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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38

After Haze left, the atmosphere became calm again.

“If there’s nothing else,” said Renee to Stefan, “then I’m leaving now.”

After all, she had performed the obligatory public display of affection, and even Haze had left. There

was simply no reason for her to remain at H Group

“Free up your evening.” Stefan ordered as he sat at his office table, burying himself in his work.

Renee was extremely irritated by the authoritative air he exuded, as if he was ordering her around.

“What for?” She growled.

Stefan did not answer her. Instead, he opened a drawer and took out a beautiful gift box. He handed it

to Renee and said, “Be at the banquet hall on the first floor of the Cosmopolitan Hotel this evening, at

eight o’clock sharp. Make sure to dress well.”

“What’s this? You’re giving me a present? Renee found it so surprising that she wondered if the sun

was going to rise in the west tomorrow.

Unable to stifle her curiosity, she opened up the present Inside, she found a silvery dress that looked

extremely expensive, but was overly modest in style.

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At first, Renee was about to give Stefan a piece of her mind about it, but an idea suddenly popped up

in her mind. A sly smile appeared on her face.

“Okay, I’ll be there right on time.”

That evening at eight o’clock, the open-air parking lot of the Cosmopolitan Hotel looked like a luxury car

show, as the place was littered with all kinds of luxury cars.

It was the annual Beach City Charity Gala Dinner, where dignitaries and celebrities from all over the

country, and even from abroad, gathered once every year.

Renee had just arrived by taxi. She was wearing a drab brown windbreaker and her hair was casually

tied up in a messy bun. Her appearance was a stark contrast to the other ladies around her who were

all dolled up in glamorous dresses.

Unsurprisingly, she was stopped by the security guard when she was about to enter.

“Show me your invitation card,” the guard demanded.

“I don’t have one,” she replied honestly.

“Then get the hell out of here. This is an exclusive event, so you can’t just barge in here.”

The security guard probably did not watch the news much, which was why he had no idea that Renee

was the wife of Beach City’s most distinguished VIP, Stefan Hunt.

Or at least, she still was… for now.

Just as Renee was about to explain herself, she was interrupted by the sound of a red Ferrari supercar

screeching to a halt in the parking lot. Out stepped Stefan’s cousin, Charlotte Milford, clad in a pink

gown. and looking like a proud peacock.

She was accompanied by her new boyfriend, Micah Larson, as well as… Briar Desrosiers.

“Be careful, Bri. Don’t forget that you’ve got my cousin’s baby in your belly!” In contrast to her usual

bratty demeanor, Charlotte gently held Briar’s arm as they walked, displaying genuine concern and

affection for

the pregnant woman.

“Everheart?” Charlotte’s smile faded as soon as she recognized Renee at the entrance. “What are you

doing in a place like this?”

Ever since Renee married Stefan four years ago, she had never gotten along with Charlotte. To be

more accurate, it was Charlotte’s one-sided animosity towards Renee that caused the rift. She would

jump on any chance to mock Renee, and on occasion, would even resort to physical violence.

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*Renee replied nonchalantly, “I’m here for the gala dinner, of course”

“You?” Charlotte scoffed as she glared at Renee spitefully. “You’re attending the dinner? A leech like

you who’s only managed to survive till now by sucking the blood of the Hunt family, who ended up

becoming the unwanted wife who’ll soon be discarded, has no place at an event like this!”

“Charlotte,” Briar intervened soothingly, “don’t be so harsh on her. At the end of the day, she is still your

former cousin-in-law, and you’re younger than her, so you should be more polite to her.”

“Polite?!” Charlotte spat. “Stefan is going to get rid of her soon, so there’s no need to be polite to her!”

The security guard was no idiot, and realized from the women’s conversation who Renee really was.

“Excuse me,” he said, “are you actually Mrs. Hunt, Mr. Stefan Hunt’s wife?”

“She used to be,” Charlotte immediately said before Renee had a chance to answer the question. “But

not anymore! Now she’s just a woman that my cousin kicked out of his house! You don’t have to be so

polite to a woman like her! Hahahaha!”

“It sure looks like being Mrs. Hunt comes with a lot of perks,” Renee sneered. “In that case, I think I

won’t be getting a divorce anymore. Besides, in the period before the divorce is finalized, if either the

husband or the wife wishes to cancel the divorce, the divorce will be declared invalid. And if I remain

Mrs. Hunt, we’ll still be in-laws too! Isn’t that just great?”

Both Charlotte and Briar were horrified by the words that left Renee’s mouth.