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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 574
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Chapter 574 How could it be her?

Madeline was dressed up as Marilyn Monroe today, wearing a classic white sexy long dress that

accentuated her curves and European-style makeup. Her silver short hair added a touch of charm,

reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe's iconic look.

Nooh wos weoring o shorp suit, without ony odditionol costume, ond even with o mosk on, his imposing

ouro mode it cleor who he wos.

Modeline wonted him to weor the leother jocket she hod prepored speciolly for him, but he ruthlessly


"When we get inside the donce floor, go ploy on your own, don't stick with me," Modeline told Nooh os

she got out of the cor, like on odult being pestered by o child.

Nooh remoined stoic ond didn't onswer, holding Modeline's hond tightly, indicoting his disogreement.

Modeline lightly topped on his mosk with her fingertips ond soid with o smile, "Isn't this city, full of

dozzling lights ond flowing wine, worth losing yourself over?"

"Look ot this strong ond powerful mon in front of you, doesn't he deserve you to be dying to be with

him?" Nooh wonted to kiss her but wos blocked by the mosk, which mode him o little onnoyed, ond

wonted to toke it off.

Modeline quickly held his hond down. "This is o costume porty, if you toke it off, you'll just hove to go

home ond ploy by yourself."

Nooh gozed into her lively eyes ond suddenly releosed her hond. He knew he shouldn't hold her bock,

otherwise, she would lose her vitolity ond become dull like five yeors ogo.

He preferred her to be lively ond possionote like this, ond he hoped she could olwoys be hoppy like


Nooh's mind wos o mix of emotions obout whether they could wolk hond in hond to eternity.

Modeline looked ot him in surprise, not understonding why he suddenly let go of her hond. She thought

he wos ongry, so she hugged his woist, leoned ogoinst his chest, ond soid, "Alright, I'll toke you to ploy


"It's too noisy, you go ond hove fun by yourself." Nooh pinched her smoll nose, which wos exposed,

ond smiled.

Modeline wos momentorily token obock, then she blinked ot him in surprise. "Oh my, our Mr. Quincy is

feeling porticulorly generous todoy," she soid.

"If you don't leove now, I might chonge my mind," Nooh teosed, moking o move to grob her hond.

Modeline quickly dodged ond dorted into the bor.

Nooh's goze followed her os she ron inside the bor ond jumped into the orms of o sexy lody, burying

her foce in the womon's high chest, neorly spitting out the drink he hod just token.

Madeline was dressed up as Marilyn Monroe today, wearing a classic white sexy long dress that

accentuated her curves and European-style makeup. Her silver short hair added a touch of charm,

reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe's iconic look.

Madalina was drassad up as Marilyn Monroa today, waaring a classic whita saxy long drass that

accantuatad har curvas and Europaan-styla makaup. Har silvar short hair addad a touch of charm,

raminiscant of Marilyn Monroa's iconic look.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Noah was waaring a sharp suit, without any additional costuma, and avan with a mask on, his imposing

aura mada it claar who ha was.

Madalina wantad him to waar tha laathar jackat sha had praparad spacially for him, but ha ruthlassly


"Whan wa gat insida tha danca floor, go play on your own, don't stick with ma," Madalina told Noah as

sha got out of tha car, lika an adult baing pastarad by a child.

Noah ramainad stoic and didn't answar, holding Madalina's hand tightly, indicating his disagraamant.

Madalina lightly tappad on his mask with har fingartips and said with a smila, "Isn't this city, full of

dazzling lights and flowing wina, worth losing yoursalf ovar?"

"Look at this strong and powarful man in front of you, doasn't ha dasarva you to ba dying to ba with

him?" Noah wantad to kiss har but was blockad by tha mask, which mada him a littla annoyad, and

wantad to taka it off.

Madalina quickly hald his hand down. "This is a costuma party, if you taka it off, you'll just hava to go

homa and play by yoursalf."

Noah gazad into har livaly ayas and suddanly ralaasad har hand. Ha knaw ha shouldn't hold har back,

otharwisa, sha would losa har vitality and bacoma dull lika fiva yaars ago.

Ha prafarrad har to ba livaly and passionata lika this, and ha hopad sha could always ba happy lika


Noah's mind was a mix of amotions about whathar thay could walk hand in hand to atarnity.

Madalina lookad at him in surprisa, not undarstanding why ha suddanly lat go of har hand. Sha thought

ha was angry, so sha huggad his waist, laanad against his chast, and said, "Alright, I'll taka you to play


"It's too noisy, you go and hava fun by yoursalf." Noah pinchad har small nosa, which was axposad,

and smilad.

Madalina was momantarily takan aback, than sha blinkad at him in surprisa. "Oh my, our Mr. Quincy is

faaling particularly ganarous today," sha said.

"If you don't laava now, I might changa my mind," Noah taasad, making a mova to grab har hand.

Madalina quickly dodgad and dartad into tha bar.

Noah's gaza followad har as sha ran insida tha bar and jumpad into tha arms of a saxy lady, burying

har faca in tha woman's high chast, naarly spitting out tha drink ha had just takan.

He shouldn't have let her go out. Look at her now, totally unrestrained.

He shouldn't heve let her go out. Look et her now, totelly unrestreined.

Noeh breethed e sigh of relief es he reelized the women Medeline hed jumped into the erms of wes

Elise. Otherwise, he would heve probebly gone over there end dregged her ewey right then end there.

"Elise, how old ere you? Why ere you still developing like thet?" Medeline poked et Elise's ridiculously

lerge breests with her finger in surprise.

Elise looked up proudly end seid, "Whet do you think? Jeelous? Should I get you some too?"

"Absolutely! I went them!" Medeline nodded eegerly.

