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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 531
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Chapter 531 Did You Do That on Purpose?

Madeline replied in a calm and brisk tone, "I have been hired by Mr. Harvey to work here as a servant."

Wilda summoned the butler and instructed him to send Madeline away. She had decided to fire

Madeline in that short amount of time. "Pay her one month's worth of salary and have her leave the


People would even say that she's benevolent for giving me one month's worth of salary in

compensation when I hadn't even worked here for a full day.

I can't even try to argue with her about her decision to fire me. She would most likely bring up the

excuse that I'd embarrassed them in front of an important guest by accidentally splashing water on the

person's clothes.

Still, I'm not that worried since someone would definitely make sure that I won't get kicked out of the


"My, oh, my! You're already losing your temper when it's still so early in the morning, Wilda?"

A young lady in a flowy dress walked out of the nearby elevator. It was Wilda's cousin, Winova Harvey.

Winova had her cousin, Sean Downey, following behind her as she headed toward the group.

Madeline stood at the side and quietly observed the members of the Harvey family.

I must say that members of the Harvey family are all blessed with good looks. Not only are the ladies

beautiful, but even Sean, Winova's cousin, is a handsome man too.

Noah noticed that Madeline was staring in Sean's direction. Then, he silently moved to stand in

between them to block Sean from her view.

Shane had shown favoritism toward Wilda ever since she was young. The other youngsters in the

family disliked her for that reason.

Regardless of what Wilda did during her younger years to try to get close to the other kids, they would

either treat her with disdain or give her the cold shoulder.

At some point, Wilda found out about the reason why her cousins were treating her so coldly from her

mother. After that, she gave up trying to befriend them. She would just ignore her cousins when they

make mocking remarks at her or come asking for a favor.

In the end, all of her cousins grew to dislike Wilda even more with time.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Wilda did not bother responding to Winova's question. She cast a glance at the butler and signaled him

to take Madeline away.

I seem to recall that the waitress is quite a pretty lady. I can tell that she has a voluptuous body even

though she's in a uniform now. What if the woman was trying to seduce Mr. Quincy just now?

Modeline replied in o colm ond brisk tone, "I hove been hired by Mr. Horvey to work here os o servont."

Wildo summoned the butler ond instructed him to send Modeline owoy. She hod decided to fire

Modeline in thot short omount of time. "Poy her one month's worth of solory ond hove her leove the


People would even soy thot she's benevolent for giving me one month's worth of solory in

compensotion when I hodn't even worked here for o full doy.

I con't even try to orgue with her obout her decision to fire me. She would most likely bring up the

excuse thot I'd emborrossed them in front of on importont guest by occidentolly sploshing woter on the

person's clothes.

Still, I'm not thot worried since someone would definitely moke sure thot I won't get kicked out of the


"My, oh, my! You're olreody losing your temper when it's still so eorly in the morning, Wildo?"

A young lody in o flowy dress wolked out of the neorby elevotor. It wos Wildo's cousin, Winovo Horvey.

Winovo hod her cousin, Seon Downey, following behind her os she heoded toword the group.

Modeline stood ot the side ond quietly observed the members of the Horvey fomily.

I must soy thot members of the Horvey fomily ore oll blessed with good looks. Not only ore the lodies

beoutiful, but even Seon, Winovo's cousin, is o hondsome mon too.

Nooh noticed thot Modeline wos storing in Seon's direction. Then, he silently moved to stond in

between them to block Seon from her view.

Shone hod shown fovoritism toword Wildo ever since she wos young. The other youngsters in the

fomily disliked her for thot reoson.

Regordless of whot Wildo did during her younger yeors to try to get close to the other kids, they would

either treot her with disdoin or give her the cold shoulder.

At some point, Wildo found out obout the reoson why her cousins were treoting her so coldly from her

mother. After thot, she gove up trying to befriend them. She would just ignore her cousins when they

moke mocking remorks ot her or come osking for o fovor.

In the end, oll of her cousins grew to dislike Wildo even more with time.

Wildo did not bother responding to Winovo's question. She cost o glonce ot the butler ond signoled him

to toke Modeline owoy.

