Glad that you like it.”

Madeline blurted, “Mrs. Quincy must have been a lucky woman. You’ve such great culinary


“Unfortunately, she had not tried my breakfast. I felt regretful, so I learned and dreamed

that one day, I might serve breakfast for her,” Noah said earnestly. He then placed

another piece of freshly made pancake on Madeline's plate. The woman felt a sting of

melancholy and confusion as she looked at the golden-brown treat.

“Ms. Grant, the auction begins at ten o'clock,” Albert stated as he entered the kitchen,

looking at his watch. “We need to leave soon.”

“All right, let's go.” Madeline rushed out of the kitchen without saying anything further.

The auction was held at Imperial Hotel. Madeline was wearing a figure-hugging black dress

with small diamonds studded on the dress, emitting a twinkling brightness. Her long hair

was slightly curled and styled neatly behind her face. As she entered the hotel in her black

high-heeled shoes, she immediately drew everyone's attention.

What she did not expect was to see a familiar person from a distance as soon as she

entered the auction hall.

Noah, dressed in a well-fitting velvet suit, stood out from the crowd like a noble aristocrat.

Wasn't he at my house? How did he get here so quickly?

Noah also saw her at this moment, and his finely carved face lit up with a playful smile.

She ignored his existence and intentionally chose a seat away from the man.

The auction, organized by the Charity Association, was intended to raise funds to build

schools in the slums. As the chairman of the association, Madeline was obliged to support

the event. She also wanted to do her part to help the less privileged students get an


The Quincy family did not partake in charity events ever since news of Angie's charity

fraud got out. When Albert presented her with the guest list for today's auction, Noah's

name was not on it.

Madeline was perplexed by Noah's sudden appearance. What is he doing here? Did he

follow me to the auction hall?

Meanwhile, the ladies from aristocratic households in Imperia began to gossip about her

while she was debating the reasons for Noah's presence.

"What's happening to Madeline and Noah? Are they fighting?"

"She's so brazen to ignore Noah!"

"What a rude and obnoxious woman! She thinks that everyone is beneath her just

because Noah likes her."

"She'll be in huge danger if she irritates Noah!"

Madeline seemed oblivious to their condescending remarks as she concentrated on the

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

auction. She was never one to judge herself against others.

"Up next is a jade necklace fashioned by Ms. Fleur, a well-known international designer.

The starting bid price is one billion dollars." The auctioneer's hearty and enthusiastic voice

echoed throughout the auction hall. A woman was standing behind him, wearing a

necklace made of diamond-studded jade beads.

Madeline, who had been idly watching the entire procedure, eventually raised her paddle

as the auctioneer's speech ended. "200 million," she said with a straight face.

Noah immediately raised his paddle when he heard Madeline's voice. How can she pay for

the things she wants out of her pocket? I should foot the bill instead!

"400 million," he called out. The generous man instantly doubled the bid price.

Madeline was astonished to hear Noah's bid as she did not expect the man to show

interest in a necklace worth 500 thousand dollars. She boosted the bid price without

hesitation, "600 million!" she smirked. The man whom she knew would never allow himself

to lose in an auction bid.

"One billion!" Someone raised the price again in three seconds, precisely as she had

predicted. It was incredibly audacious and generous of one to bid such a high price.

Madeline glanced at the charitable man and thought, he shall have the honor to help build

the schools in the slums.

"One billion, going once! Twice! Thrice!" After a short pause, the auctioneer continued

enthusiastically, "Sold!"

When the event ended, the owner of the auction house went over to Noah and said,

"Congratulations, Mr. Quincy. This is the necklace you won in the auction. We'll have it

delivered to your residence."

"Please send it to Ms. Grant. It's a gift from me," Noah replied.