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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 173
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#172 "I could have Sworn I had it Earlier..." It was growing late, the soft glow of evening casting long shadows throughout Sophia's grandfather's house. Sophia and Benjamin, tired from their exhaustive search for the elusive key, stood in the dimly lit hallway, their fatigue palpable in the air.

"I think it's tfor bed," Sophia announced with a weary smile, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "It's been a long day, and I definitely need ssleep." Benjamin nodded in agreement, although there was a hint of reluctance in his expression. "Of course. Do you wantto stay?" Sophia furrowed her brow in surprise at his offer. "Stay?” she echoed, her confusion evident. “Like back in the day when we used to have slumber parties?" A nostalgic smile tugged at Benjamin's lips as he nodded. "Exactly like that." Sophia chuckled softly, the tension of the day momentarily forgotten. " Benjamin, back then I was afraid of the monster under the bed," she teased. " You don't need to stay." "I'm just worried," Benjamin began, his tone earnest. "It's a big house, and...

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"I'm a big girl, I'll handle it," Sophia reassured him, her voice gentle but firm. "You live next door, if something happens, you'll be the first to know." Reluctantly, Benjamin conceded, although his mood seemed to darken slightly. "That's right,” he conceded, his words tinged with disappointment.

"Okay, Sophia, then I wish you a good evening." Sophia offered him a grateful smile as she escorted him to the door, the weight of exhaustion heavy on her shoulders.

As Sophia watched Benjamin disappear into the night, a sudden realization struck her like a bolt of lightning. Her phone! She still hadn't called Alexander. He might worry, she thought. She frantically searched the nearby surfaces.

"Where is it?" she muttered to herself. "I could have sworn I had it earlier..." As Sophia scoured every nook and cranny of the house, her growing sense of unease intensified with each passing moment. Despite her thorough efforts, her phone remained elusive, nowhere to be found.

"I had to ask Benjamin for his phone. Alexander must be worried now," she muttered, feeling a pang of guilt for not having contacted him yet.

Glancing at her watch, she realized it was getting late in the evening. She hesitated, not wanting to disturb Benjamin, who must surely be asleep by now.

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At that moment, a thought dawned on her. This was her grandfather's watch, a precious gift he had bestowed upon her. What if the watch held a clue to the safe? Sophia scolded herself once again for losing her phone. Now she would have to wait until morning to do something about it.

Remembering that she had left the watch case in her apartment, Sophia couldn't shake the feeling of a missed opportunity. Perhaps there was a clue hidden within the case that could lead her to the elusive key.

Nervous and tired, she made her way up to her old bedroom. As she settled into bed, she couldn't help but imagine returning with Alexander one day, sharing stories of her childhood and the secrets hidden within the walls of her grandfather's house.

As the night wore on, Alexander's anxiety only intensified. He had been trying to reach Sophia for hours, his calls going unanswered and his messages left unread. Each unanswered call only served to fuel his growing sense of unease, a gnawing fear that something was terribly wrong.

Already in bed, Alexander decided to try to call her one last time.

Benjamin's smirk widened as he watched Alexander's nflash on Sophia's phone screen. With a mischievous gleam in his eyes, he answered the call, relishing the opportunity to play with Alexander's emotions.

"Hello?" Benjamin's voice was smooth, laced with a hint of amusement as he spoke into the phone. "Benjamin, is that you?" Alexander's voice was filled with anger. "Benjamin, where the hell is Sophia? Why isn't she answering her phone?" Benjamin's response was casual, almost mocking. “Oh, Alex, she's busy right now. Can't talk. Maybe later." Alexander's temper flared at the dismissive tone. "Listen to me, Benjamin. This is serious. Sophia hasn't contactedall day, and now her phone goes straight to voicemail. Where is she?”