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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70

Suzette Grant grabbed hold of Mr. Charles by his shirt, her eyes seething with anger. Mr.

Charles barely reacted to her act of physical violence. Instead, he remained as composed

as ever, waving for the security guards who eventually came over and escorted the

mother and daughter out of the villa.

As Angie Grant watched the doors to the villa close right in front of her eyes, she felt a

dreadful sense of impending doom. She never imagined that Noah, who was usually so

prim and proper, could treat her like this. He was the one who said that he was a man of

principles. How could he chase her out onto the streets just like that? She could not, nor

did she want to understand.

“Mom, what do I do know?” Angie cried to her mother in desperation, falling to the ground

dramatically. “I’ve shared a bed with Noah all this time and now he just dumps me without

warning. I won’t get to marry into the Quincys anymore!”

“Angie, all this crying won’t solve your problems,” Suzette remarked in a surprisingly calm


“Wh… what should I do then…” Angie’s lips trembled.

“He took advantage of you, Angie. He won’t get away with it so easily, nor will his family,”

Suzette’s tone was clipped. She dragged her daughter back up to her feet and led her to

their parked car. At the same time, she was already looking for a contact number on her


Angie was sitting quietly in the passenger seat, her face ashen and depressed, when her

phone suddenly buzzed in her purse. Thinking it could have been Noah finally replying to

her, she frantically searched her purse and fished her phone out. However, she only saw a

Facebook headline that immediately caught her attention and sent her heart palpitating.

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“Mom, look at this! What is this?!” Angie passed the phone to her mother with shaky

hands. There was an eye-catching photo of Madeline Grant that was making its rounds on

Facebook, together with an equally sensational headline. That wench… how dare she?!

“What is this nonsense?!” Suzette uttered disagreeably. “Is Noah not doing anything about

these rumors? Shouldn’t you be the one putting out news about your engagement with

Noah?” Suzette did not know what exactly had happened, but her instinct told her that

Madeline Grant had something to do with this. She would not let Madeline nor the Quincys

off the hook so easily. Fortunately, she knew how to use Facebook too!


Although Madeline Grant had chase Noah out of her home early in the morning, she was

still reeling from the memories of the previous night. Her mind was on autopilot replaying

the vivid scene of Noah in nothing but his briefs, leaving her extremely frustrated.

Thomas was in a good mood of late since he got to spend more time with his mother. After

finishing his breakfast, he came over to chit-chat with Madeline. Noticing Madeline who

looked distracted as she sat on the sofa, he even brought her a cup of warm chocolate

milk to cheer her up.

“Mommy, mommy! What’s going on with you and the scumbag? Are you back together

again?” Thomas asked, fishing for information. Based on his observation these past few

days, he was beginning to think that the scumbag was honestly quite a decent person,

apart from his strange mood swings. He was rich and handsome, and treated kids well


“Watch your language, kiddo. There’s nothing going on,” Madeline admonished gently.

“But I think he likes you, Mommy!” Thomas quipped.

“Hmm?” Madeline was curious now. “Why do you say so?”

“The last time I drew a little tortoise on him, he brought me to the hospital right away

because he thought I had ADHD, but when you drew a big tortoise on him, I think he quite

liked it…” Thomas shared his logical thoughts with his mother.

“He was in our home, so he had no other choice but to be polite. Don’t overthink it, Tom. I

don’t like him anymore!” Madeline huffed. Anyway, Noah had been her sworn nemesis for

years, and she refused to fraternize with the enemy. She took a sip of the chocolate milk

as her thoughts began to drift away once more.

Ding ding! Ding ding ---!

Madeline’s phone rang out loud and urgently, snapping her thoughts back to reality. She

sat up straighter on the sofa as she took her phone out of her pocket. The front screen of

her phone displayed messages from the family group chat that comprised of Madeline,

Thomas and Thomas’ sister, Zeke. Madeline’s eyes widened in alarm as she read her

daughter’s messages. She motioned to Thomas who was perched behind her.

“Did you read the messages?” Madeline asked her son.

“I did. Mom, do you think I can still turn my phone off right now?” Thomas asked


“Hmm, I think so…” Madeline was just about to do the same, but she was too late.

Mackenzie, or Zeke as she was affectionately known to her family, sent the family chat

group another message.

Princess Zeke: Don’t you even think of turning your phones off, you two! I can tell!

Madeline: Darling, how’s your tour going? Did you like the present Mommy got you?

Madeline instantly switched into her caring mother persona, pretending she had not just

tried to avoid her own daughter just mere seconds ago. Zeke was Thomas’ older sister,

born just a minute earlier than her brother and the only daughter of Madeline’s triplets.

Zeke looked just like Madeline as a child, with strikingly beautiful green eyes and dainty

facial features. However, she inherited Noah Quincy’s personality, being far too wise and

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cold for her age. A casting agent had scouted her on the streets a year ago, and she was

now a child model who was on tour for the Spring/Summer fashion season.

Zeke Grant was objectively the only person on this planet that Thomas was afraid of. No

one knew why Zeke was his kryptonite, but for all his cheeky antics and misbehavior, Zeke

was the only one who could put Thomas in his place. He affectionately called her Princess

Zeke and never disobeyed her. Even Madeline, as their mother, would occasionally be

envious of the sibling bond that they had.

Zeke: My dearest Mommy, could you tell me why the both of you are not back yet, even

though you said you’d be back before my birthday?

Madeline: Umm, Thomas likes the chocolate milk here, so I decided to let him have it for a

few more days. I promise I’ll come visit you next month, for sure!

Thomas, who had been content to disappear into the background, now had no choice but

to speak up.

Thomas: That’s right, Sis! You should totally try out this chocolate milk. Princess, I’ve been

a real good boy lately. We’ll come home very soon, ok?

Zeke: Oh, is it that good? Hmm, do you think a hundred million dollars is enough to buy

the milk production line…?

Madeline was at loss for words. Her children were too clever for their own good.

Thomas: Mommy, my stomach is acting up. Can you bring me to the toilet?

Madeline: Of course, darling?

Zeke: Are you guys putting on a show for me?

Madeline and Thomas left the chat group before Zeke could say anything further. Madeline

wanted to relax and enjoy her mug of chocolate milk, but a few headlines on her Facebook

account caught her attention.

“Noah Quincy, The Prince of Imperia – A Heartless Playboy!”

“Third Party Ends Noah & Angie’s Engagement…”

“Chairwoman of the Charity Association or Mistress?”