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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha

Chapter 25
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It’s not a date, it’s not a date, it’s not a date.

I’ve been repeating the same thought over and over again. I know Sinclair is only taking me out tonight

because l fell to complete pieces this afternoon. I’m still kicking myself, totally ashamed of my

weakness and determined to prove myself to him after all. I spent the better part of an hour picking out

my dress for tonight, eventually deciding on a little black dress that shows off my figure and makes me

feel strong and s3xy, nothing like my usual self.

I wrap a heavy winter coat around my body after Sinclair’s makeup artists and hairdressers finish

making me up, sliding on a pair of strappy stilettos and taking a few deep breaths before heading

downstairs. Sinclair is waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, his emerald gaze raking up my bare

legs and lingering on my coat, as if he’s tempted to unwrap it and get a preview of what’s underneath.

It’s amazing how overheated he can make me feel from a single glance – he’s already seen me n*ked,

and it’s not as if there’s any true feeling behind it anyway.

“Ready?” He asks, his deep voice making my heart stop for just a few beats.

I nod shyly, and let him quide me out the door with a hand on the small of my back. However as soon

as ! take a step outside, I find myself backing into Sinclair’s protective shelter. A sea of reporters is

gathered just outside the estate’s gates, cameras flashing and voices raised in shouts for our attention.

It’s precisely like the scene which had awaited us outside the King’s palace, only this is a random

Tuesday evening – at the place l’m gradually beginning to think of as home.

“Dominic?” I squeak.

“It’s okay,” His lips brush my ear as he tucks me under his arm, “your interview aired this evening, that’s

all. Early feedback would indicate you’re a hit.”

“You mean, they’re here because of me?” I whisper, praying I can walk gracefully in my heels, and that

Sinclair will catch me if I start to fall flat on my face.

“That’s right.” He grins, waving at the reporters. “If you feel nervous just take a deep breath, and

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remember it will all be over in a few seconds.”

I do as he advises, and sure enough the next thing I know, I’m safely ensconced in the back seat of his

limousine. “Do you ever get used to it?” I ask shakily.

“No.” Sinclair admits, “but it gets easier.”

“So are you going to tell me where we’re headed, or is it another surprise?” I guess, trying not to sound

too petulant.

“This time l’ll tell you.” Sinclair conceded, in a tone that sounded as though this was a grave sacrifice. “I

think you’ve had a hard enough day already.”

“Thank you.” I note primly, gazing at him expectantly.

The corner of his mouth tilts upwards, “It’s just so tempting.”

“Dominic!” I exclaim in exasperation.

He laughs. “Okay, okay. We’re going to a little French restaurant I know, and afterwards we’ll go

dancing at a popular shifter club.”

I find myself practically bursting with curiosity. “Is shifter food very different from human food? Do

shifters have their own dance styles?”

Sinclair smiles, and I suddenly wish l’d chosen to sit beside him, rather than across the car. “We eat

more red meat than humans – rarer steaks too – but otherwise it’s not so different.” A low rumble,

somewhere between a purr and a growl sounds in his chest. “And our dancing can be a bit more…

Sensual, but don’t worry, I’m looking forward to teaching you.”

Oh god. His intense focus and scintillating tone has my body heating up like a bonfire, and I have to

squeeze my th!ghs together to relieve the sudden ache at their center. It’s not a real date, it’s not a real

date, it’s not a real date.

To my dismay, the reporters have followed us to the restaurant, and they’re waiting when Sinclair helps

me from the car. Their cameras are still flashing when the hostess helps me out of my coat, capturing

images through the glass of my slinky black dress and Sinclair’s ravenous expression when he takes in

the sight. It speaks volumes that despite their blatant observation, all l could focus on in that moment

was Sinclair, and his glowing green eyes.

Before I know it he’s pulled me into his arms and is claiming my mouth in an earth-shattering k!ss. I’m

sure it’s only for the benefit of the cameras, but I melt against him immediately, letting him ravish me for

all to see. My heart is hammering so powerfully when he finally releases me that l almost don’t hear

him tell me how incredible l look.

I’m in a complete daze as he guides me to the back of the restaurant, trying to recall if I’ve ever felt so

overpowered by lust. I’m a grown woman who’s had a healthy s3x-life, but ‘ll can’t ever recall feeling as

though I’ll die if someone doesn’t make love to me in the next five minutes. But that’s exactly how I feel


“Ella?” Sincláir’s voice drags me back into the present, and I realize more time has passed than I

realize. We’re seated at the table, and a waitress is standing beside him, watching me with an

expectant smile. “Something to drink?”

“Just water.” I manage huskily, trying to pull myself together.

“You still with me?” Sinclair teases a moment later.

I’m beginning to wonder if werewolf pheromones are extra powerful on humans, the more time I spend

with this man, the more I feel like I’m being drugged by desire.

“Mhmm,” I murmur, my voice much higher thank intended. “Do you have any recommendations?”

I was talking about the menu, but Sinclair’s sultry reply comes back, “l always recommend sitting side

by side, rather than across from one another.”

“I don’t know.” I answer coyly, “It’s awfully warm in here, I wouldn’t want to overheat.”

“You do look a bit flushed.” Sinclair observes, should I have them turn up the air conditioning?”

“Then I’lI be cold.”l argue.

Sinclair arches a brow, “then you’d better come over here so l can keep you warm.” It wasn’t a request.

I rise from my chair and circle the table, sliding into the booth next to Sinclair even as he signals the

waitress to lower the temperature in the room. He slides an arm around me and purrs with

contentment. “There, much better.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Maybe for him, I’m squirming in my seat, painfully aware of the wetness pooling between my legs. In

hindsight, I can’t even begin to follow the circular logic that brought us here – but I’m not complaining. I

feel safe being so close to Sinclair, and the butterflies in my belly are fluttering out of control. it’s not a

date, it’s not a date, it’s not a date.

Of course it only gets worse as the night progresses. Our intimate dinner turns into him hand feeding

me dessert, then leading me around a darkened dance floor with our bodies pressed flush together,

whirling through unfamiliar, infinitely sedvctive steps.

I haven’t had a drop of alcohol given my condition, but I feel completely drunk on Sinclair. The evening

flashes before my eyes, and l spiral into my desire: my world reduces to the feeling of his body moving

against mine, his hands gliding over my wa!st and h!ps.

It’s a good thing Sinclair is so intimidating or I might have tried to make a move, and I’m not sure l could

survive getting involved with this powerful wolf. My body might want him, but when my senses return I’ll

remember how completely mismatched we are. We could never be together, and indulging my physical

desires can only lead to disaster.

I’m slowly beginning to suspect that Sinclair isn’t completely immune to me, but I know it could never

be more than physical attraction on his part, and l’m not the sort of woman who can handle casual s*x.

I know l’ll catch feelings sooner or later, and then I’ll get my heart broken. Sinclair could never want me

as more than an amusing distraction or plaything and more importantly,

I’m carrying his child. I have to be able to get along with him for the rest of my life, and I know l’m not

what he wants.

I fall asleep tossing and turning, until Sinclair loses his patience and pulls my body to his, spooning me

and purring until I drift off. We went to bed late, but I wake up when it’s still dark out, a sense of dread

flooding my form.

Something is wrong.

There’s wetness between my legs, but not the slick desire that tormented me earlier. I reach down and

when I withdraw my fingers again, they’re stained with sticky, red, blood.

Trying not to panic, I shake Sinclair awake. He gr0ans and opens his eyes to slits, mumbling blearily.

“Sinclair, something’s wrong!” I murmur frantically.”

I’m bleeding. I think… I think lI might be having a miscarriage.”