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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72

A sizable bunch of reporters had gathered at the ballroom of the Van Hugh Hotel, carrying

their camera and video equipment as they waited patiently. The many articles of Noah

Quincy cheating on Angie had been taken down and blocked on Facebook very quickly,

and many reporters thought the story was dead. However, Angie Grant had announced

that she was going to do a press conference.

Although Angie was now known as the Black Widow in the charity circles, all press was

good press. She still had her own following and influence. Some of the reporters took note

of her announcement and turned up here waiting for her. The press conference would take

place at 1pm.

Angie Grant had not made an appearance ever since the incident that happened during

the Charity Ball, so the media was naturally excited to be the first to see what she had to


“You guys have seen the articles right? Do you think it’s true? The stuff about Noah Quincy


“I don’t know, but I didn’t expect Noah Quincy of all people to do something like this!”

“Who cares if it’s true or not? What matters is perception!”

“That’s right!”

The reporters speculated excitedly among themselves, until the moment Angie Grant

appeared on stage. She was wearing a demure pink skirt and walked with her usual

elegance. The atmosphere in the room was positively electric.

In truth, Angie was still irked by her conversation with her father on the phone just now.

How could her own father doubt her? As her emotions got the best of her, her eyes welled

up with tears, making her look like a pitiful character on stage. She perched herself gently

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on a chair in the middle of the stage, almost like a frightened little rabbit, before she

began taking questions.

“Mr. Grant, are you holding this press conference to address the articles on Facebook


“Did Noah Quincy really sample the goods and dump you right after?”

“Did the chairwoman of the Charity Association come in between your relationship? Is that

true? Do you know who the chairwoman is?”

The ruthless questions came one after another. The video cameras started rolling as some

reporters live streamed the press conference. There were many microphones set up in

front of Angie as everyone awaited her responses. When Angie noticed her mother’s signal

from the back, she gingerly raised her head, looking at the crowd.

“Good afternoon, everyone,” she began. “I’ve invited you here today to clear up some

facts of the matter. The articles on the internet are absolutely untrue. Noah Quincy is a

good man, and he has not abandoned me after ‘sampling the goods’, unlike what some

say. Noah is someone who’s very important to me, so I hope the media will stop slandering


Angie’s weak voice and gentle demeanor made the crowd wonder if someone had put her

up to this. Was this press conference an elaborate attempt to restore Noah Quincy’s

image? This opened a whole new line of questioning from the reporters.

“Ms. Grant, did Noah Quincy instruct you to say this?”

“Are you afraid of offending the chairwoman of the Charity Association?”

“Ms. Grant, please give us the truth!”

The reporters were coaxing Angie to reveal the third party, which was the exact result

Angie wanted. If she had named the third party herself from the beginning, people might

doubt her words. However, if she made it look like they had dug up the information

themselves, it would seem more credible. She wanted to borrow the power of the people

to sentence Madeline Grant to death!

“With regards to the third party involved, I can only say that the chairwoman of the

Charity Association did indeed take an interest in Noah, but this was not reciprocated by

Noah. Once again, I urge you to stop the slander against Noah. Articles on Facebook are

often sensationalized and untrue, just like my own episode during the Charity Ball. I may

have stepped on the chairwoman’s toes, which led to untrue accusations against me…”

Angie paused and sighed for dramatic effect. She lowered her head gingerly, as if she was

about to cry. The crowd of reporters knew there was more to come.

“Ms. Grant, you’re saying the chairwoman set you up during the Charity Ball, and then

came in between your relationship with Noah?”

“The chairwoman’s identity has always been a mystery. Could you reveal who she is, Ms.


Ahhh, someone had finally asked the right question! Everything was going exactly as she

planned, and Angie breathed a sigh of relief internally.

“She… is someone that everyone had met at the Charity Ball too. She has the same name

as my younger sister, Madeline Grant. Initially, I thought she would have been a kind-

hearted person, just like my sister. It turns out however that she is the devil. She has

robbed me of everything and ruined my life…” Angie look of pain and desolation was

worthy of an Oscar award. On social media, many netizens were already trying to uncover

the real identity of the Charity Association’s chairwoman. Some of them had even gone to

the lengths of using facial recognition apps on the photos of the chairwoman from the

Charity Ball.

Who exactly was this woman who had walked the red carpet with Noah and took a family

portrait with Noah and Colton during Colton’s birthday? It was clearly the same woman

who was implicated as the third party in all those articles online. Madeline Grant’s

reputation was about to be tarnished very soon! It was only a matter of time before the

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media glued all the pieces of information together and solved the mystery.

In just a few minutes since Angie’s announcement, someone had already penned an

article online – ‘Imperia’s Princess of Charity, Angie Grant – An Innocent Victim’. The

article was liked and shared by many netizens online. Angie’s tarnished image was slowly

being repaired by her fans, one article at a time. Social media users were quick to judge,

but also quick to forget. The keyboard warriors who had once said nasty things about

Angie for committing fraud were now the same people who defended her. In their eyes

now, Angie Grant was an innocent princess poisoned by a witch. They had the

responsibility of defending and protecting her reputation now.

Angie Grant embraced the tides of change as she scrolled through the articles on the

Internet now. She spotted one titled ‘Madeline Grant, The Real Black Widow’, which

pleased her to no end. She could slowly but certainly see some light at the end of the

tunnel now. As the media reporters noticed the supportive comments from netizens

flooding in, they too changed their questions to keep the netizens interested.

“Ms. Grant, what is your relationship with Noah Quincy now?”

“Our relationship has not been better. We celebrated his son’s birthday last night. Even

though Madeline Grant had pestered Noah for a photo with him and his son and shared

the photo publicly, Noah was with me for the rest of the night. In fact, we do have plans to

have children of our own someday…” Angie blushed as she shared this with the media.

That would put a stop to the photos of Madeline, Noah and Colton going around the


The reporters and netizens were equally stunned and excited by this new revelation. The

vitriol and hate against Madeline Grant was building up gradually as Angie shared more

information. Just as Angie thought this was her chance at redemption, the doors to the

ballroom swung wide open. Noah Quincy walked in the ballroom imperiously, with a group

of people following behind him.