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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51

"Of course!" Noah agreed without hesitation. As he carried Thomas to the car, he asked,

"What're you going to do with all the money, Colt?

"I want to buy a house for Mommy!" Thomas cheered.

"Mommy? Are you referring to Angie?" Noah frowned.

"Angie is not my mommy. My mommy is so much prettier than her! When I visited

Grandpa's house, I saw that Mommy did not even have a room. So, I'm going to buy a

house just for her!" Thomas explained.

Noah embraced the boy in a loving hug. He did not hide facts about his mother on

purpose; he assumed Thomas did not care because he never inquired. Little did he know

that the boy was concerned about the matter. His mother was Madeline, not Angie!

"Okay! Daddy will give Colt all the money so that Colt can buy a big house for Mommy!"

Noah said warmly, tightening his embrace. He thought to himself, Colt must be really

happy if he knows that his mommy is still alive. Maybe miracles can happen…

"Thank you, Daddy!" Thomas reluctantly planted a kiss on Noah's cheek as a reward.

"Did you say that you went to Grandpa's house, Colt?" Noah asked.

"Yeah, I was on my way to look for you. When I reached the office building, I met Grandpa

and he said that he will treat me to ice cream…" Thomas said innocently as he reached

out for the bottle of hot delicious chocolate milk in the car. He did not mind that he had

betrayed Bruno.

Noah's face darkened when he heard that Bruno was the kidnapper. He thought, how dare

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you, Bruno Grant?

Meanwhile, Madeline had spent the entire day at home nursing her injured arm and a high

fever. She did not know if the medications were to blame for her fatigue, but she spent the

majority of her time sleeping.

It had been a long time since she had slept so peacefully and without nightmares. As she

felt rejuvenated when she woke up, she decided to visit Colton.

When Madeline went downstairs, she ran into Albert, who was holding documents.

"You are awake, Ms. Madeline! What a coincidence, we are finally seeing some results!"

Albert informed.

"Really?" Madeline asked in delight. She walked over to the sofa and sat down, flipping

through the documents Albert had handed her.

"Bruno Grant has been sending us a dozen emails for the past two days. He's requesting

Timton Corporation to invest in Grant Corporation to save the company," Albert explained.

"Are you so happy because Bruno has agreed to our conditions?" Madeline guessed.

"That's right! Bruno called about ten minutes ago. He said that he's willing to issue thirty

percent of Grant Corporation's shares to us. You are going to be the company's biggest

shareholder in no time, Ms. Madeline!" Albert cheered.

Madeline replied, "That's fascinating. Why did Bruno suddenly decide to agree? I thought

he refused to give in."

"Don't be angry at what I'm going to say next, Ms. Madeline," Albert coaxed.

Madeline looked at the man suspiciously and said, "What happened? Has it got to do with


"Bruno kidnapped Thomas today," Albert muttered.

Madeline leaped to her feet in disbelief. Anger stirred within her as she questioned, "What

did you say?! Bruno kidnapped Thomas?"

Albert tried to ease the situation by reassuring the woman. "Cool down, Ms. Madeline.

Thomas is fine. Bruno didn't really kidnap him. He just brought Thomas back home and

pretended that it was a kidnap."

"I don't think he's even capable of being a kidnapper," Madeline scoffed. She managed to

swallow her frustrations when she heard that Thomas was safe. However, it did not mean

that she approved of the old man's actions.

"Mr. Quincy was notified about the matter and he sent Wayne to abduct Bruno. The old

man was tied to a tree at a park and had to endure the bitter cold for three hours. He

nearly lost his life! I guess he agreed to our conditions when he realized that he could no

longer depend on the Quincy family," Albert rationalized.

"That does sound like Bruno. He's definitely out of his wits," Madeline sneered. Her pupils

flared as she thought, he should never have harmed Thomas. Despite his hatred for me,

Thomas is the Quincy family's grandchild and his grandson. How can he bear to harm his

blood relative?

Albert could almost read Madeline's mind, after having worked for her for many years. He

knew she was planning to exact revenge on Bruno the moment he saw her expression. As

a result, he inquired, "Shall we teach him a lesson, Ms. Madeline?" Those who had dared to

bully Madeline's children over the years had met with dire consequences.

"I heard that Bruno had chased Suzette and Angie out of the house?" Madeline asked.

"Yeah. Bruno was enraged to learn the truth about Angie's overseas matter. He

immediately chased them away," Albert answered.

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Madeline scoffed inwardly, it's so typical of you to love no one but yourself, Bruno Grant.

You don't care about the rumors surrounding Angie. All you care about is the Quincy family

knowing the truth. You chase her out so that she won't be a disgrace to the Grant family.

Not only that, you're willing to abandon your wife! What a shameless man! It's not

surprising that you couldn't care less about a grandson from a worthless daughter who

has died for many years. You've become more ruthless than before.

Madeline shook with anger, her knuckles white as she clenched her fists tightly. When

Albert saw her condition, he leaned forward and asked, "Are you all right, Ms. Madeline?"

The woman tried to suppress her anger and flashed a weak smile when she heard the

man's words. Her next instructions sent shivers down Albert's spine. "Shall we

congratulate him, Albert? He's finally a lonely man, abandoned by his wife and children."

"I'll get the car ready," Albert said as he ran out of the room.

Soon after, Madeline boarded the car with Albert's assistance, and they made their way to

their destination.

Meanwhile, Bruno was tending to his injuries after returning from the park. His lips had

turned purple from the frozen cold.

The old man was mortified that he, as the reputable CEO of the Grant Corporation, had

been forced to be thinly clad and tied to a tree for three hours. As a result, upon his return

home, he promptly approached Timton Corporation, the Quincy family's arch-adversary, to

form an alliance. He vowed to make the Quincy family payback for his humiliation.

Bruno was annoyed at the lack of response from Timton Corporation. He was making

every effort to contain his rage and refrain from grabbing the laptop to destroy it.

Suddenly, a dagger flew past him and slashed into the laptop screen.