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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 33
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Chapter 33

Back in the day, Estrella used to caround with a smile on her face, always seeking out his company. But this

time, when Jason made the effort to visit her at the Dorvold family residence, she had dropped her usual antics.

Jason couldn't accept the stark contrast. He felt played, as if Estrella treated him as skind of fool, amusing

herself with him when she was in good spirits and leaving him alone when she wasn't.

Suddenly, Jason realized something. Although Estrella was always the one initiating things, control never really

seemed to be in his hands. It was always hers. She called the shots, acting on a whim.

A laugh escaped Estrella as she said, “What? | was nice to you once and now I've got to be nice forever? What

about my dignity?”

Jason's anger got the best of him, and gripping the back of her neck, he yanked her toward him. “Being with me

means you've got no dignity?”

at her neck stung, and Estrella looked up at him. “Jason, this isn’t fun anymor

The tug she said. Then she added, “Let go.”

It wasn’t like she ever had any dignity in his eyes anyway.

Jason's grip didn’t loosen, and his eyes were ablaze with fury. After struggling in vain to break free, Estrella

locked eyes with him and said, “Don’t forget, Jason, that it was your father who cto my family to arrange our

marriage, and you were the one who agreed to it. Don’t act like | owe you anything.”

“If you feel...” She was cut off mid-sentence as Jason pulled her into his arms and silenced her with a kiss, which

was furious and passionate. It seemed he didn’t want to hear what she was about to say.

When the angry kiss ended, Estrella’s lips were swollen. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as Jason

turned away, changed clothes, and left the room without a backward glance.

Left alone in the room, Estrella seethed with frustration. She couldn’t understand why it always seemed to be her

fault, even when he spent the holidays with other women?

Exhausted, she slumped back into her chair. Then, as if on cue, the door flew open, and Autumn breezed in

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asking, “Estrella, | thought | heard something. Everything okay?”

Glancing around, she added, “Where's Jason?”

Estrella quickly masked her feelings and said nonchalantly, “He stepped out for some

work stuff.”

Autumn moved further into the room. “Everyone’s so busy, even during the holidays.”



They chatted for a bit, and Autumn eventually used, “But you know, Jason’s been better this year. At least he’s

around for a meal”

Suppressing a yawn, Estrella replied, “Mom, it's nearly midnight. You should head to bed.”

Autumn got up. “Alright, I'm off to rest. But dont be too hard on Jason. He's busy with work.”

“I know,” Estrella responded.

After two years of marriage, she was used to it. by now.

, she’d have driven herself mad

Once Autumn left, Estrella closed the door and let out a long sigh. Over the next few days, she didn’t bother

going back to Sandalwood Oasis, choosing Instead to spend twith her parents.

One afternoon, shortly after Estrella’s waking from a nap, Kristin called. “Estrella, you haven't been home


While pouring a glass of water, Estrella replied, “Yeah, I'm at my parents’, spending stwith them.”

“That explains it,” Kristin said. “I just stopped by, and Marie mentioned you weren't home.”

Before Estrella could respond, Kristin asked, “So, when are you planning to return to Sandalwood Oasis?”

“After dinner,” Estrella said.

Kristin didn’t need to explain, and Estrella knew this call was urging her to return. In fact, even if she hadn't

made the call, Estrella would have cback anyway, because Autumn had been nagging her these past few


Kristin seemed to relax with that answer, and after a brief chat, they ended the call.

True to her word, Estrella drove back after dinner.

“Ms. Estrella, welcback!” greeted Marie.

“Yeah,” Estrella replied. Her tone was casual as she changed her shoes. The festively decorated house was still


Marie, trying to lift the mood, whispered, “Mr. Jason has been hthese past few days, even cback early


Estrella remarked dryly, “That's a surprise.” Kristin called to ask when she was coming back, just because Jason

was halone.

After chatting with Marie downstairs for a bit, Estrella went upstairs uninterestedly. In the past, she would have

eagerly gone upstairs to tease Jason, but today, she had no interest at all.



Her lack of enthusiasm for Jason’s presence didn’t go unnoticed by Marie, who murmured, “Ms. Estrella doesn’t

seem too thrilled today”

A moment later, Estrella entered the bedroom to find Jason emerging from the bathroom after a shower. This

time, without her usual cheerful greeting, Jason felt an unpleasant twinge. They had their squabbles before, but

Estrella never held a grudge. Things would go back to normal the next day.

Sitting quietly on the bed, Estrella didn’t say a word. She turned on her laptop and started working, ignoring

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Jason completely. Usually, it was Estrella who broke the silence, but now, with her staying quiet, Jason’s pride

prevented him from speaking up.

As Estrella was reviewing case files, her phone suddenly rang. It was Korey. With a smile, she answered, “Hey,

Korey.” Her voice was as confident and commanding as ever.

Jason, overhearing the familiar name, perked up and watched Estrella as she stood up and walked over to the

floor-to-ceiling windows, seemingly oblivious to his gaze.

On the other end of the line, Korey said, “Estrella, I've got a situation with sconstruction workers’ wages and

contract payments. You up for it?”

“Absolutely! I'm pretty solid on labor law,” Estrella replied.

Estrella had a firm grasp of the legal disciplines she'd studied, but international law was her true passion and

favorite field.

“Alright, I'll give you the rundown,” Korey said, proceeding to outline the case for Estrella before instructing his

secretary to send the relevant documents to her email.

The issue wasn’t directly related to Korey’s usual workload. Yesterday, as he was leaving the government

building, his car had been blocked by a group of construction workers, who claimed they hadn't been paid their

wages and contract fees. Korey thought maybe Estrella could handle it through legal channels.

After Estrella’s hanging up with Korey, Jason finally broke his silence. His voice was tinged with a chilly

undertone. “The mayor himself can’t find a lawyer and has to reach out to you, Estrella?”

Couldn't Korey’s secretary just make a call? Then the construction site boss would rush to settle the wages and

payments without Estrella’s needing to step in?

Estrella chuckled, “What can | say? | guess I'm just the nearest lawyer to him.”

Jason was not convinced and set down the book he was holding. Before he could articulate his thoughts, Estrella

cut in. “Jason, haven't done anything to provoke you tonight. | haven't even breathed loudly, so please, no

picking fights.”
