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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38 Estrella bolted upright in her bed and slapped the bedside lamp switch with a swift motion.

It was Jason sitting on the couch. Estrella sighed with relief at first, but then her brows knitted in annoyance. “It’s late at night. Why are you staring athere instead of sleeping? And didn’t you bring Serene home? Just leaving her hanging like that? Is this your idea of getting things done, Jason?” Yawning and with a hint of disdain, she grumbled, “Get back over there, will you? Don’t SO stand around here like skind of guardian statue.” It was really late now. If he was not going to sleep, at least he should let others sleep. Having said her piece, Estrella was about to lie back down when Jason's icy tone stopped her cold. “Go ahead and sleep if you dare, Estrella.” Her back, which had just started to curve back down onto the mattress, straightened again as she looked up at Jason. “What on earth are you up to now, Jason? Can't a girl -get ssleep around here?” Jason bit back, “You think you can sleep?” Serene was here, but Estrelle still had the mood to sleep. Seriously? “I can sleep just fine!” Estrella retorted as she peered at Jason with half-closed eyes. “Can't you?” She prodded further, “Haven't sweet-talked her yet?” “Jason, no offense, but you really need to work on that temper of yours. Money and power don't give you the right to expect everything to revolve around you. Everyone has their limits. If you don’t head back to Serene now, by sunrise you'll be out of luck. Women are easy to appease. If sweet nothings don’t do the trick, just go for angry sex. It will work.” [x] With another yawn, she lazily advised, “I've given you a tip. Now go and mull it over.” As Estrella reached to turn off the light, Jason’s arm shot out, grabbing her wrist. She looked up at him and he stepped closer, bending down to her level. “Estrella, are you teachinghow to woo you?” She couldn't help but chuckle. “Jason, that’s a bit funny, isn't it? I'm usually the one who has to woo you. Enough with the chit-chat. If you don’t go back soon, the sun will rise. If Serene really gets angry, there will be nothing you can do. Not all women are as forgiving as | am.” All Estrella wanted now was to sleep and for Jason to take a hike.

“So you're eager forto make things right with her?” 1/4 12:47 Chapter 38 She brushed off his hand. “Of course. I'll be the one setting off the fireworks when you two tie the knot.” After saying that, she flopped back onto the bed.

Jason, struck by her words, felt a storm brewing inside. “Estrella, if you really fall asleep, you'll face the consequences.” “Fine! Go ahead and light a fire under me!” Estrella pulled the covers over herself, done with any further conversation. She just wanted to sleep.

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Jason kicked her playfully in the rear, but Estrella merely tightened her grip on the blanket, not even opening her eyes. “Move over a bit,” Jason grumbled.

Estrella didn’t move.

Frustrated, Jason stripped off his clothes and lay down beside her, reaching for her blanket.

Estrella, squinting, warned him, “Really? Don’t makeunleash the slut within.” “Go ahead. Show me,” Jason teased.

Estrella was too exhausted to argue, so she just moved closer to the center of the bed, murmuring, “Jason, consider this your final warning. If you steal my blanket or touchagain, I'll be stuck to you like glue, and you'll never get rid of me.” Jason chuckled and curled up under the covers, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

Estrella couldn't fathom his intentions. Every tshe tried to back off, he shamelessly closed the gap. When Jason’s hand found its way to her chest, Estrella’s sleepiness was almost shattered by irritation. “Touching costs a million.” Jason didn’t hesitate and began caressing her. The man had nothing but money.

Estrella didn’t even know what to say. She grabbed his hand. “You've really lost all shame, haven't you?” She slapped his hand away, exasperated. “I'm genuinely tired. Leavealone.” When Estrella claimed to be sleepy, Jason finally stopped bothering her. After a while, he whispered in her ear, “Estrella, let's talk.” There was no response from her. Jason rolled her over to find her softly snoring. She was completely unbothered.

Switching off the lights, Jason wrapped his arms around her and followed her into sleep.

Neither of them slept in their own comfortable room, and they instead on squeezing into the guest room. This was so ridiculous.

“Ms. Estrella, the ladies are here.” A servant's voice jolted Estrella from her dream of 2/4 12-47 Chapter 38 winning a lawsuit celebration.

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Rubbing her forehead, she asked, “Who's here?” “The mothers, Ms. Estrella. Your mother and Mr. Jason’s mother.” Estrella groaned internally. What kind of early morning assembly was this? Yawning, she remembered Jason had cover last night and had taken advantage of her. “Ask them to wait a moment, please.” Before she could finish, Kristin and Autumn barged in. “Estrella.” Estrella addressed both women with a scratch of her head.

Kristin demanded, “Where's Jason?” Estrella glanced around the room. “Jason? He should be at work.” As she spoke, Jason emerged from the shower. “Mom, what brings you here?” Seeing Jason, Kristin's anger flared. “It’s your mess that’s brought us here. You brat, I'm gonna deal with you.” After scolding Jason, she turned to Autumn with an apologetic smile. “Dear, lethave a word with Jason.

Perhaps you could have a chat with Estrella.” Kristin had been roused by an early call from Thomas, who ranted about Jason's idea of divorcing Estrella for Serene and taking her back to Sandalwood Oasis. He claimed Estrella had agreed to the divorce.

Thomas even mentioned he had spent the entire evening trying to reason with Jason, but Jason refused to listen.

Thomas ended up getting sent off to build the elementary schools with Bryce.

When Kristin heard Thomas’ complaint, her mind practically exploded. She immediately called Autumn, starting off with a flurry of apologies before asking her to cover and help mediate the situation.

Autumn listened to Kristin's request and solemnly nodded, “Sure thing, Kristin. I'll take care of Estrella.” They only thought about the couple’s arguing and getting divorced. Neither of them. realized that Jason and Estrella had actually slept in the sroom the night before.

Kristin dragged Jason to the study and, grabbing a feather duster nearby, started to beat him with it. “You little brat, have you lost your mind? It’s not enough for you to go flirting. around town, and you have the nerve to bring someone into our home?” “Nelsons have been good-for-nothings for generations, but you've taken the cake!” Jason raised his hands defensively. “Mom, do you even know the whole story?” 3/4 12:47 Chapter 38 After landing a few more hits with the feather duster, Kristin put her hands on her waist and retorted, “You're asking if | know the whole story? Fine, let's lay it all out. Did you or did you not bring someone back here?” Jason remained silent.

Kristin pressed on, “And is it or is it not true that you refuse to have kids?” 12:48