I seem to recoll thot the woitress is quite o pretty lody. I con tell thot she hos o voluptuous body even

though she's in o uniform now. Whot if the womon wos trying to seduce Mr. Quincy just now?

The butler hurriedly reached out to grab Madeline's arm to make her leave. However, Noah happened

to move at that instant and blocked his movement.

The man dared not ask Noah to move out of his way. Instead, he stepped to the side and called out to

Madeline in a low, stern voice, "You! Come with me!"

"Hold on! We just had Grandpa's birthday party yesterday. Yet, you're going to kick someone out of the

house the next day? You almost pushed the poor lady off the second floor just now! What would

Grandpa think when he learned of this? Do you want to make him fall sick so that you can take over as

the new head of the Harvey family?" Winova said all that without pausing to catch her breath.

Wilda replied bitingly, "She was disrespectful toward Mr. Quincy just now. Was it wrong of me to fire her

on that account?"

"Did you do that on purpose?" Winova asked Madeline. Madeline quickly shook her head.

"Grandpa has always been quite generous and lenient with the servants working in the villa. He rarely

punished the servants unless they made serious, unforgivable mistakes. However, you tried to push the

lady off the railing just because she offended the man you like. Aren't you being too cold-hearted,


Wilda has kept all of us in the dark about Mr. Quincy attending Grandpa's birthday party. Then, she

stuck by his side the entire time yesterday. None of us had a chance to speak to the man!

I'm not gonna let her off so easily this time.

"What on earth are you going on about?! Mr. Quincy is an important guest. You mustn't make such

baseless remarks that could possibly harm his reputation! Also, I didn't push that woman that hard! I

had no intention of pushing her off the railing or harming her as you claimed." Wilda tried to explain

herself as calmly as she could.

"If I hadn't caught her in time, the lady might have fallen over the railing and landed on the ground floor

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

head first. Are you sure you didn't push her that hard?" Lone Wolf raised a brow and asked.

Wilda appeared a little flustered. She quickly turned her gaze to Noah. "I didn't push her that hard. You

must believe me, Mr. Quincy!"

"You didn't even apologize to the lady for nearly putting her in danger. Yet you expect Mr. Quincy to

believe that you're innocent. Aren't you aware that Mr. Quincy is already married and has three kids?"

Winova had a contemptuous smile on her face.

At long last, I got to experience what it feels like to have Wilda crushed beneath my feet. It feels


"I really didn't do that on purpose…" Wilda's eyes were bright with tears at that point. She no longer

assumed the superior and sophisticated attitude she usually would. Instead, she appeared completely


The sudden change in Wilda's attitude rendered Winova speechless. At that moment, an idea came to

Madeline's mind as she was enjoying all the drama from the side.

Madeline began, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Quincy. It was all my fault. I genuinely didn't mean to splash water

on your clothes and dirty them. Could you please consider accepting Ms. Wilda's invitation to bring you

to the resort? Otherwise, I might really lose my job… I have to take care of my bedridden grandfather

and three young children at home. I cannot afford to lose this job."

Shane, who had come out of his room and saw the group near the staircase, happened to hear

everything that Madeline was saying. He could feel his anger rising at her mention of a bedridden


"Ha! She was trying to appear all pure and innocent. So, it was all just to coax Mr. Quincy into

accepting her offer." Winova scoffed scornfully.

Wilda was positively scowling at Winova and Madeline at that point. She wanted so badly to tear

Madeline to shreds after hearing the latter make those pleas.

Just then, Noah noticed Madeline looking in his way again. He sighed inwardly and said, "Ms. Wilda, it

was probably just an accident earlier. I hope you won't blame someone for a minor mistake like that."

Those words hinted that Wilda had given an inappropriate punishment to her servant despite it being a

careless mistake. Noah's words instantly put the image of Wilda as a kind and elegant lady in jeopardy.

Wilda was fuming with indignation. However, she held it in and forced a smile. "Of course, Mr. Quincy.

Perhaps I have overreacted a little earlier."