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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63

"So, since you no longer like it, I'll take advantage of the opportunity to profit from it. Do

you have anything to say about it, Maddie?"

"Up to you."

"I'll go back first. I won't be trying on the dress. My arm hurts. Just pack it up, and I'll take

it with me."

"No worries!" Elise said as she went to get the dress she had prepared earlier.

The other outfit was something Madeline had ordered for Thomas, while the long dress

was hers.

Madeline opened it and looked inside. She had always been pleased with Elise's designs.

However, when she put it away, she only took the adult one.

"Please deliver this kid-sized outfit to Noah for me and tell him it's my birthday present for

Colton Quincy."

"Okay. I'll see to it that the task is completed!"

Albert's car had already arrived at the entrance when Madeline instructed Elise.

Elise escorted Madeline to the vehicle and went back inside after watching the vehicle


"Is she gone?"

"Oh, Mr. Quincy! You came up behind me like this and scared the crap out of me!" Elise

clutched her chest, feeling guilty and terrified. Even her face had turned pale.

She hadn't expected Noah to come to her.

Furthermore, he had made it clear that he already knew Madeline's true identity.

Madeline had arrived before she could question him. Then, Noah asked her to hide him!

This sequence of events had left her perplexed.

"You have yet to respond to my question. What is the cause of Madeline and Angie's

enmity?" Instead of responding to her overblown emotions, Noah posed his own query to


"What qualms can exist between them both? It's nothing more than a deep resentment for

having your husband stolen and the death of Gordon Quincy. I don't believe it was solely

the resentment of having her husband stolen, though. You've also just heard it. Maddie

isn't into you right now. It's been so many years since Gordon Quincy died, and all these

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years, you've been so close to the murderer. It's pointless, no matter what anyone says!"

"Did she tell you that?" Noah's entire being exuded a chilly aura as he looked at Elise.

Elise swallowed her saliva unconsciously as Noah's mood continued to deteriorate, but she

bravely carried on speaking in the end.

"Mr. Quincy, you've already gotten Maddie killed. Whatever resentment you have for her

or how deep the misunderstanding is, it should have faded by now, right? Can't you be

magnanimous and let her go?"

"You say I got her killed?" A flash of panic flashed across Noah's eyes.

"Isn't that right? Mr. Quincy, have you ever considered the possibility that, if you ever

learned the truth and determined that Maddie wasn't the person who killed Gordon

Quincy, you would owe her your life?"

Even though Elise appeared calm outside, she was a bundle of nerves on the inside.

He was Mr. Quincy, the living devil of Imperia!

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't scared in the least! She threw caution to the wind for


The Quincy family was a bully!

"Is she really not the murderer?" Noah murmured to himself in hushed tones, as if he were

speaking to Elise, but he sounded more like he was talking to himself.

Was it because she felt he had wronged her, and she couldn't bear those happy memories

from their youth? She no longer desired them?

Noah's face darkened gradually.

Elise listened from the side and felt hesitant to speak further because she could feel the

air around Noah's body growing heavier.

Elise carefully wrapped the child-sized outfit Madeline had just opened to inspect, trying to

divert his attention from her panic.

"The outfit is ready. It is a birthday gift from Maddie to Colton. Kindly accept this, please."

Seeing that Noah didn't speak anymore, Elise decided to seize the opportunity to see her

guest off.

"This outfit is similar to the one Madeline just took away. Is it a set?"

"Mr. Quincy has a keen eye. It is, indeed, a set."

"Do one for me as well."


"The same set."

"Mr. Quincy, are you going to wear it to Colton's birthday party? It's a little late..."

"You set the price. I'll send someone to get it tomorrow."

"Why are you doing this, Mr. Quincy? Do you still have feelings for Maddie?" Elise came to

a disturbing conclusion!

She couldn't stand the absurdity!

"What about that wedding gown?"

Elise's eyes lit up as she looked at Noah, who was wearing a serious expression.

I'll be damned. So this is how it feels like to get rich overnight!

"Come on, Mr. Quincy. Let me show you and explain it in detail!"

Bruno relocated to his apartment in the city after the Grant family's home was destroyed.

Although the floor area was small, he had no choice but to make do in desperate times.

The investors were very upset that the Shallow Bay development project had stalled and

had even sent him two emails informing him that the Grant family would be sued in court

if the project could not begin by the end of this month. He would have to pay back ten

times as much in indemnity in addition to the project failing completely.

He had absolutely no way of paying that enormous sum.

However, everyone in Imperia's business community knew that the Grant family had lost

their most important backer, the Quincy family. On top of that, no one else was willing to

step up and lend him a hand.

The only way out was to beg Noah's arch-enemy.


Although the other party had responded to the email, his ambitions were far too great.

The iron needed to be struck while it was still hot. Besides, he didn't want to give up so


Angie, his daughter who had been brought up like a princess, was the only resource he

could think of. She had beautiful features and fair skin, and the time had come for her to

be useful.

Angie opened the door and walked in just as Bruno was thinking about it.

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"Why did you request me, Mr. Grant?" Angie didn't bother to show Bruno any respect as

she stood in front of him because she still remembered how brutally he had kicked her out

that day.

Angie's expression, which looked like someone had died, infuriated Bruno, but he had to

control his rage to prevail.

"Since when is there a perpetual feud between a father and a daughter? How can you

address your father as Mr. Grant? Come here and let me check to see if the wound on your

face has healed. How come it looks even worse than before? Has your mother been

mistreating you?"

"If you have anything to say to me, Dad, say it now. I still have work to do!" His words

didn't convince Angie, and she was even skeptical of Bruno's hypocritical concern.

If she could be here now, it would be considered a sign of respect for Bruno, her father.

"Okay, then I'll just get to the point. I've set up a marriage for you. It's with the Lowe

family's second son. Clean up and go out to dinner with Jerry tonight!"

"Jerry Lowe, the Lowe family's second son? That fatty? You want me to go on a dinner date

with him? Dad, have you gone insane?"

"Although the Lowe family's second son is a little on the fat side, do you still consider

yourself superior to the others? Your scandals are widely known, so if he agrees to go to

dinner with you, that would be a sign of respect for me. Know what's good for you!"

"Know what's good for me? Bruno Grant, are you arranging a marriage for me or selling

your daughter? What benefits are the Lowes providing you to the point where you have

lost your bottom line?"

"Shut your trap. What kind of nonsense are you on about? Do you still believe you can

marry into a good rich family with your current reputation? Stop dreaming. You should

thank your lucky stars if Jerry is willing to take you as his wife!"

"Keep this good luck to yourself!"

"You wretched girl. Stop right there!"

"Bruno Grant, I'm not as stupid as Madeline. You sold her for money. You want to sell me?

Dream on!" Angie sneered and stormed out of the apartment in long strides.

She turned around, entered the elevator, and frantically pressed the close button. She

finally felt relieved when the door was completely shut.

It was too horrifying. Her own father wished to sell her for money!

Why did she have such a father?

It was downright revolting!