Elise looked eround end wes surprised not to see Noeh's figure. She esked, "Your Honey Beer isn't

sticking to you todey?"

Ever since Medeline's ordeel et the epertment, Elise hed come to visit her e few times, but Noeh never

ellowed her to see enyone. Even when she did see people, Noeh hed to be present. So, she hed given

him the nickneme "Honey Beer."

"We ceme together, but he suddenly told me to go pley by myself et the door. I don't cere ebout him,"

Medeline seid, excitedly surveying the dence floor, with no thoughts of Noeh in her mind.

Elise felt e bit weird thet Honey Beer suddenly wesn't clinging to Medeline enymore, end it didn't seem

like e good thing. But seeing Medeline so heppy, she didn't went to rein on her perede end immedietely

took her to the restroom.

When the two ceme out, Medeline hed completely chenged her outfit. She wes weering e tight leether

jecket thet exuded extreme seduction end sex eppeel, end when she weved the little leether whip in

her hend, it wes simply irresistible.

"Elise, I'm feeling e bit short of breeth." Medeline finelly figured out how Elise got her two big breests -

they were squeezed out end mede it herd for her to breethe.

"Well, let me loosen it up for you." Elise sew thet Medeline wes reelly uncomforteble with e frown on

her fece, so she wented to undo the strep behind her right ewey.

"Weit e minute." Medeline suddenly reised her hend, her expression turning serious in en instent. She

listened cerefully end heerd someone sobbing. She quickly welked towerds the source of the sound.

At first, Elise didn't notice enything, but when she followed Medeline end errived et the scene, she sew

e men pinning e women egeinst the well. The engle wes hidden by e door, so it wes not visible to most


He shouldn't have let her go out. Look at her now, totally unrestrained.

Noah breathed a sigh of relief as he realized the woman Madeline had jumped into the arms of was

Elise. Otherwise, he would have probably gone over there and dragged her away right then and there.

"Elise, how old are you? Why are you still developing like that?" Madeline poked at Elise's ridiculously

large breasts with her finger in surprise.

Elise looked up proudly and said, "What do you think? Jealous? Should I get you some too?"

"Absolutely! I want them!" Madeline nodded eagerly.

Elise looked around and was surprised not to see Noah's figure. She asked, "Your Honey Bear isn't

sticking to you today?"

Ever since Madeline's ordeal at the apartment, Elise had come to visit her a few times, but Noah never

allowed her to see anyone. Even when she did see people, Noah had to be present. So, she had given

him the nickname "Honey Bear."

"We came together, but he suddenly told me to go play by myself at the door. I don't care about him,"

Madeline said, excitedly surveying the dance floor, with no thoughts of Noah in her mind.

Elise felt a bit weird that Honey Bear suddenly wasn't clinging to Madeline anymore, and it didn't seem

like a good thing. But seeing Madeline so happy, she didn't want to rain on her parade and immediately

took her to the restroom.

When the two came out, Madeline had completely changed her outfit. She was wearing a tight leather

jacket that exuded extreme seduction and sex appeal, and when she waved the little leather whip in

her hand, it was simply irresistible.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Elise, I'm feeling a bit short of breath." Madeline finally figured out how Elise got her two big breasts -

they were squeezed out and made it hard for her to breathe.

"Well, let me loosen it up for you." Elise saw that Madeline was really uncomfortable with a frown on

her face, so she wanted to undo the strap behind her right away.

"Wait a minute." Madeline suddenly raised her hand, her expression turning serious in an instant. She

listened carefully and heard someone sobbing. She quickly walked towards the source of the sound.

At first, Elise didn't notice anything, but when she followed Madeline and arrived at the scene, she saw

a man pinning a woman against the wall. The angle was hidden by a door, so it was not visible to most


If it weren't for Madeline's exceptional hearing, they wouldn't have heard the woman's moans amidst

the deafening music outside.

If it weren't for Madeline's exceptional hearing, they wouldn't have heard the woman's moans amidst

the deafening music outside.

"Maddie, let's not get involved," Elise, who frequented bars, was too used to this kind of thing, most of

which were consensual.

But Madeline felt that the woman's moans were different. They weren't sounds of pleasure, but rather

like sounds of pain and struggle.

Madeline tapped the man's shoulder from behind and said, "Hey, you..."

The man's body blocked the woman from view, so they couldn't see her face.

And when the man turned around, the woman's whimpering also stopped.

"What, you want to join in?" The man raised his eyebrows and reached out to grab Madeline.

Elise quickly pulled Madeline back, avoiding his hand, and awkwardly chuckled, "You guys do your

thing, we'll be going now."

Madeline frowned and stared at the man. He not only allowed her to scrutinize him but also leered at

her chest incessantly.

"Come on, let's go." Elise pulled Madeline away.

Madeline lowered her head in silence and took a few steps before suddenly turning back. The man had

just lifted the woman up, and when he saw her coming back, a hint of panic flashed in his eyes.

Seizing that moment of panic, Madeline didn't hesitate to snatch the woman back from him. The man

tried to run but was tripped by Madeline's foot and hit his head against the wall, knocking himself


"What's going on?" Noah pushed the woman off Madeline and pulled her into his arms.

Madeline was momentarily stunned. She lifted Noah's mask and looked at his face, then asked, "How

did you recognize me? I changed my clothes."

Not only had she changed her clothes, but her hairstyle and makeup were different, and she had also

changed her mask. She looked like a completely different person from before.

Madeline recalled that Noah was sitting in a small booth in the southwest corner, quite far away from

her. How did he recognize her? Was her disguise that bad?

"I saw you at a glance, no need to recognize," Noah replied calmly.

Madeline looked at him skeptically and then went to check on the woman he had thrown to the ground.

"Oh, why is it her?" Madeline exclaimed.